(6) Red Collection, Emerging Powers, BW Kit, BW17 Ducklett, Plasma Eps Skipped [6/30]

Mysterious Fossil. I can only guess that they will be 'restored' from a new, reprinted version of Mysterious Fossil. Hell, it's one of the only base set mechanics not reprinted.
^They stopped doing the Mysterious Fossil since DP-era. Mysterious Fossil was just for Omanyte, Kabuto and Aerodactyl. But in MD, they started making their own fossils (Dome, Helix and Old Amber). So, why the hell would they go back to the Mysterious Fossil??
ZPS will be awesome with Archeops, Pokemon catcher and eviolite! It will be a great deck. With Pokemon Catcher it's a KO at each turn, and with Archeops players you just destroy all stage 1 or stage 2 deck like donphan, magneboar. I hope they will make a Pokemon that cancel all abilities.
Nobody giving Cobalion love? its second attack is exactly the same a bearctic's but isnt DCE compatible. Imagine a cobalion with evolite and 3 sp metals attached, It will be such a tank when it is released.

bwaaaa said:
Nobody giving Cobalion love? its second attack is exactly the same a bearctic's but isnt DCE compatible. Imagine a cobalion with evolite and 3 sp metals attached, It will be such a tank when it is released.


And Skarmory from Undaunted/COL will provide it with perfect setup for the metal energies.

And now cleffa isn't too good of a wall.... NO :(
Why can't Cleffa wall?

Pokemunkulys said:
20 Damage from any source...Zekrom only hurts itself for 20, anyone? ;D

Yep. It'll be great in ZPS

jb2909 said:
ZPS will be awesome with Archeops, Pokemon catcher and eviolite! It will be a great deck. With Pokemon Catcher it's a KO at each turn, and with Archeops players you just destroy all stage 1 or stage 2 deck like donphan, magneboar. I hope they will make a Pokemon that cancel all abilities.

I agree.
glaceon said:
How? You can retreat, and the effect goes away..

But it costs Energy to retreat. It's like saying, "Discard 2 Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon and switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. If your opponent has Switch in his or her hand, discard that instead."
Charganium said:
glaceon said:
How? You can retreat, and the effect goes away..

But it costs Energy to retreat. It's like saying, "Discard 2 Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon and switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. If your opponent has Switch in his or her hand, discard that instead."

Not all Pokemon have a high retreat cost. You can also fighting tag.
I think Tier 1 will only have Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem including decks due to Eviolite. Donphan can't ohko zekrom that has eviolite, not even with that Heavy Impact move anymore. not without plus powers :p
glaceon said:
It can ko Zekrom with Heavy Impact. 90x2= 180, 180-20=150

180-20 = 160. lol

and would it be before or after applying weakness??

either way 70x2= 140

90x2 =180 - 20 = 160

heavy impact will always 1hko zekrom.
Riskbreakers said:
Look guys! Aerodactyl is back! AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
With basics like Reshiram and Zekrom in the format, Archeops will be almost useless, IMO.
EDIT: Alright, before people start a flame war on me, I wouldn't say COMPLETELY useless. Pretty much every deck out there (besides Zekrom varients) from HGSS-on use evolution cards, Archeosp could have some impact.
Archeops: O___O Auch. That ability will do something about the format, that's for sure.
We still aren't sure if the Archeops will be good, don't forget we still don't know how fossils will work, also if you want to lock your opponent your opponent will have to play no basic attackers which if you've seen that we get Kyurem, Coballion, Terrakion, and Virizion (who are all relatively usable) no one really has an excuse not to play a basic to take care of Archeops via Catcher. Archeops just probably won't be worth the trouble.

BTW I'm calling it now basics are going to have a great influence again. Between Eviolite and all of the fantastic basics we're getting things will get interesting. LOL! SPs may as well exsist.
just checked out the cards from Viperfox. the link given, and the artwork is amazing.

Just check out Tynamo!!! WHO DREW THAT!!! THEY ARE GOD!!!

Super rod, looks like a worse version than Energy Retrieval, but about the same as night maintenance without pokemon included.

Eviolite or whatever looks awesome. i remember getting my first Buffer Piece in DRAGON EX, and thinking oh wow! iv'e gotta get 4 of these in mah deck. now this card is an even better version than the original and you don't discard it!

my mate will be pleased that ol' Aeroy's fossil abilty comes back, since he loved Mewtwo Lv. X to combo with it, in his Unlimited deck

(Come on Fossil MUK ability!)
Archeops in a Mewgar deck.. My GOODNESS. Play Archeops early game, and your opponents hand will be full of Stage 1's and Stage 2's just waiting to be Hurled. Eviolite will do pretty good in that deck too, gicing Mew just a little bit more defense! These next few sets are going to do wonders for this format.