3DS Discussion Thread

Unless if Nintendo decides to give out pre-order bonuses that are actually WORTH the trouble of not just downloading digitally, then I see this as kind of a necessary next step in the gaming world. Even though I do prefer hard copies more often than not; it's so much more convenient and efficient digitally. =o
I'm not liking the whole digital thing really. I've grown up with games coming with neat looking cases and that's what I plan on continuing. Unless I'm saving more than $10 (not wishing I did, just how much I value the case, code, and just a physical way of showing I own it) I'm not going to give up my case. Same for Animal Crossing even. Of course I'm also strongly against it mainly due to the fact that if your system somehow breaks all your games are gone. Nintendo doesn't have an account based system yet, and until they do I will continue playing it safe.
SotS said:
Nintendo doesn't have an account based system yet, and until they do I will continue playing it safe.

It's apparently confirmed: http://gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=180736&sid=91c4182a80c634531607bc93a70d07a7

I only found it today, and customer reps' information can change (hey, remember when I said 3D Classics Kid Icarus would be exclusive available for people who preorder Uprising?).
So would New Super Mario Bros 2 be better to download, or to buy from a store? I don't want to buy one version and change my mind later...
If it were me, I would buy the game from the store. However, a game like Animal Crossing where you log on every day to do things it would be more convenient to download it.

As a side brag note, I completed all the puzzle swap panels at nats. I also got the 3DS hat from Find Mii II. ;3
Porygon-X said:
If it were me, I would buy the game from the store. However, a game like Animal Crossing where you log on every day to do things it would be more convenient to download it.

Exactly. If NSMB2 was $10 cheaper digitally, I'd maybe go that route. But at the same price, it's not worth giving up the space and the right to sell (though I don't know why I'd sell in the first place :p).
Some people do like trading in games, that's not unheard of by any means. I'm not one of those kinds of people myself, but yeah. At the same price, there is no incentive to download it digitally, even if it is a game you have to change out of the slot every day IMO.

dmaster out.
SotS said:
I'm not liking the whole digital thing really. I've grown up with games coming with neat looking cases and that's what I plan on continuing. Unless I'm saving more than $10 (not wishing I did, just how much I value the case, code, and just a physical way of showing I own it) I'm not going to give up my case. Same for Animal Crossing even. Of course I'm also strongly against it mainly due to the fact that if your system somehow breaks all your games are gone. Nintendo doesn't have an account based system yet, and until they do I will continue playing it safe.

Same here. Even if it isn't convent, I still love new game box smell. (I almost forgot about my favorite part of new games, when i was think about digial copies!) I'm probably just getting hard copy anyway.

Side note, Did you know Japanese new game box smell smells different than American new game box smell.
Just tried out the Kingdom Hearts demo. Very very odd lol. I've never played a game from that series so I've been looking forward to this. But that demo was far too short I don't even know what happened. First there was that long dialogue scene and once I was able to play I just went wild wall bouncing and jumping everywhere and in a matter of seconds I guess I found myself against some boss. Didn't take long to finish him off either with me just button mashing non-stop. In the end I got a Thank you for Playing message. Not sure if I won or died lol.
ForeignDude said:
Just tried out the Kingdom Hearts demo. Very very odd lol. I've never played a game from that series so I've been looking forward to this. But that demo was far too short I don't even know what happened. First there was that long dialogue scene and once I was able to play I just went wild wall bouncing and jumping everywhere and in a matter of seconds I guess I found myself against some boss. Didn't take long to finish him off either with me just button mashing non-stop. In the end I got a Thank you for Playing message. Not sure if I won or died lol.

Same thing happened to me, and I didn't really like it all that much.
Xcelsior said:
The 3DS is pretty amazing, but it's plagued by short battery life. Mine only lasts about 9-10 hours of continuous play, about 12-13 hours overall if I take occasional breaks.

Sorry to quote something from May, but it's the only post in the thread that really listed an experienced number for battery life in the search I did.

For those with a 3DS, does the quoted number for battery life sound accurate? I have a DS Lite and I'll be getting the Black 3DS with my next paycheck (or the paycheck after that), and to be honest that amount of battery life doesn't sound low to me at all. Either my DS Lite has a bad battery or the 3DS is around the same. I don't plan on waiting for the 3DS XL because the price for the 3DS is surprisingly low right now and I actually enjoy being able to pocket my handhelds.
Xous said:
Sorry to quote something from May, but it's the only post in the thread that really listed an experienced number for battery life in the search I did.

For those with a 3DS, does the quoted number for battery life sound accurate? I have a DS Lite and I'll be getting the Black 3DS with my next paycheck (or the paycheck after that), and to be honest that amount of battery life doesn't sound low to me at all. Either my DS Lite has a bad battery or the 3DS is around the same. I don't plan on waiting for the 3DS XL because the price for the 3DS is surprisingly low right now and I actually enjoy being able to pocket my handhelds.

