(2) Dragon-type Symbol Revealed, Raikou EX from 'Dark Rush' [12/9]

DMYSYS said:
I'm the contrarian argument by far -- I think permanent fixture or eventually phased out are both equally likely whereas everyone else seems to figure the new type is here to stay; had it been a new type introduced with the first BW set I'd also figure it's a permanent mechanics update.

Dude, there is no point in introducing a type and then remove it again. This isn't just a mechanic, is a new type! I believe the reason why this wasn't introduced in the 1st BW set right way was because they probably wanted to include the new gen V dragons in the colorless type like the older dragons and THEN introduce the dragon type. If you notice, there's no dragon pokémon in PDHB, and I'm pretty sure there won't be any in Dark Rush. It's kinda like the EX pokémon. They could have included them in the 1st BW set, but since the first 2 sets were made to introduce all Unova pokémon to the TCG, they probably decided to leave them for later.

@UmbraESP: btw, what are you talking about? Dragon pokémon never had Fighting weakness in the TCG...
Metalizard said:
Dude, there is no point in introducing a type and then remove it again. This isn't just a mechanic, is a new type! I believe the reason why this wasn't introduced in the 1st BW set right way was because they probably wanted to include the new gen V dragons in the colorless type like the older dragons and THEN introduce the dragon type. If you notice, there's no dragon pokémon in PDHB, and I'm pretty sure there won't be any in Dark Rush. It's kinda like the EX pokémon. They could have included them in the 1st BW set, but since the first 2 sets were made to introduce all Unova pokémon to the TCG, they probably decided to leave them for later.

@UmbraESP: btw, what are you talking about? Dragon pokémon never had Fighting weakness in the TCG...

actually they did he's thinking about zekrom he's a "dragon" with the electric type so he's weak to fighting
^But Zekrom has only been featured as an Electric-type pokémon in the TCG (for now), hence the Fighting weakness (read as "ground")...
Metalizard said:
Dude, there is no point in introducing a type and then remove it again. This isn't just a mechanic, is a new type!
Sure there'd be a point -- they introduce a new type in a special one-off set (with a self-sustaining set-up for it) to make that set more novel and interesting, but then potentially abandon it if they don't want to maintain representation of yet another type in the TCG in the longer term.

Introducing and sustaining a new type in future sets down the line actually does make sense, though -- now that we have an absurd number of Pokémon one possible way of making sure they all get a reasonable amount of appearances would be to start to branch out some of the types and have larger set sizes as a generalized result.

Another possibility is future Selection sets similarly including new types (Ice would be likely, Bug, Poison(?)...)

But really, again, my point is that it can still go either way. There are pros and cons to introducing a new type, there are reasons for and against maintaining a new type in future sets, and there are all sorts of precedences for whether or not something introduced to the TCG stays around for the long term or not. It's still too early to call whether it'll be sticking around; I'm just offering possibilities, not absolutes.
Well, if they see that it maybe doesn't work well or something, yeah, I supposed they could go back, but I still think this is something that will stay (at least, I hope so)...

@The Pikachu Mafia: I think he was really just mentioning the colorless dragons but wtv...
don()shinobi said:
Most things with high retreat in this format can be easily charged up with Emboar, Pachi+Shaymin, Typhlosion Prime, and such. Have you considered that things with high retreat aren't useless in the active spot?

If you play the proper disruption, it'll set them back. One path to winning the game I've found is stressing my opponent into making mistakes. Complete chaos is the way I win, so a combination of sniping, directly attacking, hand disruption, and Catchering is the way to go. And that can easily be achieved with Raikou EX, Zekrom, Judges, and of course Catcher.
Metalizard said:
Dude, there is no point in introducing a type and then remove it again. This isn't just a mechanic, is a new type! I believe the reason why this wasn't introduced in the 1st BW set right way was because they probably wanted to include the new gen V dragons in the colorless type like the older dragons and THEN introduce the dragon type. If you notice, there's no dragon pokémon in PDHB, and I'm pretty sure there won't be any in Dark Rush. It's kinda like the EX pokémon. They could have included them in the 1st BW set, but since the first 2 sets were made to introduce all Unova pokémon to the TCG, they probably decided to leave them for later.

I agree. Any other time, I would say it's a gimmicky mechanic, but it's a new type. It's a big deal, and thankfully Pokemon knows that. I also agree that Pokemon wanted to hold back on the Dragon Pokemon, as they did with Pokemon-EX, to keep the first sets more manageable. They would feel obliged to make Reshiram and Zekrom both Dragon-types, which would be awkward to say the least.
This new symbol brings up an interesting point. Remember when the EX Dragon set came out a few years ago and it had nothing but Dragon Type Pokemon in it? Now here is my question: Why did they not introduce the Dragon symbol back then? I just now realized it should have been in the type pool when that set came out. Makes me wonder why they waited until now to release the new symbol. They sure procrastinate a lot on certain thing. Like waiting for certain events or don't completely finish a game like they did in FR/LG with that cave. They are really slow at releasing certain thing. The Dragon Symbol should have been release when the set EX Dragon came out. So we should have had that symbol for 6 years now at least.

