3DS Discussion Thread

Concerning the Pokedex 3D, how is it that I have a new Pokemon entry in my Pokedex almost every time I turn my 3DS on? Is somebody sending me Pokemon from their 3DS, does my 3DS automatically give me a new Pokemon every so often, or what?
*hides in the cornner* I fail at life... TT^TT
Haha. I forgot it's all ready past. Well maybe it's an E3 secert for next year!
legendhunter32 said:
You get a new pokemon 3 times a day trough Spot Pass.

I actually stopped receiving pokemon for some reason. My friend is having the same problem. My pokedex isn't full. Do you know what to do?
Do you have a stable connection?

And by "my Pokedex isn't full" do you mean: Nation Pokedex or Unova Pokedex?
^It tells if you're enabled to.


Hey, here is something you can use:

Turn to Pokedex3d.
Turn to AR Marker.
Aim camera at this image.
superpokemon67 said:
I actually stopped receiving pokemon for some reason. My friend is having the same problem. My pokedex isn't full. Do you know what to do?

What do you have completed? I remember reading that various forms like Sawsbuck are impossible to get via SpotPass alone. Same thing with a lot of the legends. You'd need AR markers (or, you know, someone to StreetPass with).

Chariblaze is correct.

dmaster out.
few. I started freaking out snice i just went to see if i could download. but hey! It's casue i'm cut off.
I feel so special now. dmaster linked my thread :D

richkid50000 said:
Note to everyone that owns a 3DS!

The Ambassador Checker for the 3DS ambassador program is now up!

Ambassador Checker

Thank you :D
Do you think that the next main Pokemon games (Hoenn remakes and "Pokemon Grey") will be on the 3DS, or will they still be on the other DS systems?
I think it depends.

If Grey comes out first, I think it'll be on DS and the remakes on 3DS.

But if Grey comes after the remakes it'll probably be on 3DS.
Well I'm guessing since Polemon created the 3D app early on I would assume that they plan to take full use oif the 3DS begining with the next game. And also remeber that nintendo is trying to shift people towards the 3DS by putting their focus towards it.
There was this cartoonetwork game that came out for the 3DS, any of you guys heard of it.
Yes. It's called Punch Time explosion. But it is horrible. It's like a really bad version of Super Smash Bros. I regret spending forty bucks on that game.
It probably won't. The story if you would even call it that is really quick I finished it only hours after I got the game. Then to unlock the characters you have to win certain amounts of fights.(even if they were unlocked in the story) And something like 50% sends you soaring across the screen. It just not good.