3DS Discussion Thread

The 3DS, at the moment, with the current games out for it, no, not at all.

Wait till fall/holiday season, then it'll be worth it. Right now, there just aren't enough quality games to support the console.
The 3DS has very few GOOD games out, only one or two(soon to be 3). Right now, it's only a decent system, and should be something to put on your wish list for Christmas, because that'll be the time good games will be out(Mario Kart). For now, the only good game is Ocarina of Time, and it's not worth getting the system just yet
With Pokemon Rumble 2 coming out this year as well, Nintendo is bringing the huge guns to the system. All we need is a new Metroid game to come out after Luigi's Mansion 2 (and maybe before the Vita lol) to really bring in the bank at the end of this year.

dmaster out.
When Mario comes to the 3DS, then I can expect sales to increase.

For now, we need new/good games.
The next big game that is coming out is Starfox 64 3D... And that's in September.
I have a REALLY good feeling once the holidays come around, the 3DS will have a lot of sales, for now, nobody really cares.
I can't wait for SSB4 on the 3DS. I wonder what new playable Pokemon will be in it. Pikachu and Jigglypuff will be in it no doubt.
The new SSB was confirmed to be for Wii U and 3DS at E3, though since the systems were just decided earlier this year, it will be a long while until its release on the 3DS.
I have four videos on Nintendo Video, I think the Dinosaur Office one is the best. "I guess I'll grab a bite around here"
I´m probably gonna get a 3DS for my birthday. (Wich is around 2 weeks lulz)
I just have some questions...

#1: How many days does it aproximately take for your eyes to adjust to the 3D?
#2: Can you send DSi Pictures to the 3DS?
#3: Instead of points, on the eShop you use actual money (Because on some pictures I just saw random numbers along with a $ sign)?
#4: Is there any Screen Protector to avoid Touch-Screen scratches?
#5: Wich accesories would you recommend?

Ok that´s all. I hope you pwease anshwer.
And...Well, I don´t know the exchange rate right now, but it looks (to me) that the 3DS is WAY more expensive here in Mexico. Luckily, when something they (or me) want and find out it´s too expensive, they buy it by internet were it is a lot cheaper(That´s how I got my DSi).

I seriously can´t wait for Paper Mario and Pokémon Rumble Blast. (I might consider getting LoZ: OoT, since many of you seem to give it way too much praise, and it looks interesting, AND I feel like playing something new aside Pokaymon and Malleo.)

/me out.
#1: How many days does it aproximately take for your eyes to adjust to the 3D?

My eyes adjusted instantly, it really shouldn't take long

#2: Can you send DSi Pictures to the 3DS?

This, I'm actually not sure about. You can definetely transfer them though the SD card, but I dont know about doing it wireless-ly

#3: Instead of points, on the eShop you use actual money (Because on some pictures I just saw random numbers along with a $ sign)?

Yes, you use actual money

#4: Is there any Screen Protector to avoid Touch-Screen scratches?

Yes, most Video Game retailers should have them

#5: Wich accesories would you recommend?

I haven't used any accesories, so sorry.
Gleafeon said:
#1: How many days does it aproximately take for your eyes to adjust to the 3D?
#2: Can you send DSi Pictures to the 3DS?
#3: Instead of points, on the eShop you use actual money (Because on some pictures I just saw random numbers along with a $ sign)?
#4: Is there any Screen Protector to avoid Touch-Screen scratches?
#5: Wich accesories would you recommend?

#1: It depends, if your eye sight isn't very good it will take a lot longer for you to adjust. If you have 20:10 vision you'll get the hang of it right away, but if you need stronger glasses I've seen that it takes longer adjust.

#2: If you use the same SD card, the dsi images will be on your 3DS and viewable.

#3: The eshop does use money, and not points.

#4 & 5: You may want someone else to answer this because I don't ever use accessories and don't have a single one for my 3DS.
Thanks for the answers, I just need a answer on the fifth question.
I don´t use glasses, and I can see far stuff well. Erm, well, i´m not completely sure if my vision is good or not, but my vision is okay(Or at least that´s what I say). But I asked this because I tried a 3DS in wich you could play, and I played for a little bit, but then my eyes started to hurt a little while after I played, but not that badly.

Dissapointing...I hope that they could get plans to use points.
Gleafeon said:
Thanks for the answers, I just need a answer on the fifth question.
I don´t use glasses, and I can see far stuff well. Erm, well, i´m not completely sure if my vision is good or not, but my vision is okay(Or at least that´s what I say). But I asked this because I tried a 3DS in wich you could play, and I played for a little bit, but then my eyes started to hurt a little while after I played, but not that badly.

Dissapointing...I hope that they could get plans to use points.

Yea the first couple of times you use a 3DS your eyes WILL hurt. But after a while your eyes adjust to it and you can use the 3D for longer periods of time.
#5: Wich accesories would you recommend?
Just make sure that you have something to wipe the screens off, because it seems to get dusty, even if you play it lots. Then when it's dusty/ has a bunch of stuff on it, it geting in the way of the 3DS' 3D. Also, most of the DS/DSi/DSi XL accesories work with the 3DS.

Yeah. LZ: OoT is pretty awesome and is great in 3DS 3D.
Finally the price drop has arrived! I'm going to pick up a copy of the 3DS on friday at Best Buy! I'm actually pretty excited. I might go and buy that Cartoon Network Smash Bros. game if it is at a decent price. If not, there's many features already I'll be happy to try out.
How does this system compare to the past systems other than the #-D of course? I am asking because the new 3DS imaging is supposedly not that great and you can't see things like you can with the past DS systems and is there a way to switch between 3D and normal DS modes? I have heard there is a switch for doing that because if I get one of these I want to be able to play it like I would my normal DS's etc. Is it like a portable N64 or better or too sharp? Any game pics will help me determine the viewing of the system. If you guys have pics I would like to see some to compare between systems XD. Thanks.:)