(2) New HGSS Images, New Arceus Cards [6/15]

About the Pokewalk- It'll be one step closer to carrying a Pokemon in a Poke Ball with you! It would be AWSOME if you could battle over it. Imagine this:
1: *walking with the Pokewalk on belt.* 2: *also has Pokewalk on belt* 1: hey, I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle! 2: All right. Go, (Pokemon)! :D

God Bless Japan.
RE: (1) New Arceus Cards [6/15]

Jack Bauer said:
I'm a bit disappointed with the Arceus. I think they're a bit weak, supposed we talk about "the God of all Pokémon". But I think (hope) you can pull out a pretty fast deck with them.

Can we get a translation for the promo Arceus below?

I Agree The Arceus Cards Should Be Amazing But Hey Legenderys Have Always Been Rubbish
i.e.Dialga hp 90 attacks 10 / 40 He Created Time
But Arceus Should Have 170 HP attack 120/150 He NEEDS To Look Cooler Too MUCH cooler
energy search
pokemon rescue
possible rare candy
professor oak`s visit
ps after gengar looks like gulpin swalot or natu xatu
It could be Gulpin but there is no room for Swalot. The last Psychic one has to be Psychic Arceus. The same goes for after the Cherubi. The last grass type has to be Grass Arceus. I don't see why (or how) they would leave out parts of the evolutionary family.
doodad126 said:
It could be Gulpin but there is no room for Swalot. The last Psychic one has to be Psychic Arceus. The same goes for after the Cherubi. The last grass type has to be Grass Arceus. I don't see why (or how) they would leave out parts of the evolutionary family.

Grass and Psychic Arceus are in the Decks.