2008 Election

Who do you want in the election?

  • Obama/Biden

    Votes: 34 57.6%
  • McCain/Palin

    Votes: 19 32.2%
  • Ralph Nader FTW!

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • IDK...Anyone but wubaya!

    Votes: 2 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am heavily towards Obama for a number of reasons, but if McCain wins I will TRY my best to support him if he does an OK job of running the country. And no, I am not old enough to vote.
I guess that I can say that I'd prefer Obama to McCain since he's pretty much Bush III
ppl would vote for obama cuz he black
mccain cuz he like bush
but i dont like niether cuz both of them are gona ruin the economy and stuff
but i prefer obama,biden cuz i dont want that fish palin to run the country.(that stupid milf)
then agian it could be a trap of the illuminati/nwo/free masons
osama bin laden=obama biden


I think those are a bit worse that ACORN
You know what really sucks? This (and pretty much all) election(s) just makes it so the country is divided against itself and instead of focusing on what each candidate brings to the table without a heavy focus on thier negatives (it's good to know but it basically makes it so you're voting for whoever ISN'T WORSE). That way, we can get behind the person elected and do some actual good. Just a thought.
Ya, George Washington was right, with political parties, the country is divided. There would be still some form of dividing even without them. There are still different views on issues!
muddy68 said:
Ya, George Washington was right, with political parties, the country is divided. There would be still some form of dividing even without them. There are still different views on issues!
It's funny because we're actually talking about this exact topic right now in my American Gov't class. All the founding fathers were pretty much opposed to a political parties and had wishful thoughts that they wouldn't form. Then Jefferson, the man who hated parties the most, goes and forms his own party to counter the federlist party (well it wasn't a party by today's standards but it worked well enough to screw jefferson).
Who called Obama being assassinated? I did. Did you see the news about the skinheads plotting to kill him...I knew people were crazy!

