Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Not a bad idea. Okay let's go.
OoC: Just so everyone that joined awhile back knows my name in this game is Tyler.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OoC: I have the wait time of the head of a pin. You four will have to keep up!
In: "Come on you five!" *Bayleef, Prinplup, Xatu, Numel, and Pikachu reach the stream. Just then, Xatu falls over, revealing 10 sets of discs* "What the... Oh, I see! There are HMs! What does this say down here..."
Disc: "The HMs are more convient than ever! All you have to do is throw it like a frisbee and it activates!"
Me: "Sweet!" *Sets the 9 discs in the Pokegear and sends it to everyone else while telling them to read the message on the bottom*
OoC2: The HMs will be: Cut, Flash, Rock Smash, Strength, and Surf.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Bleep! Bleep! Bleep!* Samuel takes out his pokegear, and recives the badges and HMs.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Bleep! Bleep! Bleep!* Connor takes out pokegear and is happy to receive badges and HMs.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

A ROGUE member starts to approach Samuel and Tyler. "Play along, okay?" Samuel whispers, then takes Tyler's arms, crosses them behind his back, and handcuffs him with the pair inside his pockets.
"What are you doing?" the ROGUE member asks.
"I found this guy trying to break into our food supply closet," Samuel replies. "Now come along, let's go take you to the commander!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

" Pidgeotto! Fly to wear Fantina is!"
Pidgeotto flies in the air the air and lands near Fantina's gym.
"Ok everyone come on out!"
Connor sends out the rest of the Pokemon. Then uses the Pokewalker to talk to them.
"Ok for now on, you all will walk with me to the next gym ok. Got it?"
All Pokemon nod and follow me as I walk to the river.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OOC:Sky Sheild where done with the 5th gym.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

OOC: I know that! I'm heading to the next gym. I said i am walking towards the river not towards Fantina. I need to go to the 5th gym because I went to the ROUGE place first by mistake so I could get to the next gym.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Isa. Rudy. Somebody."
*Pokegear beeps*
"Huh, I got stuff on my Pokegear. Wait!"
*Grabs Pokegear. Sends message to people in Rogue building Poke's plan*
"Good, now nobody will do anything stupid to ruin the place."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Hey don't blame me. The food here is to good even for a millionare.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Samuel sends out Bulby and Umbreon as they walk into the pilot's room unoticed, since the commander's room is right next to it. "Umbreon, use Bite on the pilot. Bulby, use vine whip," Samuel commands. Umbreon takes the pilot by the collar of his shirt as Buulby constricts him with Vine Whip. Samuell sits down in the pilot seat. "Tyler, help me land this thing!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Joey throws the HM Surf disc, transforming to a speed boat* "OK you guys, hop on!" *Joey's pokemon jump and the boat starts* "Here we go!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"Hey wait up!"
*Spirit hops onto the boat*
"Ok now you can go."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Okay. Now let's see... maybe this one.
*Pushes a green button*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Boat gets across the stream, then reverts to HM Surf*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

The helicopter lands on Faraway island, which was right below them. "That did the trick! Come on, we have to stop ROGUE from getting Mew!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

Yeah let's go! C'mon Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pika Pika.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"We have quite a ways to Fortree. Ready?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

"I've been ready lets go!!!!"
*Spirit starts to walk off*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Sign-ups are over again! Congrats to the 6 that made it!

*Grabs Pokegear. Clicks Isa's contact*
"Servant, this is Poke, hurry up, I'm waiting."
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