(3) More CoL Scans, B/W Preorder Bonus, Dub Titles [1/29]

As I said in the Best Wishes thread, i think Enter Iris and Axew could sort of be like Enter the dragon, because Axew's like a dragon. Regardless, they are interesting titles, and they are almost the same as the japanese titles.
Meh, more reprints, kind of ennoying. But i think Lost World will take over the Metagame :S, making a deck with it now, hope to get in Prerelease :S
Hm, what about Best Buy, Target, and other retailers? Pretty sure that they had all that stuff too. I wonder if Toys R Us will hold an event like they did for HGSS...

Anyway, loving the reprints with alternate art.
I love the Eeveelutions. Dx Gatr looks boss. Liking this set's art. Not worth the box though.
If Ursaring ever gets good, that's the Teddyursa to run. Wow.

Also, that Pachirisu looks promising...
Feraligatr looks great, Meganium is cute, Pachirisu may see play in Raichu Prime rogue decks, and Teddiursa is simply awesome. However, some of the cards(like Chikorita) look like cards from LA(the artwork).
Although this IS a bad set, the art on these cards is pretty awesome. I've always loved Kawayoo's work (See Flareon UD and CoL) and Sui's work (see Clefairy CoL and Vaporeon UD), so seeing them is pretty cool. Espeon is pretty cool, too. Not much in terms of playability, though...

And damage-wise, Totodile is the most damaging non-SP non-Legendary Basic in the game. That gets my vote as pretty sweet.

Just when I thought that Kawayoo (my favorite TCG artist) wasn't going to do anymore artwork, we get reprinted Feraligatr and Flareon and they look just amazing, I can't wait to see if more Kawayoo cards are reprinted :D

BTW I know most people don't like this set, but then again it's more for collectors than players, which is perfect for me since I am more of a collector :p This'll be a huge boost to my Shiny and Kawayoo collections; definitely getting a box of it (I'm also wondering how many Shinys you get in a box) :3

Oh and that Espeon's art is amazing, I sure hope Umbreon is reprinted too (which is very likely), since it's original artwork wasn't that special P: