(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

Timeshift said:
Exactly! There are thousands of new pokemon (not literally) that, as of yet, have not made a single appearance in CoroCoro. I'm talking about pokemon such as Hatoopoo, Desukan, Denchura, starter evos, Emonga, plant-thing and Hihidaruma prevo just to name a few. Yet none of them were shown on the full page we've seen. Plus all the things you mentioned above seem(ed) HIGHLY likely to appear in this master document!

To be exact, we got 19 full pages of info last time. Seeing as we're just over a month away from the game release and they sent out CoroCoro early (probably for this specific reason), this is too little information to be stacked up to even a regular CoroCoro leak.

Incidently, shouldn't we be getting starter evo information about this time? Some people base their starter choice solely on their evolutions, so now would be a good time to reveal that information, not a week before the games come out (as the normal CoroCoro schedule leaks would place them in timeline). Edited addition to thought: Yes, I realize that the Gen IV starters weren't revealed until just about a month prior to game release, but seeing as the gen V's came out WAY earlier than that and two have had their second forms leaked already, I don't think we can compare their release to gen IV's, with this reboot-esqe feel and all.

We are missing a great deal of information, and the lack of anything Team Plasma makes me certain that something is going on with these leaks.

Also, would the Monday mail starting to run in a few hours have an impact on the flow of leaks?
I like all the new pokemon.
except for that plant thing with the face.

and i wonder what kind of gym dento will have?
Also, Herbivore seems like a stupid ability on a grass type. Who's going to attack Shikijika with energy ball >_>
Quagsire has Water Absorb.
Electivire has Motor Drive.
Ninetails has Flash Fire.
ok i went outside for 5 hrs i come back and no new Info >< grrrr well it is 5:40 am in japan so maybe there still asleep lol
alypkm said:
don't be STUPID Mamambou is Luvdisc's evolution,having some difference is because the are design in two completely different times and generation,and that's the same thing happen with all pokemon having evolution in different generations,see this...

misdreavus and Mismagius compeletly different


and all of them,use your mind, how they will make TWO fish heart shape pokemon and they are not related to each other by evolution !!???
the answer is imposible

Well said. People who say Mamambo is not luvdic's evo are on drugs... It'd make no sense to make a second heart-fish if it isn't an evo...
Firemaker said:
Quagsire has Water Absorb.
Electivire has Motor Drive.
Ninetails has Flash Fire.

You're right, I'm dumb. I don't know what I was thinking xD

I didn't think of it like other abilities.

Although, Quagsire is neutral to water :p

But thank you ^^
alypkm said:
don't be STUPID Mamambou is Luvdisc's evolution,having some difference is because the are design in two completely different times and generation,and that's the same thing happen with all pokemon having evolution in different generations,see this...

misdreavus and Mismagius compeletly different


and all of them,use your mind, how they will make TWO fish heart shape pokemon and they are not related to each other by evolution !!???
the answer is imposible

This is true, but we have examples of the opposite. Arbok and Seviper are snakes, they are very similar, but unrelated. A lot of people thought that Gastrodon was Lapras' evolution.
My opinion is that I don't know if Mamambou is Luvdisc's evolution, and we will not be sure until an official source confirms it, so any discussion is pointless.
I'm very mad we better have new info before I go to sleep tonight!
Has anyone noticed that the leaks (this issue) are happening everyday at 4:00 AM PST time?
Very odd
Redneck said:
For those of you that say it "can't possibly be Luvdisc evo since we're doing fifth gen only",

Well, Mamambou IS a fifth gen poke.

When they said it'd be fifth gen only till after the dex, that just means no Zubats or Tentacools, it did NOT confirm that there would be "no (pre)evolutions of past pokemon".

Sorry, just wanted to clarify that.

And to put more of my two cents in, if Mamambou is NOT a luvdisc evo, then gamefreak has gone insane. We don't need two heart fish with mouths on the tips and eyes in the same spot D:

Also, Herbivore seems like a stupid ability on a grass type. Who's going to attack Shikijika with energy ball >_>

You could switch it in for Wifi just like people do with Water Absorb, Volt Absorb, Motor Drive and Flash Fire.
rockinpikachu said:
I'm very mad we better have new info before I go to sleep tonight!
Has anyone noticed that the leaks (this issue) are happening everyday at 4:00 AM PST time?
Very odd

I just now noticed that. I had a hunch that it had something to do with the time mail runs in Japan (4 AM in Los Angeles would be 8 PM in Tokyo), or that the weekend might have gotten the delivery schedule off a bit, but now that theory that someone is deliberately leaking the info in waves is seeming more and more plausible.