A quick Google search gave me 3-6/8 hours and honestly, I'd have to agree. I can't remember any sessions I played in where I got over 6 hours of life before I had to charge. I honestly don't have too many gaming sessions where I play that long (especially during school time), but when I do, I do notice that it is shorter than the other DS family of systems.

dmaster out.
It's shorter on battery; I think that four hours is pretty accurate with moderate settings. However this is with the 3D on. And while I still like the 3D, I don't use it too often anymore, so I generally get around the five hour mark. If I go ultra conservative, being light of 1, and Power-Saving mode on though I can get six or so hours on a 3DS title. Really though, it's an annoyance, but not a hassle. It's not hard at all to charge it a few hours before bed. (I say this because while I've heard mixed facts some of them have been that leaving it on the charger all the time decreases the battery. So better safe than sorry I guess.)

I found a way to get Theatrhythm Final Fantasy cheap (five dollars lol, Gamestop trade-ins can be good if you only use their promotions) and it is FUN. I've put ten hours in and have only had it since Saturday. I don't know if it's the awesome music or gameplay making me play it so often though. Probably both. Yeah I'll go with both.

I could have got Rhythm Thief, but Gamestop's 50% extra deal only lasted 'til this past Sunday. And I knew I couldn't get back out to the store for another two weeks so I just went for Theatrhythm instead.

Edit: Hmmm... My numbers may be off. I've never really counted how much time the battery actually lasts, so take those numbers as an estimate sorta. I'm seeing from a few google searches that the system can't get more than five hours. But I coulda' sworn that I've got six hours before...
The battery life also depends on if you have your wireless on. If I'm playing single player, I'll turn it off and get a lot longer life out of it.
ForeignDude said:
Just tried out the Kingdom Hearts demo. Very very odd lol. I've never played a game from that series so I've been looking forward to this. But that demo was far too short I don't even know what happened.

So I kind of wanted to help you understand the game better, since you said this is your 1st one and the demo is a bit confusing. I broke down you what you said and kind of explained a bit.
I hope I don’t sound like one of those people who are like, “Ugh. This guy’s never even played the originals and he wants to play the new ones? Pff,” because I haven’t even play KH and KH2 for PS2 yet.

ForeignDude said:
First there was that long dialogue scene
Something I like a lot about the KH games is the cut senses. If you were confused, just know Sora is the main character, Riku is his pal, and Neku is from another game. If you didn't know all ready, square enix tends to use people from their other games, usually Final Fantasy, but this time they're also using The World Ends With You characters (that’s where Neku is form).

ForeignDude said:
once I was able to play I just went wild wall bouncing and jumping everywhere and in a matter of seconds I guess I found myself against some boss. Didn't take long to finish him off either
Yeah that's one of the things I'm still not 100% go on yet. It's nice way to explore the area when you compare it to having to jump from one building, jump onto this platform and then hope that you can make it to this one spot. It’s also a lot faster too. It’s also meant to help you fight. If you play the Tutorial, it kind of explains this a better.

ForeignDude said:
... just button mashing non-stop.
My favorite part :3 Hit the A button and once everything reloads on the X, mash the X button away!

ForeignDude said:
Not sure if I won or died lol.

More than likely you won.

Just by turning off Wireless I have easily doubled my power! I played my 3DS for four hours, and it still has two bars of power left. I kid you not, if I'm playing at home I will ensure that the Wireless is always turned off. I may not get Swapnotes or be on the Friends List but goodness sake, I didn't know it took so much power.

Speaking of four hours.. Theatrhythm was the best "impulse" buy I've ever made. Said four hours was on that game. Just today. I'm also finding a ton of Final Fantasy songs I didn't even know of that I love. :D

Well, it's painful for me, but good news all around. The XL has been getting great reviews from countless places. Not as the revolutionary piece of advice like some people for some reason thought it would be, but as a better handheld in general compared to the original as long as you can get over the size. It looks sooo comfortableeee. ;-; If I can avoid getting it over my planned Japanese console I will pat myself on the back. I wanted the XL when the original came out haha. Stupid temptation. :<
PikabooPikachu said:
So I kind of wanted to help you understand the game better, since you said this is your 1st one and the demo is a bit confusing. I broke down you what you said and kind of explained a bit.
I hope I don’t sound like one of those people who are like, “Ugh. This guy’s never even played the originals and he wants to play the new ones? Pff,”

No problemo, that post was very much appreciated! I guess I could have worded myself better to not sound like a fool but that's what I am. :p

I love cut scenes too and there are times when I wish there are more cutscenes than gameplay. It's just that this one felt odd especially with the ending of the demo.

But yeah, I pretty much went into the game knowing I'd be lost, just didn't think I'd be that lost. I even ignored the tutorial too. Confusing or not, I've been told to play the game for a while now and having Donald Duck & friends in it makes the decision easier for me.
ForeignDude said:
I love cut scenes too and there are times when I wish there are more cutscenes than gameplay. It's just that this one felt odd especially with the ending of the demo.

From what I understand, it was an E3 demo or something similar, so it's not made to be played for long. Mostly, get the concepts out there, quickly, and then leave you with a thought in your mind.
SotS said:
Speaking of four hours.. Theatrhythm was the best "impulse" buy I've ever made. Said four hours was on that game. Just today. I'm also finding a ton of Final Fantasy songs I didn't even know of that I love. :D

Do you think even people who haven't really played any Final Fantasy games, but love rythme based games, will enjoy this game?
I haven't really played too many of the games myself, besides one for the game cube and XIII part 2, but i've been looking at this game since i love rythme games and Final Fantasy has some killer tunes.