(2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

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Frezgle said:
Kitana Coldfire said:
I see no problem with them including a hedgehog and a porcupine in the same generation, seeing as porcupines and hedgehogs are two different and completely unrelated species.

Except Chespin is most definitely more like a porcupine than a hedgehog, despite when some of its names in other languages imply. Quilladin is a little more h'hogish with its nose and ears (if those even ARE ears; they look just like its tail!), but it's like the Psyduck argument all over again. "Duck" in its name, actually a platypus.
And if anyone tries to pull a name = species argument: Kyogre.

Crazuu said:
You're right but hedhedogs and porcupines are related, both are mammals, and both are rodents, i think.

Only porcupines are rodents :y
Psyduck is most definitely a duck. It doesn't have the beaver tail that a platypus would have. As for the hedgehog thing, chespin is definitely a chestnut hedgehog mix that probably won't have multiple long and thin spikes like a porcupine. You can tell by how the number of spikes seem to be decreasing and getting thicker, whereas porcupines have many thin and long ones. I can see these two lines having completely different looks and being acceptable as very different pokemon. Besides, like someone said before, we got ambipom and chimchar in the same generation. Also, hedgehogs are little tiny things while porcupines are very large. The size of most big dogs.
Chrono said:
Noxi said:
doesn't matter. to them, if it has quills then it's blasphemy(even though it's not confirmed...) might as well get mad at cyndaquil for being another starter and pokemon based off animal with quills
Chill out, homecat! :p
You must admit that a porcupine and a hedgehog are very similar animals. They're both brown, have quills, and have similar habits.
Another thing I forgot to mention was that both Quilladin and the supposed porcupine have names that begin with "quill." That seems very fishy to me, along with what I mentioned in my last post.

And to everyone naming Pokemon that lose a type, you're missing the point.
What I was pointing out is that it's highly unusual that a Pokemon would not only LOSE its single type but also GAIN TWO SEPARATE TYPES. I'm not saying this proves it's fake, but along with everything else I mentioned, I'm going to put my money on this one being fake.

o_O well tbh porcupines and hedgehogs don't look the same to me.. porcupines are rodents they just look like super hairy/quilly beavers to me :c

i don't see it as unusual that it gains two new types, i am more intrigued by it.. there have been many surprises in this gen, one of them being pokemon with normal as a secondary type.. i won't really be surprised if they pulled something like this off.. there's a first for everything
What if it's just a matter of bunnelby not having become fully acclimated to it's subterranean life. Maybe they get better at digging as they grow, and then never come back up when they evolve. I think it's totally justifiable. All I'm trying to say with the appeal to tradition fallacy thing is NEVER assume something in pokemon is a fact of the universe. They break their imaginary patterns all the time. You look at this alleged evolution and think, they've never done that before, why start now? GF looks at those scenarios and thinks, oo we've never done this before, let's try it! There's no reason they couldn't do it. They like making new firsts.
DarthMewtwo said:
I don't think they'd ever call a move Fairy Dust, simply because of the drug connotations.

Yet, Fairy Dust is used in many different video games and cartoons without a problem..

Game Freak's demographic is children, and I doubt most children know the link between "Fairy Dust" and drugs.

So, unless you go around explaining to children what "Fairy Dust" means on the streets, I think it's safe to assume that they will be none the wiser.
I'd imagine Bunnelby's evolution sees it covered in mud and living in caves or underground - hence the Ground/Dark. Living on ground as if it were a normal Rabbit, Bunnelby would just be Normal on it's own beforehand.



problems solved.
Frezgle said:
Quillom AND Quilladin? Weird.
None of it seems especially fake-ish, but nothing is too exciting either.
Except Fairy-type Dunsparce. Hell yeah. Even if it goes yet another generation without an evolution, I'll still be happy for it if this turns out to be true.

I find it really awesome that my favorite pokemon of all time suddenly change it's type for my new favorite type. :p

LOL! I haven't posted here for such a long time that I forgot what my avatar was. xD
For the record, if this leak turns out to be true, I don't plan to post much else, if anything. I want to be surprised near launch too. :p
Water Pokémon Master said:
For the record, if this leak turns out to be true, I don't plan to post much else, if anything. I want to be surprised near launch too. :p

I'm probably getting this on christmas instead of launch so I will just avoid story related things.
Water Pokémon Master said:
For the record, if this leak turns out to be true, I don't plan to post much else, if anything. I want to be surprised near launch too. :p

