3DS Discussion Thread

Is the 3D like the Nintendo 64 or is it hard to see platforms and stuff? Is there a switch to switch between 2D and 3D settings? Thanks XD.:)
xxashxx said:
Is the 3D like the Nintendo 64 or is it hard to see platforms and stuff? Is there a switch to switch between 2D and 3D settings? Thanks XD.:)

3D like 3D movie, popping out of the screen. Yes, there is a way to switch, you can also find a middle ground perfect for you.
Oh good so it can be switched so that I can still play it if I ever get one then XD. Thanks guys. I wonder why Nintendo has not mentioned that yet though XD.:)
They did, it's on the Nintendo 3DS page, here's a screenshot with the story on it so you can read the full version.

I never use 3D when play LoZ OoT, it makes my eyes hurt...

I think because it is so intense, and staring at it in 3D hurts...
^ I play my copy all the time with 3D on. It looks great C8
Guy89 said:
3D like 3D movie, popping out of the screen. Yes, there is a way to switch, you can also find a middle ground perfect for you.

The 3DS doesn't do popping out 3D... -_-" It does going in 3D.

Wait. so people who got their 3DS before price drop not only will get free games, but games that might be exclusive to only them? THAT's so cool!!!! I don't regret staying up late at gamestop till 11:55 to get my 3DS now!
Wondering if you should wait for the price drop or buy now and get those 20 games? Decision making just got a tad bit easier if you're in Canada. Costco is selling the 3DS at $169.99 already. I'm not sure if it's the same in the US or if the US even has a Costco but yeah.
Yea US has Costco. And If its already that cheap then go ahead you get the price drop and the ambassador program.
I just got my Giant AR card in the mail from club nintendo. That thing is amazingly huge. Cant wait to actually use it(Giant Mario anyone??).

I am excited about the price drop. I like the fact that i can now get 20 free games.

New Thing to the Thread:

If you have a 3DS post your friend code so we can all add each other. I'll try and keep up and edit them into the first post.
legendhunter32 said:
Yea US has Costco. And If its already that cheap then go ahead you get the price drop and the ambassador program.

Some states and areas, none where I live. (I wish) But it's a good deal and I would certainly get it!
The 3DS doesn't have anything that will make me buy it yet. Rayman Origins looks quite promising, if it's difficult enough and not aimed at casual players. The new Mario, that seems like a crossover between Galaxy and Mario Bros, seems interesting, but if it's gonna have the loose controls that the DS and Wii NSMB games had, then I'll pass.
And I heard something about Majora's Mask 3D. I wouldn't buy a 3DS because of it, but MM is definitely one of my favourite Zeldas and I sincerely hope they learned from the failure that was OoT3DS. I still say these games don't belong on a handheld with only a couple of hours battery life, but we'll see how it goes.
What was bad about OoT3DS? I don't the game or a 3DS, but I was planning to get this game, why is it bad?
#1weavile said:
What was bad about OoT3DS? I don't the game or a 3DS, but I was planning to get this game, why is it bad?

It's just not suited for a handheld imo. It's very much the same game, but less comfortable to play, because you have a tiny screen and not the amount of control that the N64/GC controller gives you. There's absolutely no reason to buy it if you already played OoT before.
Ok I haven't played it before :p Everyone I asked said it was great though!

I'm gonna pick it up during christmas sales probably.
i played it at bestbuy and it hurt my eyes =( they hurt for like 3 days and now even when i think about it i get watery eyes =(
StealthAngel667 said:
There's absolutely no reason to buy it if you already played OoT before.

Strongly disagree. This is the way OoT should have been played and seen before. Better touch screen controls for Items, updated graphics (this game _needed_ them), and a boss mode+Master Quest combo. If you're a fan of the original and haven't played in a long time, you would want to pick this up or you're just being a cynic and want to say the 3DS doesn't have enough good games (which is a lie because there are decent games on the system now and this one is a must-buy for any 3DS owner).

dmaster out.