Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Sarah: "Lucario takes a hit while Dancing, but does not effect it! Same goes for Gallade!"
Me: "Let's do this! Prinplup, drop the Rain Dance and go for Ice Beam on Beautifly! Camerupt, create a giant Spyro and launch it at Glaceon!"
May: "Glaceon, Attract the Camerupt! Beautifly, Bug Buzz to block the Beam!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Rick: Prinplup stops it's Rain Dance and goes for Ice Beam. Beautifly however is able to block the move with Bug Buzz! Meanwhile Camerupt's attack hits Glaceon but it's now in love with it. Joey is now at 76% while May now has 67% remaining.

Me: Alright your planing something I know you. That won't happen however. Bagon use Scary Face on Lucario followed by Ember and Pikachu you use Quick Attack and Thundershock on Gallade!
Maylene: Wait your gonna use Bagon's Scary Face? That's a new one. Lucario use Aura Sphere and Gallade use Psychic!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Sarah: "Everyone, we have an upset in the making! Maylene has fell crucially, all the way down to 10%! Tyler still has a chance!"
Me: "Camerupt, listen! Do not focus on that dang Glaceon! Focus on Beautifly! Use Flamethrower! Prinplup, use Bubblebeam and freeze it, also at Beautifly!"
May: "This is going to be close! Glaceon, Double Edge on the Ice Spear! Beautifly, Silver Wind!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Rick: This is such a great battle. Camerupt and Prinplup both aim their attacks on Beautifly! However Glaceon blocks the attacks with Double Edge while Beautifly hits both of them with Silver Wind. Joey now has 69%.

Me: This final move will end this. You ready Maylene? Bagon spin around while using Ember and Pikachu use Tundershock on each one!
Maylene: That's another new one. Alright Lucario and Gallade team up and use Close Combat!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Sarah: "It's all over! Tyler hardly wins!"
Me: "Gah! Prinplup, continue the spears! Camerupt, spin in circles and begin using Flamethrower!"
May: "Stop that spinning with Silver Wind! Glaceon, Ice Beam to freeze that spinning thing!"
Me: "Camerupt, absorb that abuse! You'll get back at them, you'll see..."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: Phew that was a close one.
*Walks over to Maylene with Pikachu and Bagon*
Maylene: Lucario, Gallade you did great! You weren't half bad. You've really improved since we first met.
Me: Hey you weren't half bad yourself! Hey wanna watch Joey's battle?
Maylene: Yeah that would be a good idea. Seems like the match is close.
Me: Sure is, but knowing Joey I'd bet he'll pull through somehow. Come on let's go watch.
Maylene: Yeah.
*Leave the ring to watch Joey's battle*

MC: Rick: Camerupt seems to be taking those attacks from Glaceon and Beautifly pretty well. However she forgot about Prinplup who hits Glaceon with the Ice Bubble combination stopping Glaceon's Ice Beam cold. Heh get it cold? Anyway Beautifly and Camerupt's attacks collide creating an explosion. Joey is now down to 63% while May is down to 61%
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: "Come on Camerupt! Realize the abuse!"
Camerupt: It's true... Glaceon abused our love... DIE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF ****!
MC Sarah: "My god! Camerupt is charging at Glaceon using Flamethrower!"
May: "Beautifly, take this time to use Giga Drain on Prinplup! Glaceon, RUN!!!"
Me: "Prinplup, please hit Beautifly with your Ice Beam."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Rick: I can't belive it Camerupt is really angry and it's resulting anger is causing it to create a stream of fire behind it while charging at Glaceon with Flamethrower! Part of the stream is hitting Beautifly causing it to miss it's mark while Prinplup hits Glaceon with Ice Beam!
Joey: 63%
May: 55%

Me: Man I sure wouldn't want to get Camerupt angry.
Maylene: I'm just glad that's not me out there.
Me: Same here.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

May: "...Glaceon.... Shadow Ball on Camerupt! Beautifly, try Giga Drain again!"
Me: "Prinplup, catch Beautifly in a whirlpool using Bubblebeam in the shape of a heart. Then, use Ice Beam. Camerupt, use your anger for a spun-up Flamethrower at Glaceon!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Rick: Glaceon fires it's Shadow Ball but it's blocked by Camerupt's spinning Flamethrower! Pirnplup fires it's Bubble Beam at Beautifly and it's trapped in the heart whirlpool of bubbles!

