3DS Discussion Thread

I've heard pretty favorable reviews that said if you're a fan of Final Fantasy or even just rhythm games in general, you'll most likely enjoy Theatrhythm.

I haven't even played it and it looks pretty good making it very enticing to buy (I do love me some Final Fantasy IV tracks :3 I honestly haven't played many of the other Final Fantasy games however, so I'm not sure if I would love it for $40).

dmaster out.
I got mine for cheap because of trade-in's, but I definitely feel it is worth at least $30 if you can find it in that price range.

I've played one, technically two (4 for about an hour, 13 almost all the way through) Final Fantasies and still love the game. So, I think the whole nostalgia thing is an added bonus to the game. The music and rhythm game is the main attraction though, not the nostalgia factor.

The only reason I say $30 is a good price range is that the DLC, if you grab any, will cost you making the would-be $40 price go higher. And though it may be a bit of a spoiler of sorts, I would check the track list somewhere before buying it. (Would give a link, but I don't have one.) Just to make sure you're not getting stuck with no songs you like.

All-in-all I would recommend it at $40 if you absolutely love more than just a few tunes in the game or just Rhythm Games in general. $30 is the best price point if you can find it though I would say.
For the love of all that is good, GET THE CIRCLE PAD PRO. The controls on the game without it is HORRENDOUS. I mean ABXY to aim? Who thought of that? Stylus controls would have been far better than either, but if you enjoyed the game just not the horrible controls I strongly suggest the Circle Pad Pro. It's also pretty comfy.

I've never played the game, however I did watch my brother-in-law play it on the PS2 and it was pretty fun. (If that makes sense.) And let me say, without the second stick I don't know how it would be possible to play.
Only one more day until Kingdom Hearts DDD comes out!!! Well, unless you went to the Nintendo store event today. /:
I wish I preordered the collectors edition. It was too late though so I'm just getting a regular copy.
So pumped for Kingdom Hearts 3D! Hopefully mine arrives on time, or else I'll have to wait till I get back from my vacation to play it which would totally suck. Wish I got to go to the Nintendo World event for it, looked pretty cool. Loved the shirts they gave out.
Am I the only one who's not really excited for anything coming out over the next year for both 3DS and Wii U? I mean, what happened to all of the best Nintendo franchises, like Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, etc.? Those are the ones I'm waiting for.
Didn't they say something about Smash Bros. a few weeks ago?
And Kirby is busy celebrating his 20th anniversary.
Keyblade said:
And Kirby is busy celebrating his 20th anniversary.

Indeed. He's celebrating it by releasing another half assed repackaging of his Classic games, just like they did with Mario. Why couldn't they do something, you know, original and substantial? And that doesn't excuse every other franchise from being absent from both 3DS and Wii U.
Bolt the Cat said:
Am I the only one who's not really excited for anything coming out over the next year for both 3DS and Wii U? I mean, what happened to all of the best Nintendo franchises, like Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, etc.? Those are the ones I'm waiting for.

I'm not as excited for the Wii U as I probably thought I was but I can probably attribute that to the horrid E3. There are quite a few games coming out this year that I am excited for (namely on the 3DS).

The Last Story
Kingdom Hearts 3D
Luigi's Mansion
Paper Mario Sticker Star
Pikmin 3

I would put both 2D Mario games on the list (especially the 3DS one), but I'm not really sure. I like the coin aspect a lot but meh. Because both of them are coming out so close together, my interest is already low.

dmaster out.
Bolt the Cat said:
Am I the only one who's not really excited for anything coming out over the next year for both 3DS and Wii U? I mean, what happened to all of the best Nintendo franchises, like Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, etc.? Those are the ones I'm waiting for.

They're in early development, and so are under wraps.

Bolt the Cat said:
Indeed. He's celebrating it by releasing another half assed repackaging of his Classic games, just like they did with Mario. Why couldn't they do something, you know, original and substantial? And that doesn't excuse every other franchise from being absent from both 3DS and Wii U.

The Mario anniversary game was not a new collection. The Mario anniversary was a rerelease of All-Stars, something dear to many hearts, released at almost 3 times its theoretical VC price. Nothing new should have been expected of it. The Kirby collection? It's a new collection, with new-ish things, like...a timeline. Think of it as a GOTY version of the Kirby games on VC. Had Return to Dreamland been delayed in release, you wouldn't have this complaint.
Chariblaze said:
They're in early development, and so are under wraps.

I suppose there's not much to complain about as long as they end up being great games in the end, but you'd think that they'd have more to offer at release date than Pikmin 3, "New" Super Mario Rehash Bros., and Nintendo Land.
Just got Kingdom Hearts 3D. Though I spent an hour of it messing around, I spent 4 hours in Traverse Town. TRAVERSE TOWN.
I hope they make a [good] Metroid game for 3DS. They also need the same orchestra that did Kid Icarus: Uprising. That soundtrack was amazing.
don()shinobi said:
Just got Kingdom Hearts 3D. Though I spent an hour of it messing around, I spent 4 hours in Traverse Town. TRAVERSE TOWN.

Is that 4 hours with both Riku and Sora in Traverse town? I heard the game likes to switch you up between them every now and then.

I wish Mr. UPS man would hurry his butt up, so I can play it!
PikabooPikachu said:
Is that 4 hours with both Riku and Sora in Traverse town? I heard the game likes to switch you up between them every now and then.

I wish Mr. UPS man would hurry his butt up, so I can play it!
4 hours with them combined. The game does switch between Sora and Riku, but there are a few items and buffs that let you somewhat control when you switch control.
Some people say they drop during a boss battle.
That seems like it would be a bit of a bummer.
Yeah, I actually did that in the first boss fight but I wasn't mad or anything. I think the concept is really unique and good enough to not RAEGE QUIT over. I could see it becoming increasingly annoying though, which is why I'm learning to save often and I might consider dropping manually if I see that I might be entering a boss fight soon. Idk.

dmaster out.