(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

aaroncsmall2 said:
New Pokemon?:


It looks crazy and I love it. Fat Blue Flower Raccoon!

AHAHAHAHA! That looks... cool... I guess... I'm so glad I didn't go to bed yet (12:50 AM over here), as MAYBE more scans will be leaked (if this one is real)! I sure hope we get more soon (though it will probably be about 3:00 AM before I actually go to bed!) :)
Timeshift said:
AHAHAHAHA! That looks... cool... I guess... I'm so glad I didn't go to bed yet (12:50 AM over here), as MAYBE more scans will be leaked (if this one is real)! I sure hope we get more soon (though it will probably be about 3:00 AM before I actually go to bed!) :)
it's 3:00 AM here and I wanna go to bed ,but don't wanna miss new scans !!:D
aaroncsmall2 said:
2chan and 4chan = 2ch and 4ch.

2chan is the japanese version of 4chan.
Thanks every1 kept saying it and i was confused because i dint know what it was lol
.___. It's going to eat me in my sleep, I know it.....the sad part is, after staring at those scans for so long, I can tell it has the same layout pattern as all of the others. It might just be real.

I will try to get over my extreme snap judgement terror of it as long as it stays away from the evolutionary line of my precious Mijumaru (if it is the final.....I'll wait to see typings).
Kitana Coldfire said:
.___. It's going to eat me in my sleep, I know it...the sad part is, after staring at those scans for so long, I can tell it has the same layout pattern as all of the others. It might just be real.

I will try to get over my extreme snap judgement terror of it as long as it stays away from the evolutionary line of my precious Mijumaru (if it is the final...I'll wait to see typings).

lol i doubt it has anything to do with mijumaru
it dosent even look like it and it dosent look like a water type
Kitana Coldfire said:
.___. It's going to eat me in my sleep, I know it...the sad part is, after staring at those scans for so long, I can tell it has the same layout pattern as all of the others. It might just be real.

I will try to get over my extreme snap judgement terror of it as long as it stays away from the evolutionary line of my precious Mijumaru (if it is the final...I'll wait to see typings).

Why would an otter turn into a Tanuki?
Timeshift said:
AHAHAHAHA! That looks... cool... I guess... I'm so glad I didn't go to bed yet (12:50 AM over here), as MAYBE more scans will be leaked (if this one is real)! I sure hope we get more soon (though it will probably be about 3:00 AM before I actually go to bed!) :)


HEY! Thats Team Plasma's Signature Pokemon Probaly, because look at the top right cornor and you;ll see the place where you and Belle meet up with team Plasma grunts! :p

aaroncsmall2 said:
Why would an otter turn into a Tanuki?

....I have no idea. I just realized that myself, I think its that half-shell fringe thing on its neck that made me think that.

I think all the Luvdisc evo arguements have messed with my brain, disregard that very strange Mijumaru talk. ><
It LOOKS like a fat(ter) version of Snorlax XD, but before anyone says anything, I KNOW it has nothing to do with Snorlax :) (though it did make me laugh when I first saw it XD)
Timeshift said:
It LOOKS like a fat(ter) version of Snorlax XD, but before anyone says anything, I KNOW it has nothing to do with Snorlax :) (though it did make me laugh when I first saw it XD)

Just thinking it for fun but some majician gave a cursed item to snorlax and it turned to this thing :p
Issues with it, time to be skeptical :D

First off, it's hosted from Photobucket. :3

Secondly, why would a brand new pokemon be shown with old scans? They'd more than likely not use that screenshot of in that building, since we've already seen it in a different issue.

Uh, I dont read Japanese, so I can't speculate that, and even though someone from the internet's biggest trolling site say's its from 2ch, doesn't mean it is.

Now, of course, it could very well be real, but I think people are just hyped up and ready for new pokes so they'll accept anything. I mean, if it were real, WPM, Serebii, and other webmasters would probably have atleast mentioned it. =/
Redneck said:
Issues with it, time to be skeptical :D

First off, it's hosted from Photobucket. :3

Secondly, why would a brand new pokemon be shown with old scans? They'd more than likely not use that screenshot of in that building, since we've already seen it in a different issue.

Uh, I don't read Japanese, so I can't speculate that, and even though someone from the internet's biggest trolling site say's its from 2ch, doesn't mean it is.

Now, of course, it could very well be real, but I think people are just hyped up and ready for new pokes so they'll accept anything. I mean, if it were real, WPM, Serebii, and other webmasters would probably have atleast mentioned it. =/

Its hosted from Photobucket because I saved it from another site so I could save it here. The site that found this image and posted it said it was from 4chan, but posting images from the site that i got this image from is against the rules.

Some people think it could be from a blog and the blog writer only said it was from 2chan so he could prove they were real.
aaroncsmall2 said:
Its hosted from Photobucket because I saved it from another site so I could save it here. The site that found this image and posted it said it was from 4chan, but posting images from the site that i got this image from is against the rules.

Some people think it could be from a blog and the blog writer only said it was from 2chan so he could prove they were real.
Was there more 'scans'?