3DS Discussion Thread

Ghost Watch (Youkai Watch) 3DS by Level 5
OMMGGG! I WANT THIS GAME THAT IS OBVIOUSLY TARGETED TOWARDS CHILDREN! I want it now. And wow I understood like at least half of what they said in that video.

PS: Monsters from gatchapons hmm doesn not sound familiar at all...
I guess they just wanted to show that it's Pokémon-like in a way.
Teal said:
Ghost Watch (Youkai Watch) 3DS by Level 5
OMMGGG! I WANT THIS GAME THAT IS OBVIOUSLY TARGETED TOWARDS CHILDREN! I want it now. And wow I understood like at least half of what they said in that video.

That game looks so AWESOME!!! I want to play it! :D :D :D :D :D :D Please enlighten me with more informartion!!! :D
Well for me, I think in Christmas, I'm wishing for the 3DS version of Skylanders Giants (I'm getting the Wii version next week) and as for what I've been doing on my 3DS lately, I've been trying to collect StreetPass Tags for MK7 so I can get the Golden Glider :)
Meh. I'm not really a fan Skylanders. It sounds cool until you realize you're paying loads of cash for on-disc DLC. It's a good business though. xP

The last game I bought for 3DS was Kingdom Hearts I think... So it's actually been a while. Unfortunately (said in a not actually unfortunate way) I can't get all those new awesome games coming out for it this month and the next, because all my money went towards Wii U.
SotS said:
Meh. I'm not really a fan Skylanders. It sounds cool until you realize you're paying loads of cash for on-disc DLC. It's a good business though. xP

The last game I bought for 3DS was Kingdom Hearts I think... So it's actually been a while. Unfortunately (said in a not actually unfortunate way) I can't get all those new awesome games coming out for it this month and the next, because all my money went towards Wii U.

That's fine, not everyone likes the franchise, as for KH:3D, I've been thinking of getting it sometime, but right now, I have other things on my plate :)
Yeah, I definitely see why lots of people like it. I just can't make myself spend more on something I own already. My little sister loves the game though!

I definitely recommend picking up Kingdom Hearts at some point if you like the series. Personally I could care less about the story, I just love the gameplay. Though once I beat it a month ago I kinda' never played it again... That's why I love Pokemon, it never ends.

SPEAKING OF never ending, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is popping up early in a ton of stores. Like, already out three days ago early (it was meant to come out November 6th). It's so tempting, but I can't get it because of other things that popped up (that NEEDED bought, like $30 worth of pet care in one day somehow. Everything just stacked onto that one week. .-.) after the Wii U was payed off. I wanted it all year man. ;-; Oh well, guess there's Christmas even though we'll all be dead.
SotS said:
Yeah, I definitely see why lots of people like it. I just can't make myself spend more on something I own already. My little sister loves the game though!

I definitely recommend picking up Kingdom Hearts at some point if you like the series. Personally I could care less about the story, I just love the gameplay. Though once I beat it a month ago I kinda' never played it again... That's why I love Pokemon, it never ends.

SPEAKING OF never ending, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is popping up early in a ton of stores. Like, already out three days ago early (it was meant to come out November 6th). It's so tempting, but I can't get it because of other things that popped up (that NEEDED bought, like $30 worth of pet care in one day somehow. Everything just stacked onto that one week. .-.) after the Wii U was payed off. I wanted it all year man. ;-; Oh well, guess there's Christmas even though we'll all be dead.

1. I AM a fan of the KH Series
2. We will NOT be dead, that's nothing more than a big conspiracy
No way dude, those Mayans that no one on earth ever actually met in real life were totally telling the truth fosho' 100% definitely obvs. We now just have to believe the fact that loving meteors will rain down from the sky just trying to give us a nice, warm, embracing hug. <3
The mayans didn't even say the world ends, their calendar just ends with 2012 (cause an infinite calendar is impossible to produce) and the bussinessmen and media thought it's a good excuse for money money money. Besides they have found a new mayan calendar that goes beyond 2012, what a "wonder" that they found it in late 2012!! [/offtopic]
I should have just bit the bullet and pre-ordered Virtue's Last Reward but I'm probably going to have to either buy it online or scour some other places for it. I loved 999 on the DS and this one looks just as good.

I also want to get the new Professor Layton game. I'm torn between wanting to download it or just buy the game case itself. This is probably one of the only games I wouldn't actually mind downloading which is kind of funny...

