3DS Discussion Thread

Is a 3DS worth getting? Really? Or should I just borrow one from a friend? All I wanna do is play Dream Drop Distance lol. (DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THE GAME. I'm still playing KHII.)
If I ever eventually got a 3DS somehow, I would probably turn the 3D off...I don't like the idea of 3D with no glasses...maybe I'm being stupid.
Serperior said:
Is a 3DS worth getting? Really? Or should I just borrow one from a friend? All I wanna do is play Dream Drop Distance lol. (DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THE GAME. I'm still playing KHII.)

I'd say it's worth getting for almost anyone, but if all you want is DDD, you'd probably be fine borrowing.
regigigas said:
If I ever eventually got a 3DS somehow, I would probably turn the 3D off...I don't like the idea of 3D with no glasses...maybe I'm being stupid.

It's hard to get used to, but luckily there's a slider that lets you adjust the 3D so it hurts your eyes less.
I've dropped twice during a boss fight. It can be annoying, but I usually just use a Drop Me Not before I go into a boss fight anyways. Am I the only one who feels really underleveled in like every world? I see myself at like half of the combat level in each world. I don't know, maybe it's just me.
Bolt the Cat said:
It's hard to get used to, but luckily there's a slider that lets you adjust the 3D so it hurts your eyes less.
I never had to get used to it, it never hurt my eyes. Instant bliss.
Actually, I have a hard time playing games like Mario Kart 7 in 2D mode. I need at least a little bit 3D so I can concentrate fully.
Zorua said:
I've dropped twice during a boss fight. It can be annoying, but I usually just use a Drop Me Not before I go into a boss fight anyways. Am I the only one who feels really underleveled in like every world? I see myself at like half of the combat level in each world. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

It's not just you. Though, I'm only on my 3rd world, I feel like I should be a bit stronger a points. I changed what world I was in and the Nightmares there seemed to be much easier to deafeat (Prankster's Paradise ---> La Cité des Cloches)

Teal said:
I need at least a little bit 3D so I can concentrate fully.

Same here, but I also get paranoid with the 3D.
KH 3D is undoubtedly the best game ever. I'm already on the Symphony of Sorcery world with both characters. I have three pages of Dream Eaters, and I always make sure to use every single one. if I had to choose my favorite world, it'd have to be a tie between La Cite des Cloches, and Fantasia.

KH 3D is the inspiration for my avatar.
Kingdom Hearts DDD is definitely one of the best games on 3DS. I really like the Dream Eaters as the new enemies, and the new allies.

On a different note, I wish Sega would put the Sonic Advance games on the eShop.
Keyblade said:
Kingdom Hearts DDD is definitely one of the best games on 3DS. I really like the Dream Eaters as the new enemies, and the new allies.

On a different note, I wish Sega would put the Sonic Advance games on the eShop.
They haven't put many GBA games on eShop yet, only the Game Boy ones. (I am so waiting for Pokemon Emerald.)
BUMP! (Sorta)

The 3DS XL launched today in America, and let me tell you, it IS the 3DS. It feels very, very sturdy in comparison to the original 3DS. The screens are just amazing; very immersive with 3D. The over-all design feels way comfier, and the screen scratch issue seems to be fixed. MY goodness I know this is just first week hyperbole most likely, but I'm not disappointed one bit. (I did the Gamestop trade-in thing where you bought the system, transferred stuff over, returned the system, then "re-bought" it with trade-in 3DS.) The blue is a really nice shade. Didn't get to see red, but I don't mind, I never really liked red...

New Super Mario Bros 2 also came out today but I went through Newegg since it was $30 shipped (then Fry's does the same AFTER Newegg ships mine. /)_- ) so no impressions yet. I'll post here a "review" here for it once I get it!
Yeah, $100 for trading in a 3DS towards an XL looked pretty nice, but I couldn't bear to part with my system. Besides, you never know when you'll need two systems for Download Play in MK7.
I knooooooww. It was painful in a way. :< But I was tired of the hand cramps I got. And seen as how I admittedly don't really have any hobbies other than games anymore I typically play my 3DS from one to three hours a day now. After a while the cramps built up to the point I made myself stop because I knew I NEEDED to. And while that really just means I need to cut back on play time, it sometimes happens in a matter of minutes (but other times an hour). All in all the thing is just really comfortable. I didn't get it for the screens really, just for the better build quality. The screens are just a (unintended pun) big bonus.