So is there no chance of you showing us the "proof" the source sent you? I trust you but I'm just soooo darn curious.
Seeing as I have no real reason to not believe this, I'm so freaking excited! I believed the original rumors, and they were true. (I believed them so much I added Fairy-type to all my lists without official confirmation. Yes, lists. Don't ask. Or do. I don't care either way. :p But do it on my wall or through PM, because this isn't the place) These rumors sound very convincing and, while I know there's no way to know for sure until official confirmation, if WPM believes it enough to mention it, I believe it enough to trust it. I'm sure WPM gets a LOT of rumors. For him to post something, he clearly has some sort of evidence. Though it does bug me that there will be a Quillom and a Quilladin. It bugs me enough that there are to mid-evo starters that start with "Quil" i.e. Quilava/Quilladin, but oh well :p
AdamLambert said:
Though it does bug me that there will be a Quillom and a Quilladin. It bugs me enough that there are to mid-evo starters that start with "Quil" i.e. Quilava/Quilladin, but oh well :p

I was hoping I wasn't the only one bothered by the Quilava/Quilladin thing :p

And these all sound pretty neat. The one that got me most excited was the starting clothing colour. I don't know why, I just liked that. Tired of seeing the main character always in blue.

But any new poison type is welcome in my family. I mean, I play the game as a collector (must catch them all!) and poison types are my favourite!

Bunnelby's complete type change is a bit odd, but still interesting.

The boar sounds neat enough, cooler than Tepig's line at least.

But I do hope most (80 or so?) are revealed the day or two before the games come out. Just have a list so we know of everything just before we can start playing. Or you know, don't look at it if you want to be surprised.
I hate it when people don't know the differences between Hedgehogs and Porcupines. Porcupines are rodents that can shed their spines, while Hedgehogs are their own things. Also, I'd like to point out that Rabbits aren't rodents either.

A Badger Pokémon? don't we already have one?

I don't like that Froakies evo will be bulky, because I wanted a slick ninja frog. :(

I hope that Trusk will look more like a Boar than a farm pig and will stay a quadruped.

Which type do you think will get replaced by Fairy for Togepi?
Wow, the rumors sounds really convincing, or if it's a fake, the faker does a really good job at convincing me, lol.

One thing i wonder is Togepi's line with the addition of Fairy-type. So does that mean Togekiss will be a Fairy/Flying now? Cause if it's true, i got two of my favorite pokemon turned into a Fairy now, with Gardevoir being firstly turned. :rolleyes:

Inb4 something like Milotic becoming a Water/Fairy (?) :shy:
These rumors sound pretty interesting. I'm surprised that the Togepi line is (or may be) getting retyped actually... they've never completely retyped a Pokemon before, just added another one on. They'll have to either take away its Normal or Flying (probably Normal.)

Froakies evo sounds pretty awesome, i'm gonna really like the poison dart theme if that's true. I WANT TO HEAR SOMETHING ABOUT CHESPINS EVO.

I'll be excited to see a porcupine, badger, and boar Pokemon. We need more animals we've never had.
I was sorta expecting that the first leaker got the info wrong and that Meowstic was the preform and Espurr was the evolution, but maybe not. Espurr must be one of the most adorable things ever if this is true.

Oh, and Blissey will have potential to be even better than it already was. ._.
I'd like to note that you can't naturally find Hedgehogs in the wild in the US, but you can find Porcupines.

Zielo said:
I'll be excited to see a porcupine, badger, and boar Pokemon. We need more animals we've never had.

I just said we already have a Badger.
Also, Emboar.
Blob55 said:
I just said we already have a Badger.
Also, Emboar.
Linoone is hardly a badger. It's more a weasel with stripes. It can be debatable.

And Emboar, well, yeah, you kinda got me there. Although it's not as boar-esque as I'd like it to be... meaning its not quadrupedal and the tusks aren't so defined.

Skulblaka_Shur said:
I feel that, if it's a news site, the news should be limited only to confirmed stuff, not rumors.

WPM, yes, I know what a fan site is. I help to RUN one or two, and I have standards that I keep to myself when writing up news articles. I don't expect other sites to follow my standards, but I do feel that there should be a line between fact and fiction in the same way there is a line between confirmed and opinion/rumor. Even just keeping the posts to the forums would be fine. Again, i don't mean to tell you how to run your own website, not at all.

But thats kinda what makes Pokebeach unique. I like the fact that legitimate rumors are posted on occasion (I say legitimate because it's not like he posts every single dumb obvious fake Pokemon.) It makes things really interesting and even though theres a chance they might not be true, there is a high chance they are if WPM trusts at least some of the proof the leaker gave him. This particular fansite is very dependable and has character. Thats part of what made me make the switch over from that celebi place.
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