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
This is probably one of the only games I wouldn't actually mind downloading which is kind of funny...

Yeah, Layton is one I'd download, what with the daily puzzles.
Layton is not for me. I got stumped on the tenth puzzle of the first game and put it off forever. =X I'm one of those who refuse to look up help even when they can use it, so I guess it just wasn't meant to be haha. I like the stories though, and the movie is actually pretty good.
I'm okay at the puzzles in Layton. I just do all the ones I can. But i love the story to much that if I get stuck I cheat. (o^_^o) But it's been so long since I've played them!!! ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ
Besides.... I still need to beat KH 3D and Ni no Kuni and Pocket Monster White 2 and Pokemon Black 2 and....*rambles off others* σ(TεT;)
(You're signature is seriously distracting while trying to type lol)

I have no games to beat now. Just play endlessly until I get bored; like Pokemon Black 2 which has claimed the place of #1 on my Activity Log in a matter of three weeks. If it can last me for two more weeks without beginning to feel stale I'll be good, as then I'll have Wii U right around the corner. Then once I've played that enough I'll jump back into 3DS with Paper Mario.

Hopefully. MONEY, Y U MATTER?!
(Haha... Sorry about that xD)

Luckly!!! I suck at making sure I beat a game. I always get distracted with another game. So I get like half way threw them and never finish them. I've been trying to brush off that old nasty habit, but I still kind of juggle games around, though. (>w<")

I don't know if I want a Wii U right away any more (and by that, I mean Chirstmas)... :\ Don't shun me just yet!!! :O Snice I just found out that Taiko no Tatsujin 3DS has PonPonPon and 2 Vocialod songs on it... I might try to get a Japan region 3DS. Just so I can play Taiko no Tatsujin. (#^o^#) Well not to metion that I'm also intersected in Youkia Watch.... And snice the list of "Games that Will Never Come to the States" has grown to two games (not inculding Pocket Monster White 2), I've been really considering on getting one. I've also been researching methods on hacking the 3DS to be "region free." The only thing I get scared about with those methods is bricking.... And I've worked so hard on my Mii Plaza!!! ( Y-Y ) So if anyone knows a grade A+++ hack for region free, shoot me a PM ;D
I was the same up until just a few months back actually. o.o As such, I actually have quite a backlog, but I'm not too interested in any of the games in it because they're mostly all games from a year or two ago when I didn't beat them haha...

I have beat every game I've had on my 3DS though, as I'm definitely more of a handheld guy. Because you know how when you like, stop playing a game and don't play it ever again because you don't want to spend the time on it? Well, with handhelds they're always there; you don't have to commit any time being stuck in one place for a while. You can just go around the house and play.

Honestly, the sole reason that made the Wii U worth it to me was Pikmin 3 and that was pushed back... Buuut, I didn't want AAAANY risks, so I got it ASAP- just payed it off in full today actually!

But trust me, if the money wasn't spent there, it would be on a Japanese 3DS as well. I wanna' play Animal Crossing around Christmas, not next year. ;-; And then there's Monster Hunter 4 (even getting it six months early would be worth it). I've played the MH games in Japanese before on my PSP, and they weren't hard to get used to at all. And then there's the new Mystery Dungeon if I wanted and... Ugggh. I just want everything, is that too much to ask? (Joking... Partially..)
sooo.... has anyone gotten Lego Lord of the Rings yet?

I'm a BIG fan of the movies and books so if the game is any good I would want to get it...
The Pikachu Mafia said:
sooo.... has anyone gotten Lego Lord of the Rings yet?

I'm a BIG fan of the movies and books so if the game is any good I would want to get it...

Mm, there's a demo on the eShop. It's a Lego game. With LotR. And voices from the movies. I liked it.
SotS said:
I wanna' play Animal Crossing around Christmas, not next year. ;-;
Why don't you just play the older games, they aren't that different... Wii was pretty much a carbon copy of DS.
Chariblaze said:
The Pikachu Mafia said:
sooo.... has anyone gotten Lego Lord of the Rings yet?

I'm a BIG fan of the movies and books so if the game is any good I would want to get it...

Mm, there's a demo on the eShop. It's a Lego game. With LotR. And voices from the movies. I liked it.

yeah I saw the demo, it looked pretty awesome :eek: (except the ring looks more like a lego bracelet, lol)

I'll probably get it today-ish the game looks pretty good...