Joey: 63%
May: 50%

Me: Just as I thought. Joey's got this.
Maylene: I don't know. The fire in May's eyes tells me she's not ready to give up yet.
Me: Yeah but neither is Joey. He's gonna keep going till he wins it.
Maylene: Say what do you think will happen when you fight Joey?
Me: I think I'm gonna lose but it'll be worth it.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: "PERFECT! Camerupt, CHARGE!" *A Camerupt surrounded in a flammy orb charges at Glaceon* "Now, Prinplup, the Shrink and Grow!" *Prinplup shrinks the heart, bringing Beautifly in close enough for an Ice Beam, then enlarges the heart again to get Beautifly trapped again*
May: "GAH! Glaceon, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Beautifly, Bug Buzz when you get by Prinplup!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Rick: Glaceon trys ro run from Camerupt but get's hit with the attack. Meanwhile Beautifly uses Bug Buzz to stop Ice Beam and free it's self.

Joey: 54%
May: 49%

Me: Man this battle is intense.
Maylene: I'll say. I haven't seen a contest battle like this in a long time.
Me: You mean besides ours?
Maylene: Yeah that's what I mean.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: "Camerupt, charge the attack again. Prinplup, manipulate the field." *The feild changes into a swimming pool with a heart trim on the outside.*
May: "WTF! Glaceon, freeze the water!" *Water does not freeze* "Rats. Ice Shard! Beautifly, after that attack, let Glaceon jump on you! Silver Wind in the meantime!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Rick: While Glaceon trys to freeze the water Camerupt starts to charge it's move again! Meanwhile Beautifly hits both of Joey's Pokemon with Silver Wind!

Joey: 46%
May: 49%
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: "Prinplup, with the large pond! Use Surf to wash them away! Camerupt, ATTACK!" *Camerupt runs along the sides, surrounded in a flammy ball*
May: "Hop on Beautifly Glaceon! Glaceon, hit Prinplup with Double Edge!"
Me: She does realize she will hit the wave, right? Then, they will wash to shore...
Xatu: What nits...
OoC: Level-ups coming right up! A total of... 17 are coming your way!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

MC Rick: May's Glaceon uses Double Edge on Prinplup but Glaceon and Beautifly are swept away by the way! Not only that but they both get hit by Camerupt's attack!

Joey: 46%
May: 21%

Me: That was a really risky move on May's part.
Maylene: I agree. Not only did they both get hit by Surf but Camerupt did a nice chunk of damage to them as well.
Me: I think May was just trying to throw Prinplup of balance though hoping that the resulting hit would throw Prinplup right into Camerupt's attack. That would have costed Joey some points.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

IC:"Whats the duskull were on a ship going into a cave of some sort i better stay low for a while"

"Samuel psst samuel you awake over there."

Spirit pokes samuel hard with his finger.

"Trapinch try to find a way out go i chose you."

"Wow wow wow!!!"

Trapinch is evolving.Congrats your trapinch is now a vibrana.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Me: "Let's finish this! Camerupt, hover up and use Flamethrower over Prinplup's Surf wall!"
May: "That does it! Glaceon, freeze the wave, now! Beautifly, reverse it with Silver Wind!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Maylene: Hey Tyler what's up with Bagon?
Me: Hey it's glowing!
*Bagon now decides to evolve realizing it's dream to fly will take off soon*
Shelgon: Shel!
Me: Cool now I have a Shelgon!
Maylene: You think it's high time you evolved your other two?
Me: Yeah good idea.
*Sends out Monferno*
Monferno: Mon?
Me: Pikachu, Monferno you guys ready to evolve?
Pikachu: Pika Pi!
Monferno: Mon Monferno!
Me: I'll take that as a yes.
*Gives three Rare Candies to Monferno and one to Pikachu. Both start to glow and change shape*
Raichu: Rai Rai!
Infernape: Infernape!
Me: Great now all my Pokemon have evolved!
Maylene: Hey before I go how about I give you this.
*Hands Tyler TM24*
Me: What's this?
Maylene: It's for Raichu. It's so it can learn Thunderbolt.
Me: Wow really?! Thanks Maylene!
Maylene: No problem.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: Percentages Culex?
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