2012? What do you think? Is it true?

2012 claim?

  • True.

    Votes: 10 9.2%
  • False.

    Votes: 99 90.8%

  • Total voters
I prefer Potholer54, cdk007 and AronRa over TF in terms of information and arguments, though. (AndromedasWake, DonExodus2 (who actually at least used to be a Christian ._. (his latest video suggest otherwise)), C0nc0rdance and ExtantDodo are also very good. Richarddawkinsdotnet is also a very good channel)
TF's Beatyintheuniverse channel is quite fun to follow, though.

Random video I just found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kK1YgR7J0g (Douglas Adams ftw)
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
I prefer Potholer54, cdk007 and AronRa over TF in terms of information and arguments, though. (AndromedasWake, DonExodus2 (who actually at least used to be a Christian ._. (his latest video suggest otherwise)), C0nc0rdance and ExtantDodo are also very good. Richarddawkinsdotnet is also a very good channel)
TF's Beatyintheuniverse channel is quite fun to follow, though.

Random video I just found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kK1YgR7J0g (Douglas Adams ftw)
okay, tomorrow I'll give a look at their vids (it's late now...) but TF has so many, and maybe not much arguements but still very funny... however watching them all together might get a bit boring...
I try to educate myself when I'm not doing anything (and can't or don't feel like gaming). And most of the best and interesting visual (I'm not much of a reading person) information online seems to be by these guys. I guess I can at least thank creationists for bringing so much intelligence online to debunk them :p
Sounds like you are an autodidact (I hope that's the right name for it). I have a lot of nothing but I'm not in the mood for learning this sort of stuff as almost everything is 'familiar' or known. But it's a nice fact I guess.
I think that it's all a big lie

People were saying the same when 2000 was coming

and what happened?


so i think nothing will happen in 2012
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
I try to educate myself when I'm not doing anything (and can't or don't feel like gaming). And most of the best and interesting visual (I'm not much of a reading person) information online seems to be by these guys. I guess I can at least thank creationists for bringing so much intelligence online to debunk them :p
Normally I would do the same... However I like to read to, do you know the book called ''De Zee'' written by Frank Schätzing? Really interesting to read. Anyway I'm not really in the mood of learning now... Not only because of holiday, just other things.

Pokefan92 said:
I think that it's all a big lie

People were saying the same when 2000 was coming

and what happened?


so I think nothing will happen in 2012
Have you read through this thread? Nobody ever said the world would be destroyed, the Mayans predicted only a change, a new cycle, nothing more.
lol the flow of conversation has really wandered off topic hasn't it? Maybe we should just go on MSN or something. XD
afstandopleren said:
lol the flow of conversation has really wandered off topic hasn't it? Maybe we should just go on MSN or something. XD
Uhm... maybe xD do you have MSN then? Mine is in my profile ;)
Pokequaza said:
Well I did? xD And probably the only one, I posted it some posts back, well anyway and as what I said, and afstandopleren is right, a new cycle will start, the 14th baktun... nothing special about.

SOOO nothing happens... fun. Yay! We get to live!
PokemonPhantom3 said:
SOOO nothing happens... fun. Yay! We get to live!
Well if you have did some research you would've know this by yourself. I can't say nothing will happen, the Mayans only said a new cycle will start, no the prediction of the end. But in 2012, we'll be lined up with the Sun and the center of the Galaxy, the Solar Flares will reach their peak of increasing power and the Earth finishes a wobble... I don't know about this, but I don't think we should conclude ourselves as ''save'', we still need to be aware, we can't deny a catastrophe (neither we can prove it)...
I got it.When the new cycle begins,we will have no more global warming and instead global cooling would happen.:rolleyes:
Pokequaza said:
Well if you have did some research you would've know this by yourself. I can't say nothing will happen, the Mayans only said a new cycle will start, no the prediction of the end. But in 2012, we'll be lined up with the Sun and the center of the Galaxy, the Solar Flares will reach their peak of increasing power and the Earth finishes a wobble... I don't know about this, but I don't think we should conclude ourselves as ''save'', we still need to be aware, we can't deny a catastrophe (neither we can prove it)...

Well, I heard my Uncle say that solar flares could wipe out Earth's communications, so that could be a problem. Also, the force of gravity between the objects could cause the poles to switch.
It is nice to see some people research like me.
Yondie said:
yea I don't believe in that. doesnt make sense to me =/
Me either.
I dont speak technology.
I think its possible, and that maybe it should happen, I maen I don't want to die and stuff, but seriously, wouldn't it be awesome if 3000 years later some kind of aliens are studying us, personally I would like I world to be remembered by exploding than global warming or over population. That is my personal opion.
so, I kinda believe it, and I think it would be awesome!
eevee said:
I got it.When the new cycle begins,we will have no more global warming and instead global cooling would happen.:rolleyes:
Uhm... well I don't like to call it global warming/cooling, it's just the Sun's activity will be decreasing from 2012, so yes it'll be a bit cooler here on Earth and eventually an Ice Age will come.

Muddy68 said:
Well, I heard my Uncle say that solar flares could wipe out Earth's communications, so that could be a problem. Also, the force of gravity between the objects could cause the poles to switch.
It is nice to see some people research like me.
Well your uncle's right then, and a black out in our communication is a big trouble, ever seen those movies? You know about those disasters, some might be a bit exaggerated, but chaos will be here on Earth for sure.

Switching of the poles, I'm not sure about that. The object's gravity that had the biggest effect on Earth is the Moon's gravity, only causing tides and some other things, the effects of the Sun's gravity are only 1/24 of the Moon's, the effects of the center of the galaxy is even more less, and since the Moon doesn't cause that much here on Earth (anyway no pole switching) so I wonder what the Sun and center of the Galaxy can cause. I'm really doubting about this... But who knows...

Yondie said:
yea I don't believe in that. doesnt make sense to me =/
Still enough prove, read through this thread and you'll believe there'll happen something, not the end of the world, but just disasters.

aggiegwyn said:
Yondie said:
yea I don't believe in that. doesnt make sense to me =/
Me either.
I don't speak technology.
I think its possible, and that maybe it should happen, I maen I don't want to die and stuff, but seriously, wouldn't it be awesome if 3000 years later some kind of aliens are studying us, personally I would like I world to be remembered by exploding than global warming or over population. That is my personal opion.
so, I kinda believe it, and I think it would be awesome!
Trust me, we don't die (we as a species at least not, many unprepared people may die...)

btw, technology isn't a language :p