Wow. A lot of TCG news today. I like the new Red collection cards and the new tins that are coming out soon. Will we get the episodes that were skipped in Japan or will they not be aired until Japan airs them first?
Card Slinger J said:Almost forgot there is a counter to Archeops, just send Leavanny to the Lost Zone and have Mew Prime use it's first attack for 1 Colorless. It's basically Darkness Grace similiar to Spiritomb AR except that it costs 1 energy instead of nothing. Incase you don't know what I'm talking about here's the card:
{G} – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Swadloon
{C} Raise Up: Choose 1 Evolution card that Evolves from 1 of your Pokemon from your deck, and play it on top of that Pokemon to Evolve it. Shuffle your deck afterward.
{G}{C} X-Scissor: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 50 damage.
Weakness: {R} (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Card Slinger J said:But even though Archen/Archeops are technically Fossil Pokemon it seems as though they are being made to where they are not the victim of Trainer-Lock anymore like they were in the past especially when Platinum Base Set was just released and Rampardos was seeing some competitive play until Platinum: Arceus
was released and Spiritomb AR killed Rampardos because of Keystone Seal.
So instead of playing Fossils as Trainer - Item cards to evolve into Stage 1 Fossil Pokemon they might just make them like regular Pokemon to evolve normally which wouldn't surprise me considering that Archeops doesn't evolve from a Fossil it evolves from a Pokemon being Archen which happens to be a Basic Pokemon. Whether If Archen can only be played through a Trainer - Item Fossil is anyone's guess but it would just make Archeops be played like a Stage 2 when it's really a Stage 1.
I don't get why Japan rotated from LEGEND to BW-On, I thought LEGEND-Onwards was going to be the world format for Modified (HGSS-On for outside Japan). BW-On is too severe of a cut of sets, it's bad enough when for our Modified format we are losing 7 sets instead of 4 where Japan is losing a total of 6 sets for their rotation where they are losing LEGEND HGSS, Expert Deck Leafeon vs. Metagross,
the Battle Starter Decks, Revived Legends, Lost Link, and Clash at the Summit altogether.
Freakmasta said:There's a mistranslation for Super Rod. You can actually grab up to 3 combo of POKEMON and BASIC ENERGY and shuffle them into your deck. It's basically the new Night Maintenance.
Snorchu said:Pretty upset about the indefinite postponement of the R vs P episodes. It caused a huge discontinuity in the plot (from Ash + friends flying off in a helicopter right to them walking north with Bianca).