That was the first set that had virtually all Dragon Type Pokemon so it would have made sense to make and release the symbol then. My next question is: Why now and why this late in the TCG? Ok but weird XD.:)
If the Symbol looks that cool then I can't wait to see the cards!! Also I wonder what the "Blanks" will look like?
DMYSYS said:
Another possibility is future Selection sets similarly including new types (Ice would be likely, Bug, Poison(?)...)

Hmm, never thought of that. While that would be extremely cool, I doubt it will happen. In my opinion, there are two reasons that Dragon was chosen to be the new type.

1: Dragon types have always had a sort of mystique about them in the Pokemon world. They are one of the rarest types, they are often seen as being rare/very powerful. They also seem to be a favorite type among a lot of fans, due to these facts. That could be reason why they are giving Dragon types recognition.

2: Dragon types, in addition to Ice, are weak to other Dragon type moves. This to me seems like the main reason why Dragon was chosen; they can be introduced into the game with weakness against other new dragon types, and therefor not interfere with weaknesses and type advantages of already existing types. For example, we know that Haxorus and Druddigon will both be featured as Dragon types in Dragon Selection. As no ice types exist in the TCG, the only thing that they can be weak ton is Dragons. Thus, a Haxorus player and. A Druddigon player can hit each other for weakness, and have no weakness/resistance ties to any other type.

Based on the second reason, I would say that they would that dragon will be the only new type we will get. Any other type (ice, bug, etc.) would have weaknesses to/be super effective against already existing types, screwing up the entire weakness system.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. It would be cool to see every type put into the TCG, though!
TacoTurtle said:
Dragon types, in addition to Ice, are weak to other Dragon type moves. This to me seems like the main reason why Dragon was chosen; they can be introduced into the game with weakness against other new dragon types, and therefor not interfere with weaknesses and type advantages of already existing types. For example, we know that Haxorus and Druddigon will both be featured as Dragon types in Dragon Selection. As no ice types exist in the TCG, the only thing that they can be weak ton is Dragons. Thus, a Haxorus player and. A Druddigon player can hit each other for weakness, and have no weakness/resistance ties to any other type.

Based on the second reason, I would say that they would that dragon will be the only new type we will get. Any other type (ice, bug, etc.) would have weaknesses to/be super effective against already existing types, screwing up the entire weakness system.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. It would be cool to see every type put into the TCG, though!

Actually, I do agree with you there. There are workarounds for adding, for example, the Ice type (make them all weak to either of Fire or Metal but no need to necessarily revise other types to be weak to them), but the Dragon type is the simplest type to add in how self-contained it is. Nothing else is weak to them, and they'll likely only be weak to themselves. But that self-containment is what gave me the suspicion that as easily as they were added they could just as easily not appear in future sets.
xxashxx said:
This new symbol brings up an interesting point. Remember when the EX Dragon set came out a few years ago and it had nothing but Dragon Type Pokemon in it? Now here is my question: Why did they not introduce the Dragon symbol back then? I just now realized it should have been in the type pool when that set came out. Makes me wonder why they waited until now to release the new symbol. They sure procrastinate a lot on certain thing. Like waiting for certain events or don't completely finish a game like they did in FR/LG with that cave. They are really slow at releasing certain thing. The Dragon Symbol should have been release when the set EX Dragon came out. So we should have had that symbol for 6 years now at least.

That was the first set that had virtually all Dragon Type Pokemon so it would have made sense to make and release the symbol then. My next question is: Why now and why this late in the TCG? Ok but weird XD.:)

Or, for that matter, it could have been released when EX Dragon Frontiers was released.
It's ugly, was my first thought of the new Dragon symbol. However, after looking at it now for a few days, I must say that it's grown on me. While I would've preferred a wing or a fang, the serpent shape seems the most appropriate now. Dratini was the first Dragon type Pokémon, and was serpent-shaped. Rayquaza is a popular Legend that also share this shape.

The only thing that bothers me about the symbol is that, while the other eight are all flat and static, the Dragon symbol shows both depth and movement--it seems to be approaching from the background (distance).

Can't wait to see the new cards!!!
DMYSYS said:
Actually, I do agree with you there. There are workarounds for adding, for example, the Ice type (make them all weak to either of Fire or Metal but no need to necessarily revise other types to be weak to them), but the Dragon type is the simplest type to add in how self-contained it is. Nothing else is weak to them, and they'll likely only be weak to themselves. But that self-containment is what gave me the suspicion that as easily as they were added they could just as easily not appear in future sets.

I'll give you this one, it would be easy for Nintendo to remove Dragon types just as easily as they could add them. I still think (and hope) that they are here to stay, but anything is possible.
Glaceon said:
For the Raikou, will it be out in the next set?

We already have Mewtwo, Reshiram, Zekrom, and potentially Shaymin, Regigigas, Kyogre, Groudon, and Kyogre (more likely the latter). So, I'm very doubtful that we'll be getting Raikou.