(2) New BW English Names, 'Black' and 'White' American Release Date - March 6th! [12/27]

Yessss! I guessed April 3 in my last post for a release date, but after seeing this, I'm glad I was off by a month.
Some of the names are a bit corny (Big Pecks?), but they're all cool, though.
The trailer is also nice.
Wow, i guessed it would be Pigove, almost there :p. All of the names are great, Juniper as people have said reminds me of that show juniper lee, castellia reminds me of the pokemon cresselia, really happy, since it's coming out in roughly 2 months we should be getting more information soon.
I absolutely love all of the newly-revealed names. Professor Juniper sounds great, and Castelia City fits perfectly.

I think Chillarmy could have remained the same, but I'll get used to Minccino quickly. Gigaith changing to Gigalith is awesome. It makes it sound big and strong. Munna staying Munna is convenient, and I hope Musharna remains the same. Darmanitan is a great name for Hihidaruma. I think Sandile was a little too easy a choice for Meguroc, but it fits perfectly, so that works. Pidove reminds me of Bidoof because of the way the name is said, and I love it. Blitzle is a good name for Shimama.

My favorite name out of these (by a small margin) is of course Gear's new name, Klink. While it reminds me of a not-so-nice term (that has a nice alternative meaning), it just fits Gear perfectly.

These names just keep getting better and better, so hopefully the remaining Pokémon are equally well-named.

Edit: Also, the release date is great. Now the preorder I made last year actually has an end date in sight.
There interesting.I really Lol'ed at ''Big Pecs'' XD it is really a bad name,but really thought Pidove with big Pecs as an ability would be hilarious.
I'm starting to like most of the new names, my favourites being Klink and Gigalith.

Not sure about Pidove...in some ways I like it but it seems awkward when I say it. I suppose it looks better than it's pronounced. I'm pronouncing it like Pi-duv....however it sounds nicer if I pronounce it Pid-ove.

Juniper reminds me of Juniper Lee too, surprised how many people know of it I didn't think it ever became that popular.....I like the name, it sounds feminine but at the same time it sounds like a strong name, the name of someone who knows what they're doing.
Moxie is the nickname I gave my Emonga :D

But anyway, I like most of these. My favorites being Klink and Blitzle--both have a nice, fun ring to them! I was expecting a little more New York-ish for Hiun City, though. Unless Castelia has something to do with New York that I'm not aware of.
Wow, today is a crazy day for big BW news!

Gear and Chillarmy were good as it is. Prof. Juniper keeps the wood theme, so that is good. Lol on how Munna was an exact translation, and I guess it also confirms Musharna too. Gigalith is OK, since it is pratically the same as Gigiasu. Sandile is meh, and Pidove is OK.

Also today I went to Gamestop and saw the display boxes too. I also got the flyer for the Shiny Beasts and Zoroark and stuff. If anyone wants pics of that, PM me.
.Juniper - "wtf" name but wtv...
.Castelia - eh... Castelia reminds me of "castel" but the city doesn't have any castels so... it's a bit weird of a choice...
.Minccino - good name. Chillarmy was good too, there wasn't necessity to change but good name anyway.
.Gigalith - good. not very changed so...
.Munna - I like when they keep their names the same...
.Darmanitan - best name of them all.
.Sandile - lolwut? reminds me of "sandal" which makes it sound stupid for a name...
.Pidove - reminds me of a portuguese cuss word, doesn't sound very good either... overall, the worst name...
.Blitzle - the name is cool but doesn't fit with the zebra imo...
.Klink - good, nothing special to discuss about it. People seem to don't understand that japanese names are, sometimes, english words (ex: Moltres' japanese name is "Fire"), so its not a matter of Klink being more creative than Gear. Of course, they would change the name.
.Moxie and Big Pecks don't sound very good for abilities' names but wtv... that's not my major concern...
@pokemaister899: It would've been idiotic for Gear to remain as an English name. It's very uncreative (for an English name, at least), and "Klink" has more of a ring to it.
Juniper - Good, unique
Castelia - Awesome, cute, still good.
Minccino - Somehow, really fits it
Munna - Great, i like it's name
Darmanitan - Bit weird, but we'll get used to it
Sandile - Sand and Dile, but it sounds like Sandal, some people wear sandals when walking on sand so
Pidove - Great, i thought it would be Pigove.
Blitzle - Great name.
Klink - Really fits it, as someone said i don't want it's evolutions to be klunk and klank, weren't those ratchet and clank character names?

Tail slap, reminds me of Tail whip.
I can't wait to hear what Klink's evolved forms will be called now. Klunk? Klank? Kachink? There's some good potential there :p
March 6th? Awesome. The games always tended to come out right before I had to start cramming for the APs, but now, I have a whole month barrier. It'll still wreck my AP scores, though...

The names are all good, although pidove was unexpected. o_O
Klink is called the Gear Pokémon, so its name change is very much necessary. (Gear the Gear Pokémon? Very innovative.)
.Juniper - "huh?" name but wtv... Juniper is a type of plant.
.Castelia - eh... Castelia reminds me of "castel" but the city doesn't have any castels so... it's a bit weird of a choice... It's castle, Unova has a medieval theme.
.Minccino - good name. Chillarmy was good too, there wasn't necessity to change but good name anyway. Chillarmy is a horrible name, and I expect Minccino's evolution to be Chillaccino anyway. It matches.
.Gigalith - good. not very changed so... Yeah.
.Munna - I like when they keep their names the same... Yeah.
.Darmanitan - best name of them all. Agreed.
.Sandile - lolwut? reminds me of "sandal" which makes it sound stupid for a name... Why does everyone think sandal? I mean come on...
.Pidove - reminds me of a portuguese cuss word, doesn't sound very good either... overall, the worst name... There are many words that sound like cuss words in other languages.
.Blitzle - the name is cool but doesn't fit with the zebra imo... Doesn't have to.
.Klink - good, nothing special to discuss about it. People seem to don't understand that japanese names are, sometimes, english words (ex: Moltres' japanese name is "Fire"), so its not a matter of Klink being more creative than Gear. Of course, they would change the name. Naturally.
.Moxie and Big Pecks don't sound very good for abilities' names but wtv... that's not my major concern... Do you even get the pun behing Big Pecks? Made me lol.

i just realized something - they're revealing them in the US, like in JAPAN. Cuz' after the starters, zorua/zoroark, and reshi/zeky, then came chillarmy, shimama, gear, etc. soo..

next month or in a few days, we'll find the english names for

Also, since Gigaisu wasn't revealed with the ones revealed today when they were first revealed soooo..
we might get another few surprises!

~ i just hope my prediction is correct! : )
O.O OOOOOOOOO.Wow...am I in Poke Heaven!YEAH!Im glad we wont wait that long for BW.And I also love the commercial and the names!Klink is way better than Gear,and sounds funny :D Its a little bad that Chillarmy isnt keeping its Japanese name,but Niccino doesnt sound so bad.And I just love the new commercial...When its the realese date of any new Pokemon game,I always wake up hyper and bug my brother telling him: "GO BUY ME THE GAME NOW! D: D: D:" Now that they have revealed the realese date,im really hyper right now :p *shivers of hyperness*
Klink :S

Not as bad as Gear though....

Today I went to Gamestop for some 360 stuff and saw the B/W setup. It was really nice, big banner with a shiny Raikou :D. The box art is still a little, bad, to me. But I preordered Black today. It was kinda sudden, I just grabbed it while I was in the check out line. Really cool that it comes out the week of Spring Break for me again, so I get a week of no school to play, just like in HG/SS.