What do you guys think about this?
Obama. half the time Palin doesnt know what shes talking about and i dont agree with drilling in alaska, ruining all the habitats of animals. McCain/Palintry to bring church and government together and they should be two seperate things. People have freedom of religion and Palin thinks we went to Iraq because god told us that we should spread christianity. While in New Hampshire, Palin says : "I am so glad to be in the northWEST" New Hampshire is in the northeast!!!! Obama wants to retreat soldiers in the war. I know the majority of people dont agree with that but i honestly dont want to be drafted if McCain/Palin become president/vp. I am also afraid that McCain will die in office and Sarah will take over. She may be fit for governor but i dont think she qualifies to be a president. Obama does have some downs though, he wants to tax the wealthy people and my mom is afraid of that because my family is fairly rich. Although he will tax us higher, so will McCain, but Obama would put it to a better cause, like trying to make electric cars, whereas we would be spending all our money on the war. We have been borrowing trillions of $$ form China,and they could tell us they want it back now, and we wouldnt be able to pay it back. China could take us over very easily, and in the next couple decades, we could "possible" (I AM NOT SAYING THAT WE WILL I AM SAYING MAYBE!!! ) be ruled by China. China is a communist country and we would lose all of our freedom. Sure, McCain may have experience, but do we really want another George W. Bush? I didnt think so and McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. Besides, Biden has almost just as much experience McCain. Palin is pro - life, and i know that alot of people are, but say her dauhter was r@ped and became pregnant. If she wasnt fit to be a parent, I think that a person should have every right to do abortion. McCain and Palin are also sleezebags. Just so they can get votes, they say Obama is a terrorist. I am sorry but that is just WRONG.I like Palins personality but even if she is pretty, and has a funny sense of humor, she still doesnt have what it takes to be president. I am done preaching. :)
Drilling in Alaska is how Alaska makes money. Yeah, good idea to stop the biggest state from making money. :x
Source, because I have never heard this.
No connection so just ranting.
I think she was referring to the city being in NorthEastern N.H. (though it's more central then anything) or just the U.S. in general.
The draft won't come back. End of story. :/ And just stay on college.
Obama is just going to screw the economy with his taxing system. Rather not see either's plan in effect, but McCains>>>>Obama's.
Trillions? :/ lol. And they won't take us over. They don't want us to firebomb thier cities and killing millions of people (....er, maybe?) Also, I haven't seen anything to suggest this and they would have no way to maintain thier controll of us (we're too damn big). And let's not forget the allies we have *looks at Russia* Actually, its pretty funny how alot of our biggest allies were once big threats. X_x
I thought you (in general) wanted change? Not somebody who didn't vote on anything. ;/ And nobody likes to mention how Obama has voted with his party 96%? of the time.
Biden is definately the worse VP running this election.
Let's not start this. I think we're getting some actual good talk here.
No, they just say teh correct things to get ignorant people to think he is. Big difference.
No comment.
yeah, well alaska can get money some other way - and they will put all the national parks there in danger. look at the snl rap by amy poehler. the thing is true, and just cu its on saturday night live doesnt mean its not true. and yes, we owe china ALOT of money. and if everything is going so well with the republicans, than why the h*ll do we need the 700 billion dollar bail out!? And let me repeat this, McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. I dont think we want another george bush. Oh and by the way, alaska has a very small population, so dont get all mad because alaska is the largest state. What McCain is doing is RUINING THE ENVIRONMENT IN ALASKA BY DRILLING!!!!!! and just a little bit of info for you, Russia isnt exactly our besties. We recently pissed Russia off and i doubt they are gonna be jolly old chaps and help us. (We gave Finland missles to protect themselves from russia) And China has nuclear power too, and they are way bigger than us. How will Obama ruin the environment? HE WANTS TO PUT MONEY INTO WINDMILLS!!!!! If anything, that will help the environment. And yes, the draft will come back if we keep sending troops into Iraq just so they can be killed! Dont be so assuming.
That hasn't bothered them in the past. And Alaska is HUGE. It's bigger then texas and like 800000 Rhode Islands. lol (joke as I am from RI). I would love to be able to read most of your post, but its a large run-on sentence.
The president has very little to do with the economy as your trying to pin him with. And if you want to blame someone, blame Clinton (oh...a democrat).
Voting with Bush=/Same policy as Bush. :/
Alaska just has spare rooms for those hateful chinese to move in to. lol
Humans are the superior race, so who cares? We'll just discover some kind of technology to paste this all up in <20 years anyways.
"The enemy of my enemy is my ally" All we've done is try to get an ally in Finland (not sure if we are currently).
People understimate the power of a pissed off American. Just look at the weeks that followed 9/11.
Entire U.S.>>>>China (thanks to, who else, Alaska....who we got from the Russians...which we drill for oil....which we keep...)
I'm all for solar/wind/hydro energy, but good luck getting those up and running and having them maintain a country as big as the U.S.
I'm sick and tired about hearing about this war like it's some kind of World War. It'S NOT! Okay, yes, people are dying, and it sucks, but it's not like that many troops have died (the ratio between troops and civilain death is rediculous).
Humans may be a 'superior race,' but I'm with George Carlin on this one-- When the Earth is done with us, it'll just cast us off. It only wanted plastic for itself. ;)

Solar and Wind energy don't do jack squat up here in Maine, where our winds are mild and our days are short. Likewise, Maine is a state that is highly dependent on cars-- So any alternative fuel has to be effective; not just cute. Biodiesel doesn't do the job up here because it congeals in the cold winter months. Electric cars don't work because a lot of us travel more than 40 miles in our car on a regular basis. Also, electric cars don't solve anything. You've still got to burn some fossil fuels to make electricity!

I am interested to see if any of the Washington folk will consider states like Maine in their energy plans. We're weird critters up here!

As far as candidates go-- Obama's philosophy of 'spreading the wealth' sounds awful socialist of me. If I end up in the poor house, I do NOT want to take hand-outs that I haven't earned. Likewise, if I come into a high-income job, I do NOT want the government telling me what to do with my money by taking a big chunk of it. For fear of the proposed USSA and a president who takes himself way too darn seriously, I will certainly not ever endorse Obama.

