(6) Lots of News [6/27]

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Looker might because he spoke in a foreign tounge and came from a different region.
legendhunter32 said:
Does any one know where to buy the games if you live in America?

The best sites I've come across are yesasia.com and playasia.com.

As of right now, they don't have them available for pre-order yet.
Very cool-looking characters. I can't wait to see their Sugimori art. The artwork for Kyogre & Groudon LEGEND is cool, as well.
That's a whole lot of news. The release date is good to knwo, and the promos look cool. I can't wait for all this in Canada!
I really don't like the portrait, it makes this game seem like most other Japanese RPGs. I think it would be kinda weird to have the overworld, and then fade to black and have the portrait talking for 10 seconds, and then fade back to the overworld. It just wouldn't fade well together...
I was able to freeze the video on the correct tenth of a second to get the image right before the battle intro. Here it is-


and if that for some reason doesn't work, here is the link-http://i1034.photobucket.com/albums/a422/rjh3242/Capture.jpg
Something tells me that the new footage has to do with the opening scene. The first screenshot highly resembles the character in the third one ( the hair is kinda similar ). And as for that guy in the third screenshot....he looks very similar to the main male character. Maybe the character you don't pick changes somehow and becomes your rival/ enemy. I mean, seeing as how the eyes in the first screen are blue and the ones in the third are black, and they kinda look exactly the same, it can be a possibility.
If that person with the glasses is the new Rival, I won't mind. I love how people don't know the Gender though. It reminds me of G/S (Rival+Bugsy). Ahh, ambiguous gender how I love thee. The guy with green hair looks cool. I can't see him being the same person as in the middle, but he might be, idk. Maybe villain in disguise just like Zoroark. September 18th, cool. That means it'll release in the US around the same time HG/SS did. It seems like the map of Isshu really takes this sky theme to the extreme what with an airfield and all. It'll be interesting if there actually turns out to be an airplane somehow used in here.

The Legend and Espeon suck IMO. Too slow and not powerful enough. Might be fun to play but nothing I'm interested in buying a box for but collecting. B/W next block is expected. Electabuzz sucks as well, but the Stadium is yet another way Legends will be boosted. It's not enough IMO. I'll have to download Jirachi ASAP.

dmaster out.
September 18th! Woo thats pretty soon, earlier than I expected... well by 10 days but hey 10 days is 10 days! When is play-asia gonna start taking preorders.... :/
Kyogre & Groudon Legend is definitely heavy... and I'm not talking about the weight...

Indigo Plateau is very good...
Dragonlord251 said:
or a little girl with a weird hat

yeah who is she? If I knew there was a much clearer picture than the one I posted I never would have done it in the first place. lol

looks kinda like a lilypad hat.
Maybe its somewhere a break-in took place.
There is foot steps on the floor, messed up bookcase, etc.
Okay, having some time to have this sink in here are my thoughts:

The boy in the cap will be (one of) your rival/s, as he claims "I will surpass the champion." However, there's something noticeably menacing about him (probably the goofy hair, pale complexion). Not to mention he bears a slight resemblance to the clearly villainous figure with the red eye and golden artifact. Father/Son relationship perhaps? Brothers?

Also, our Rival is wearing a cap too, similar in style to our protagonists. Before the VS match with Cheren and Black, the room they are in has recently been terrorized by a pokemon. You can tell by the footprints on the wall. I don't believe Cheren is a rival, or a Gym leader, but guessing by the small amount of clothes we see, they look like an officer or maybe someone like Looker was in Platinum. Our Rival is actually working for the bad guys and is what caused the chaos in this room. Cheren runs in to investigate but mistakes you as the thief instead.

This probably happens more than once, as you're more on the trail to track down and stop your Rival, who always seems to leave before Cheren shows up, leaving you to battle them instead. This explains why Cheren has their own VS sprite, and why they're not directly in front of you when the battle starts.

The golden object the Villain guy holds looks like a crown, but I actually think it's the top of a torch of some kind, to tie in with the whole fire thing Reshiram's got going on.

And I'm going to guess the bit with the roller coaster is part of a Gym. An Electric type I'm hoping - with what looks like a female leader. (She's got blond hair so it certainly fits the trend!)
RuinsofPoli said:

Anyone see that lamp thing above the two stand out characters? It kinda looks like a pokemon...

Im pretty sure thats a human o.o...
How does that thing look like a lamp? It's clearly a girl in a green hat + i think the roller-coaster place is a steel type/electric type gym. Also i think the guy with the green hair is defiantly a rival and he turns out to a dark twin of the main character(I know it's like a soap show) and the evil guy with the crown probably wants to rule the world and use zoroark to imitate people and the police will think the people that zoroark turned into are doing the crimes. The girl you battle in the room probably first sees you and battles you and then after you beat her she realises it was the work of a pokemon probably. Just an idea i'll think about it a bit more and get back to you.
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