2008 Election

Who do you want in the election?

  • Obama/Biden

    Votes: 34 57.6%
  • McCain/Palin

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • Ralph Nader FTW!

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • IDK...Anyone but wubaya!

    Votes: 2 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Rocket0777 said:
Obama without a doubt. Why you say?

-Obama is a strong, and longtime supporter of Independent energy. We need to run our country on fuels like Wind, Solar and BioFuel. Unlike McCain, who wants to stay with Nuclear Energy (which Bush supported and STILL has not solved our energy crisis) and Drilling offshore. (Which Obama supports as a "step" to energy independence, where McCain sees it as a "solution")

-Certain Companies will benefit when a Candidate wins the election.
If Obama wins the following things will happen: Broadband internet prices will go down and quality of service will improve, Alternative Energies that we need in order to become energy independent will benefit. Oil Companies will have to lower prices in order to compete with Alternative Fuels. Natural Gas prices will go down. New Companies that support clean energy will have easier launches. Many, Many jobs would be created.

-Obama is a strong supporter of our Education. He wants make sure EVERYONE who wants to go to college gets there, and has the support to stay in college.

-Obama wants to help our public schools so they can actually compete on an international level. Many are failing and cannot fund new books and things due to the "No Child left Behind" act.

Btw, If you do not make over $250,000 a year, Obama is NOT going to raise your Taxes.

And I believe, if Colin Powell endorses Obama (A former GENERAL and Secretary of State) I think he is more than qualified to lead our country, security wise. Heck, Bill Clinton and Hillary are out campaigning their hearts out for Obama. The times of the Clinton administration represent when our country was not almost 11 Trillion dollars in the hole. The Clintons are very smart people, and would not endorse and campaign for Obama if they did not believe he would do a great job as President.

Obama is a very well-educated man, who seeks out the best in the nation to help him.

-He is not a terrorist. Bill Ayers is NOT on the ticket. The two men only met a few times briefly, are not "pals" and Mr. Ayers is not an issue important to the American people. The Economy and our wallets is. That's that. McCain's poor attempt at getting people suspicious about Obama.

So even if you aren't going to vote. You don't have to support McCain. Just because Obama is something we've never seen before in a Presidential Election, doesn't mean he is a bad choice.

Why am I following this election so closely? This determines a new direction for America. I am concerned for the future. What the outcome of this election is, will affect me and you for a long time to come.

I for one, think everyone should open their minds a little more. Listen to his speech at the Democratic National Convention. Compare that to McCain's Republican National Convention Speech. Which Inspires you more?
Typical responces may include:
-Longtime? *rolls eyes* Also, why do people actually believe things that are said when a presidental candidate is running for the office? They still need congresses approval before they can take ANY of the measures they promise to do when they get elected.
-Of course certain companies do. Why do you think they give the candidates money? Because they want them to buy cloths? lol
-Hmmm, without raising taxes or cutting programs? Funny. He wants to invest into alot of things but claims he won't be raising taxes for -250,000 (again, congress deciedes this as well. The president can try to prevent it but it can still be overriden). So is he going to tax the hell out of those individuals who worked thier butts off to get to where they are until they are in the middle class?
-NCLB is a huge mistake. It's set back our education system at LEAST 10 years. Obama/McCain won't be able to change this in his 4-8 years as president.
-I honestly don't think the Democratic party knows who's running for president in this election. Obama thinks he's running against Bush and Hillary hasn't gotten the news that she's not in contention. Update time. Also I wouldn't say the Clinton's did anything that actually helped this country with it's current economic situation.
-Most presidential candidates do this. In all honesty, I don't think there will ever be a president that didn't want to help out his country.
-If you think the economy is the only issue out there, your vastly mistaken. Others include: The war, Supreme Court Justices (not sure if that's supposed to be all capitalized, but meh), and others that I'm not thinking of atm (got alot on the mind).
-Nobody has to support anybody. You can vote independent (OMFG what????), but that's just a waste of a vote. Obama is actually not a new presidental candidate with any new ideas, but I don't have a specific person to point to.
-It's nice to assume you can tell what the candidates are going to attempt to do while in office...think that actually sums up this point nicely.
-Both are aiming at different audiences, so thier speeches are obviously going to be written differently. Thats just silly to think otherwise.
Well...who's "he?" If you're talking Obama, he's the Senator from Illinois? He makes decisions for the state, like McCain for Arizona.
He hasn't made any disicions (probably spelled wrong im sooo tired) such as ones of national security. So he's been in the senate. You think that's a HARD job? Its a very important one, and at times it can be very challenging, but its not as painful and treachurous (again tired) as being tortured by the exact people that Obama wants to let into this country. Anyone... anyone know this guy? Hmm? Bill Ayers? Obama's best friend? Yeah.
Uhh...I never stated I was for him in the first place. Don't hit on me. :p

The Senate is a hard job. Think about it...