It's a 'lesser of two evils' race as far as I'm concerned, as sad as it is. I really wish there was a viable candidate out there that I could truly get behind, beyond saying, "Screw it! McCain in '08."
To answer your last part, no, not even us New Englanders think about Maine. You guys are not cool enough, hence why you're near Canada. :p
yeah the weeks off of 9/11 and have wee caught Osaden Bin Ladin? I am not saying that its a world war, but you cant say that its not a serious war, and if you do than there is something wrong. I live in rhode island too, and rhode island has a larger population than alaska -_-. Why would we blame Bill Clinton?? I think your missing the point, McCain has voted with Bush for 90% of the time!!!!! Bush has been voted worse president yet and i most certainly do not think McCain would be any different? You have got a point with the trying to run the whole US on it (hydroelectric energy) but we dont need oil from alaska, we have venezuela, and iran and all those places and they most certainly are not gonna stop selling us oil because thats how they make most of our profit. Palin doesnt exactly know how to budget money, she asked the US for 100 billion dollars or some huge amount of money and built a bridge to some island with 24 people on it with the money -_-. Dont you even care for the animals? If we keep using oil, theres going to be more global warming which means:
-polar bears will die at a higher rate.
-big horned sheep will die because of glaciers.
and other animals in alaska because we MUST drill oil because we dont get it anywhere else (sarcasm intended)
In my last posts there were alot of periods and question marks so dont say the whole thing was a run on sentence >.<. the US isnt even all that big for heavens sake, not compared to russia, china, australia,mexico,brazil,canada, india and etc. And i never said it was wrong of us too arm finland! I think its good that we did! but i did make a point that that pissed russia off and they arent going to come help us immediately when we need it. Even if the human race is "superior" it doesnt mean that we arent dependent on anything else. Its called the circle of life. If we dont have animals, than nothing survives and we most certainly will lose alot of animals if we have McCain as president. Obama is the better man!
Yeah, but you're in Rhode Island, and that's... Close to New York and stuff. You've got bigger fish to fry. The city has greater magnetism than our trees... Or something like that.

Maine isn't the only state with more trees than people, though! ;) Think about the trees! :(
OMG WTH???? I thought I was the only one....*corny music* Anywho, war is always serious, so of course it is. But compared to the last few wars (heck, probably can go at least 18 wars back), it's not an all-consuming war. Ugh, people just don't get it (but I'm not an expert, or anywhere close, on politics, so I won't explain). Of course the current people under him (aka everybody in teh U.S.) woudl feel that way for the most part. Let's let history decide how good he really did. *points to carter, regean, and eisenhower* So it's okay for Iran to do it but not Alaska? Right. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravina_Island_Bridge I'm not a huge animal fan (in fact, I was hugely afraid of them until my gf), but of course I care for other lifeforms. Our country, as is the case for most devolped countries, is far too involved with oil atm to be taken off of it. Fun fact: Cows are killing the polar bears! http://www.foodreference.com/html/a-cows-methane-815.html btw, it's just extinction, something the human race will probably deal with someday. I'm just saying, just like I will admit that this is a run-on paragraph (though I'm going to blame laziness on this one). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_outlying_territories_by_total_area btw, Russia is just abusive in size. Take some part over, cross over, and look. More land. Really disheartens an army. Eh, that's why we have NATO. Oh most definately not, or else Gore probably would've killed all those poor pigs and cows in order to save those cute polar bears a while ago. As long as the greens are green, we're not going anywhere. And you're being very overdramatic.
In this thread: Republicans and Democrats trying to claim futile wins.
Time to add some more oil.
First of all, this.

Biden is definately the worse VP running this election.
Well, if you consider this...
University of Delaware - B.A. in History and a B.A. in Political Science
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)
Compared to this...
She received her bachelor's degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho and attended the following schools

* Hawaii Pacific University (Fall 1982),
* North Idaho College (Spring 1983 & Fall 1983),
* University of Idaho (Fall 1984 - Spring 1985),
* Matanuska-Susitna College (Fall 1985) and
* University of Idaho (Spring 1986, Fall 1986 and Spring 1987 ).

Before this she graduated from Wasilla High School in Wasilla, Alaska.
I'll definitely be the last one to say that education guarantees common sense, but this is one of the more outstanding differences I've seen so far. It makes me think (as a non-american non-Fox news watcher) that Parah Salin was chosen purely because her appeal to the conservative masses with the few populistic sentences she spewed out numerous times. Whereas I saw Boe Jiden a lot less, but with a way more balanced point of view.
Her approval rating is the highest of any govenor currenly and she didn't mess up on 3 different votes for Iraq, like Boe Jiden (I hope that was on purpose). And lol @ the McClain thing he does.