Edited with new realization:

That picture of the mole, fish, and bug could have easily been taken in one shot. You can obviously tell they're on the same page, which leaves a full 1/4 of it unaccounted for. In addition, you can tell there's another pokemon directly below the mole from the blue edging around it. Only the pokemon on that page have that kind of soft blue edging around them, and it isn't coming from the fish or bug-- the fish is plainly below the bug, and part of the bug's battle screenshot overlaps into the mole's picture. It may be the swan, but why wouldn't they just send that picture along as well? Regardless, a pokemon has been cropped from that page.
Redneck said:
You're right, I'm dumb. I don't know what I was thinking xD

I didn't think of it like other abilities.

Although, Quagsire is neutral to water :p

But thank you ^^
aaroncsmall2 said:
You could switch it in for Wifi just like people do with Water Absorb, Volt Absorb, Motor Drive and Flash Fire.

Yeah, thanks. I posted that before I thought it through, blonde moment I guess XD

That 4:00 am thing could just be the site being silly with wpm's updates, btw.
I just compared that "Master Document" with the cropped bit. It looks like whoever took the picture might have cropped Miruhoggu from it (the white could be the tuft of fur at the end of the tail), but still it makes me curious as to why they wouldn't have sent that section as well. We already knew about it, and they can obviously take a full-page picture without a problem......odd.
Well I dunno how much it could point out, but have you noticed the "shadow" on the Dento art?


Its green... which people may be like this: "Oh its green, how is that special?"
Then you should at Aloes art


Its red! Many people, including me, have guessed her being a Fire Gym Leader (do to her being a chef (at least it looks like one) in her restaurant-gym)
Maybe Dento is a Grass type leader and Aloe is Fire? :b

Also... there is a red "shadow" around Aloes artwork on the CoroCoro scan.. :b
Mucrush said:
Well I dunno how much it could point out, but have you noticed the "shadow" on the Dento art?


Its green... which people may be like this: "Oh its green, how is that special?"
Then you should at Aloes art


Its red! Many people, including me, have guessed her being a Fire Gym Leader (do to her being a chef (at least it looks like one) in her restaurant-gym)
Maybe Dento is a Grass type leader and Aloe is Fire? :b

Also... there is a red "shadow" around Aloes artwork on the CoroCoro scan.. :b
Oh that makes a lot of sense maybe thats why Dento's hair is green also but im not sure why both of them work in restaurants
I noticed that, but I'm reserving my judgement about leader types for now. The shadows could just be to complement their outfits. After all, not EVERY leader's outfit color coordinates with their gym types-- Roxanne, Norman, Whitney, Falkner, Lt. Surge-- their outfits and color palates don't automatically scream their gym types (heck, Falkner looks like he could have easily been a fighting-type gym leader). Their names usually give away the most information about their gym typings, at least in my observations they have.
EVERYONE STOP, CALM DOWN! Okay listen, Mamanbou, Kurumiru, Swana, Miruhoggu, Gigaisu, Moguryu, and Shikijika, are just 7 of the many pokemon to be revealed in this CoroCoro. It's just the beginning of the leaks, they will have more they said TONS of NEW pokemon, 7 in my book (and dictionary..) isn't TONS. 20-30 in my books (and yes in my dictionary) is TONS. So we still have more pokes to uncover in the next few days, this is bascially just a RECAP of the other pokes released in previous issues of the magazine.
what if all the gym leaders ended up being some kind of restauraunt people. like chef, waiter, ect...,
PokemonFreak44 said:
EVERYONE STOP, CALM DOWN! Okay listen, Mamanbou, Kurumiru, Swana, Miruhoggu, Gigaisu, Moguryu, and Shikijika, are just 7 of the many pokemon to be revealed in this CoroCoro. It's just the beginning of the leaks, they will have more they said TONS of NEW pokemon, 7 in my book (and dictionary..) isn't TONS. 20-30 in my books (and yes in my dictionary) is TONS. So we still have more pokes to uncover in the next few days, this is bascially just a RECAP of the other pokes released in previous issues of the magazine.

I hope your wright !!!1i need more Pokémon XD