My brother still has his 3DS, as does my sister. So I didn't really feel like it'd be worth keeping for multi-player purposes. I just had a strange attachment to my system, I loved the little guy... Just hated the cramps.

On a side-note, Mario doesn't get here 'til Wednesday according to NewEgg, but they've delivered a day earlier than listed before so maybe it'll be here Tuesday. The eShop option is very tempting, but not being able to re-sell wouldn't work for me. At all. I generally beat games then sell them in a week or two. $40 for two weeks max doesn't sound very pleasing. :X
Great, now I have an even NEWER dilemma! Do I get a 3DS, or a 3DS XL, or save up for Aki-con in October.
Even to get any kind of 3DS I'd have to sell my DSi XL, and I don't feel like parting with my beloved Flipnote until 3DS gets it. (And selling my baby, (my DS lite) is out of the question.)
Well, I love the XL obviously (for now, that first-week hyperbole =P), but with how unfortunately low DSi XL's sell for now, it wouldn't make too much towards either. Yet at the same time it would also makes no sense to own three systems in the sameish line...

Maybe hold out for your convention then see about Black Friday deals? The Zelda 3DS was released last year for Black Friday, is probably the most beautiful 3DS out there, and is ironically worth more than any other funny enough. Not to say that something like that will happen again, but it may. I don't know, I'm horrible in making my own decisions much less helping others. =/

One of THE biggest things to look at though are the games. If there's not at least two or three games you want that are out right now, wait. Don't get it for something upcoming, don't get it for just one game. (Thank goodness it turns out there was actually more on PSP I wanted, got it for one game, and needless to say, I didn't like the one game. Yay. Birth By Sleep and Monster Hunter actually made it worth it though.) I know someone who got theirs for Animal Crossing because it was supposedly launching late last year or early this year. Well.... Yeah. He also wanted it for Luigi's Mansion. And now THAT's in 2013 territory. Verdict? Make sure what you get something for is already out.

Another random side-note, no one buy warranties from Gamestop for 3DS/XL's without thinking about it first. I bought a year's warranty for my system because I like to ensure I'm covered... Then it occurred to me, Gamestop will REPLACE my system, not fix it. If I have any issues with the system it'll go to Nintendo so I can keep my games and data, not Gamestop. Sooo basically I lost $20. And that's just annoyingly stupid when there's no one but yourself to blame.
I'm so excited for Fire Emblem 3ds, I can't wait until it comes out! xD

I'm also excited for SSB4, BW2 (obv) and to an extent super mario bros. 2 (it kinda just looks like SMB for the wii, with a heavier focus on coins)
Eh, Fire Emblem's fun, but I'm not too excited over it.

The things I'm looking forward to most is the new Harvest Moon, Luigi's Mansion, Paper Mario, and most of all ANIMAL FLIPPIN CROSSING. Come on Nintendo, it's been three years since it was first shown. ;-;
Hmm...I'd like to have Dream Drop Distance and Kid Icarus. (AND ANIMAL CROSSING, YO!) But can I wait that long...grr.
Well thanks for the advice, love. I'll try and hold on until then. (granted I don't spend all my money on fangirl stuff.)
Well...maybe once I get a 3DS and they come out with Flipnote 3D I'll sell my DSi. Seriously. I want Flipnote on 3DS as much as I want Wholock to happen.
Why can't they have that give 3DS-transfer-get 3DS XL method over here...It would cost $1000 Mexican Pesos, but I think it would be worth it. :/ Now that I see the 3DS XL structure, it looks more comfy. I love my 3DS...But it's a little rugged now.

I wanted to get Mario Bros. 2 on the eShop, but I didn't have enough money. Has anybody gotten it yet?