OMG WTH???? I thought I was the only one....*corny music* Anywho, war is always serious, so of course it is. But compared to the last few wars (heck, probably can go at least 18 wars back), it's not an all-consuming war. Ugh, people just don't get it (but I'm not an expert, or anywhere close, on politics, so I won't explain). Of course the current people under him (aka everybody in teh U.S.) woudl feel that way for the most part. Let's let history decide how good he really did. *points to carter, regean, and eisenhower* So it's okay for Iran to do it but not Alaska? Right. I'm not a huge animal fan (in fact, I was hugely afraid of them until my gf), but of course I care for other lifeforms. Our country, as is the case for most devolped countries, is far too involved with oil atm to be taken off of it. Fun fact: Cows are killing the polar bears! btw, it's just extinction, something the human race will probably deal with someday. I'm just saying, just like I will admit that this is a run-on paragraph (though I'm going to blame laziness on this one). btw, Russia is just abusive in size. Take some part over, cross over, and look. More land. Really disheartens an army. Eh, that's why we have NATO. Oh most definately not, or else Gore probably would've killed all those poor pigs and cows in order to save those cute polar bears a while ago. As long as the greens are green, we're not going anywhere. And you're being very overdramatic.