Your vote determines how American life will change.
Your vote can determine if we fall into deeper debt.

Anyhow, Obama's owning McCain in electoral votes.
Dudeman1993 said:
Uhh...I never stated I was for him in the first place. Don't hit on me. :p

The Senate is a hard job. Think about it...

Your vote determines how American life will change.
Your vote can determine if we fall into deeper debt.

Anyhow, Obama's owning McCain in electoral votes.

Not hitting on you yourself. Im hitting on all those people who want other innocent people to suffer like McCain did.

Electoral votes? Yeah, and they matter SO much.

The Senate is a hard job. Think about it? That really states your opinion. I said that it is an IMPORTANT one and at times can be a hard one such as times when your state is in serious finanical debt. McCain and Obama are currently acting as senators of their respective states and they can still run in the election.
I'd be voting for Obama. He's easier to relate to and I just don't like McCain and what he wants.
Uhh... MOT6K, about your avatar, how exactly is McCain like Bush? I agree that at the beginning of the election McCain was VERY much like Bush, but he has GREATLY distanced himself from Bush. Greatly.
I am only 12, but have a political opinion. I want neither Obama or McCain. My only wish is to be out of Iraq!
Galefail said:
He hasn't made any disicions (probably spelled wrong im sooo tired) such as ones of national security. So he's been in the senate. You think that's a HARD job? Its a very important one, and at times it can be very challenging, but its not as painful and treachurous (again tired) as being tortured by the exact people that Obama wants to let into this country. Anyone... anyone know this guy? Hmm? Bill Ayers? Obama's best friend? Yeah.

Obama has already stated that he has very little relation to Bill Ayers...honestly I still can't believe that is an issue in this election. Maybe for people who can't accept the facts, but mostly everyone has accepted the fact that Obama hardly knows Bill Ayers at all.

Galefail said:
Electoral votes? Yeah, and they matter SO much.

Yeah, they only determine who wins the election...they can't be THAT important...
Noob Sandwich said:
Galefail said:
He hasn't made any disicions (probably spelled wrong im sooo tired) such as ones of national security. So he's been in the senate. You think that's a HARD job? Its a very important one, and at times it can be very challenging, but its not as painful and treachurous (again tired) as being tortured by the exact people that Obama wants to let into this country. Anyone... anyone know this guy? Hmm? Bill Ayers? Obama's best friend? Yeah.

Obama has already stated that he has very little relation to Bill Ayers...honestly I still can't believe that is an issue in this election. Maybe for people who can't accept the facts, but mostly everyone has accepted the fact that Obama hardly knows Bill Ayers at all.

They accepted the "fact" that Obama "hardly knows Bill Ayers at all" because "they" are people who want to hide the true facts about Obama.

Galefail said:
Electoral votes? Yeah, and they matter SO much.

Yeah, they only determine who wins the election...they can't be THAT important...

The final votes decide who wins the election. The electoral votes are questionable (coughcough ACORN coughcough)
I have no idea what you're arguing about now, but electoral votes are usually directly related to the pop. vote, which Obama is currently ahead in. By a lot.
ACORN ACORN ACORN. Its an oraginzation which mickey mouse is very firmiliar with :). Basically they had a bunch of nonexistent people with mock names like Mickey Mouse vote for candidates, and I'm pretty sure that most if not ALL of them voted for Obama which put him ahead in the electoral vote.
Forget it...I'm not arguing anymore...it's a waste of breath trying to explain something to someone who doesn't want to understand...
I didn't want to argue in the first place. It's not that I don't want to understand, but I have reason and evidence to not understand.
Galefail said:
Uhh... MOT6K, about your avatar, how exactly is McCain like Bush? I agree that at the beginning of the election McCain was VERY much like Bush, but he has GREATLY distanced himself from Bush. Greatly.
Well...McCain only agreed for 90% of Bush's requests, laws, whatever.

Noob Sandwich: I agree with you on this argument stuff. This is getting a little...childish.

"No he's better!"
"No HE'S better!"
"NO HE'S better!"
Dudeman1993 said:
Galefail said:
Uhh... MOT6K, about your avatar, how exactly is McCain like Bush? I agree that at the beginning of the election McCain was VERY much like Bush, but he has GREATLY distanced himself from Bush. Greatly.
Well...McCain only agreed for 90% of Bush's requests, laws, whatever.

Noob Sandwich: I agree with you on this argument stuff. This is getting a little...childish.

"No he's better!"
"No HE'S better!"
"NO HE'S better!"

Buddy, if you think THIS is childish, you need to watch more debates.
I dislike both, but will defend the Democrats because I wanted Hiliary.
Where are we going in Iraq, nowhere. Why are we over there still, because Bush says so.
We need to let them take charge of there own government since we've given it back to them.
We need to stop interfering with other countries. That is how this war and the Vietnam one was started. I have many reasons for syaing this mouthfull. Want to know them, just ask!