(2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

PokemonFreak44 said:
EVERYONE STOP, CALM DOWN! Okay listen, Mamanbou, Kurumiru, Swana, Miruhoggu, Gigaisu, Moguryu, and Shikijika, are just 7 of the many pokemon to be revealed in this CoroCoro. It's just the beginning of the leaks, they will have more they said TONS of NEW pokemon, 7 in my book (and dictionary..) isn't TONS. 20-30 in my books (and yes in my dictionary) is TONS. So we still have more pokes to uncover in the next few days, this is bascially just a RECAP of the other pokes released in previous issues of the magazine.

*blink blink* We are calm, hon. We're all just noticing some peculiarities with the speed and content of the leaks. I took it a step further and made a few points about image cropping on one of the new pages, but I'm pretty sure we're all calm.

Highly impatient, but calm.
Mucrush said:
Well I dunno how much it could point out, but have you noticed the "shadow" on the Dento art?


Its green... which people may be like this: "Oh its green, how is that special?"
Then you should at Aloes art


Its red! Many people, including me, have guessed her being a Fire Gym Leader (do to her being a chef (at least it looks like one) in her restaurant-gym)
Maybe Dento is a Grass type leader and Aloe is Fire? :b

Also... there is a red "shadow" around Aloes artwork on the CoroCoro scan.. :b

This probably isn't great logic but...

If Dento the first gym leader does have grass types...
If Aloe the second gym leader does have fire types...

does that mean the third gym leader might have water types? It would go with the type order that the starters come in the pokedex...
ElectroKing23 said:
what if all the gym leaders ended up being some kind of restauraunt people. like chef, waiter, ect...,
I hope not. I always assumed being a gym leader was their career. Are they not getting enough pay?
Dizzard said:
This probably isn't great logic but...

If Dento the first gym leader does have grass types...
If Aloe the second gym leader does have fire types...

does that mean the third gym leader might have water types? It would go with the type order that the starters come in the pokedex...
That would be the lamest idea ever.

Aloe's color could represent Fighting too...
Kitana Coldfire said:
Yes, I agree with you on this. I believe that we were promised, what was the exact wording again? *looks it up*

Ah, yes, the "[...] 'Master Document,' which will contain new Pokemon as well as a ton of information about the games."

New pokes maybe to those who haven't seen the leaks, yes, but information on the boxart, two gym leaders, superficial info on a few towns, and some screenshots of seasons doesn't seem even close to being "a ton of information about the games" when compared to the massive amount we got last month.

Heck, CoroCoro hasn't even shown us the villian team yet, we got that art from a trailer and an out of context art leak. Something seems a bit off...

We'll they promised a lot of new Pokemon back in July. Technically there would have been 7 new Pokemon revealed this issue were it not for earlier leaks and scans. You can't blame CoroCoro for that.
Naomichi said:
This is true, but we have examples of the opposite. Arbok and Seviper are snakes, they are very similar, but unrelated. A lot of people thought that Gastrodon was Lapras' evolution.
My opinion is that I don't know if Mamambou is Luvdisc's evolution, and we will not be sure until an official source confirms it, so any discussion is pointless.
Ok, but arbock and seviper are COMPELETLY different the only similarity is that they are snakes and also arbok is cobra,seviper is viper snake !!,two different species of snake,but luvdisc and Mamambou are two heart shape fish pokemon why they will make two different pokemon with the same idea the same type and every thing but they are two separate species of pokemon !!??
it's not LOGIC..
mexx36 said:
We'll they promised a lot of new Pokemon back in July. Technically there would have been 7 new Pokemon revealed this issue were it not for earlier leaks and scans. You can't blame CoroCoro for that.

The pokemon are only secondary in that argument. Assuming that someone had not seen any leaks at all, these pokes would all be brand new; they held up that end of the description. Its the "tons of new information" part that has us all wondering where the rest of the scans are, because in comparison to last month's issue, this is a far cry from "ton's of new information".

The lack of information on the new villian team in the scans is my main concern, since we've only seen a little bit of them. I'm pretty sure if they're important enough to put in a game trailer, they should at least show up in the newest issue of CoroCoro.

Should have been clearer on that part, sorry.
Redneck said:
For those of you that say it "can't possibly be Luvdisc evo since we're doing fifth gen only",

Well, Mamambou IS a fifth gen poke.


Also, Herbivore seems like a stupid ability on a grass type. Who's going to attack Shikijika with energy ball >_>

Did you get Magmar or Electabuzz or Kirlia or anything like that pre-national dex in Diamond and Pearl? you got it in platinum, but not the first two. That's another possibility.

And for the ability, it's great for switching out your Swampert into Shikijika. You know that things getting E-balled. Switch-ins are the best bet for that ability.
Just like who's going to attack a Flareon with a fire move, or an Electivire with an electric move? I love switching sometimes :D
Everyone who says Mamambou is a Luvdisc Evo is Wrong. Mamambou is a Slugma Evolution! They look exactly the same. XD

Jokes aside, I just think that there should be a different thread to argue over this one Pokemon!
Cypher said:
Everyone who says Mamambou is a Luvdisc Evo is Wrong. Mamambou is a Slugma Evolution! They look exactly the same. XD

Jokes aside, I just think that there should be a different thread to argue over this one Pokemon!

I guess you have to check my post on page 37!!
Kitana Coldfire said:
I just now noticed that. I had a hunch that it had something to do with the time mail runs in Japan (4 AM in Los Angeles would be 8 PM in Tokyo), or that the weekend might have gotten the delivery schedule off a bit, but now that theory that someone is deliberately leaking the info in waves is seeming more and more plausible.

Edited with new realization:

That picture of the mole, fish, and bug could have easily been taken in one shot. You can obviously tell they're on the same page, which leaves a full 1/4 of it unaccounted for. In addition, you can tell there's another pokemon directly below the mole from the blue edging around it. Only the pokemon on that page have that kind of soft blue edging around them, and it isn't coming from the fish or bug-- the fish is plainly below the bug, and part of the bug's battle screenshot overlaps into the mole's picture. It may be the swan, but why wouldn't they just send that picture along as well? Regardless, a pokemon has been cropped from that page.

2ch loves to mess with people in the west.
aaroncsmall2 said:
2ch loves to mess with people in the west.

Isn't that quite the understatement xD

But yes, what Eevee said basically summed up my view of potential evos and Pre-evos; just because B/W is all gen 5 doesn't mean all Gen 5's are going to be in B/W....
This thread is lol.

Over 500 posts just discussing whether one past Pokemon is/isn't an evolution of a new one. >__>

Anyway, Basurao looks awesome. Much better than Goldeen IMO. He looks like he's about to rip someone's face off. The Corocoro scans are the most disappointing however. The Master list is nothing more than a summary of all previous Pokemon revealed. That sucks...I love the pics of the Mole and the Luvdisc evo though. Very nice and detailed. Seems like the rumor of Dento being the 1st Gym Leader turned out true. Oh well, he really didn't scream Gym Leader to me...The Black/White game covers look really cool. I hope they're not separate and cost more.

dmaster out.
aaroncsmall2 said:
New Pokemon?:


It looks crazy and I love it. Fat Blue Flower Raccoon!

pokemon designers are getting crazy if this one is real,I guess it's real !??