(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

I'd actually enjoy a seasonal replacement of rock-climb more, especially if I was replaying the entire game through again with a custom team, such as all Eeveelutions and a flyer. I hated switching out my team just so I could RC my way through Victory Road, so if I didn't have to use an HM to get up somewhere I would be able to just walk to at a later date, it would be a huge plus -w-

(slightly off subject but pertaining to the new screenie of the Deer's winter form: Is that an actual battery meter I spy? If it is, I am offically in love with this game, I hate the innaccurate one on the DS >< )
Trainer4004 said:
I find it surprising that they have yet to mention hihidarumas prevo... That would be like showing gyrados without ever mentioning it evolved from magikarp...:/

Remember Lucario?
Riolu was revealed alongside the rest of the generation >_>
More scans please :/. I'm getting bored of waiting :p. There must be more pages if we've seen the snow and the boxart sections - they're on different pages. Plus I wouldn't call this a master document if there were only 3 pages! We get a LOT more in regular "isshus" ;).
Timeshift said:
More scans please :/. I'm getting bored of waiting :p. There must be more pages if we've seen the snow and the boxart sections - they're on different pages. Plus I wouldn't call this a master document if there were only 3 pages! We get a LOT more in regular "isshus" ;).

This time the leaker's have Isshu's!
maybe they loved the magazine so much they passed out before they could upload them! :O
Timeshift said:
More scans please :/. I'm getting bored of waiting :p. There must be more pages if we've seen the snow and the boxart sections - they're on different pages. Plus I wouldn't call this a master document if there were only 3 pages! We get a LOT more in regular "isshus" ;).

That snow Pic was from the demo not CoroCoro :3
Mucrush said:
That snow Pic was from the demo not CoroCoro :3

>.< *self-facepalm* Yeah I forgot that the snow pic was from the demo, but that boxart section was definitely from CoroCoro, and it was on a different page. So, hopefully we'll get more leaks soon! I hope there are some more before I go to bed, otherwise, if there are more leaks when I'm asleep, I'll miss out on the 'breaking news' :(.
It does seem rather odd for the scans to come out in such slow sections, doesn't it.....? Usually we'll have almost 6 or 7 full pages leaked by now, not just 2 full pages and little snippets of another few.

Perhaps the new CoroCoro has so much content it's taking this long to produce leaks of it?

Edit: Also, can someone please identify the poke next to Mamambou in the double battle? I for the life of me can't make out what it is, and it's starting to irk me ><
Maybe they are trying to release the scans a few bits a day to try and keep the buzz up for a longer peroid, because normally we are like: yay scans, next day... Yay clear scans, next day talking about new pokemon, then it dies down, but this way we have a bit more to talk about each time.
don't be STUPID Mamambou is Luvdisc's evolution,having some difference is because the are design in two completely different times and generation,and that's the same thing happen with all pokemon having evolution in different generations,see this...

misdreavus and Mismagius compeletly different


and all of them,use your mind, how they will make TWO fish heart shape pokemon and they are not related to each other by evolution !!???
the answer is imposible
Renjil12 said:
Maybe they are trying to release the scans a few bits a day to try and keep the buzz up for a longer peroid, because normally we are like: yay scans, next day... Yay clear scans, next day talking about new pokemon, then it dies down, but this way we have a bit more to talk about each time.

True, but if this is the master document, it should contain lots of pages and info, so even if the scans were leaked at the usual rate (or maybe slightly slower), the news would still be discussed for a lot longer. This is just too slow :(
Timeshift said:
True, but if this is the master document, it should contain lots of pages and info, so even if the scans were leaked at the usual rate (or maybe slightly slower), the news would still be discussed for a lot longer. This is just too slow :(

Ah true that, It is going at an unusually slow pace, so something must be up...
I am normally impatient but i thought this time there might be a lot of info to be released in one day so they would release it over a couple of days
Timeshift said:
True, but if this is the master document, it should contain lots of pages and info, so even if the scans were leaked at the usual rate (or maybe slightly slower), the news would still be discussed for a lot longer. This is just too slow :(

Yes, I agree with you on this. I believe that we were promised, what was the exact wording again? *looks it up*

Ah, yes, the "[...] 'Master Document,' which will contain new Pokemon as well as a ton of information about the games."

New pokes maybe to those who haven't seen the leaks, yes, but information on the boxart, two gym leaders, superficial info on a few towns, and some screenshots of seasons doesn't seem even close to being "a ton of information about the games" when compared to the massive amount we got last month.

Heck, CoroCoro hasn't even shown us the villian team yet, we got that art from a trailer and an out of context art leak. Something seems a bit off....
I still holding hope that Kurumiru will have a sort of luna moth final form.

I really like that it has swarm and Chlorophyll in it's early stage.

It being a caterpillar and being part grass, the ability herbivore would've done well too. Maybe in it's final who knows, b/c some pokemon change ability when they evolve.
Kitana Coldfire said:
Yes, I agree with you on this. I believe that we were promised, what was the exact wording again? *looks it up*

Ah, yes, the "[...] 'Master Document,' which will contain new Pokemon as well as a ton of information about the games."

New pokes maybe to those who haven't seen the leaks, yes, but information on the boxart, two gym leaders, superficial info on a few towns, and some screenshots of seasons doesn't seem even close to being "a ton of information about the games" when compared to the massive amount we got last month.

Heck, CoroCoro hasn't even shown us the villian team yet, we got that art from a trailer and an out of context art leak. Something seems a bit off...

Exactly! There are thousands of new pokemon (not literally) that, as of yet, have not made a single appearance in CoroCoro. I'm talking about pokemon such as Hatoopoo, Desukan, Denchura, starter evos, Emonga, plant-thing and Hihidaruma prevo just to name a few. Yet none of them were shown on the full page we've seen. Plus all the things you mentioned above seem(ed) HIGHLY likely to appear in this master document!
Timeshift said:
Exactly! There are thousands of new pokemon (not literally) that, as of yet, have not made a single appearance in CoroCoro. I'm talking about pokemon such as Hatoopoo, Desukan, Denchura, starter evos, Gigaisu, Emonga, plant-thing, Hihidaruma prevo and Miruhoggu just to name a few. Yet none of them were shown on the full page we've seen. Plus all the things you mentioned above seem(ed) HIGHLY likely to appear in this master document!

Gigaiasu and Miruhoggu are in the page with the ton of -mostly already leaked- pokemon, but not in high resolution, especially Miruhoggu since we've already seen Gigaiasu when Emonga was leaked.
For those of you that say it "can't possibly be Luvdisc evo since we're doing fifth gen only",

Well, Mamambou IS a fifth gen poke.

When they said it'd be fifth gen only till after the dex, that just means no Zubats or Tentacools, it did NOT confirm that there would be "no (pre)evolutions of past pokemon".

Sorry, just wanted to clarify that.

And to put more of my two cents in, if Mamambou is NOT a luvdisc evo, then gamefreak has gone insane. We don't need two heart fish with mouths on the tips and eyes in the same spot D:

Also, Herbivore seems like a stupid ability on a grass type. Who's going to attack Shikijika with energy ball >_>