• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

AbsentGravity [TRADING LV. Xs for PRE-RELEASE SLEEVES] [N]: Slowking, Tomb, Mime


Aspiring Trainer


1) Only ship to U.S.
2) None of my cards are below NM, as I expect yours to be.
3) Please don't back out of trades if you post on my thread. You should have them in your possession if you offer them.

Want: (In order from greatest to least, but will consider other offers if you don't have anything!)
*Older set pre-release sleeves (show a picture if you post any)
*Flygon Lv. X
*Spiritomb PA
*DCE (RH Preferred)
*Luxray GL Lv. X
*Unown G
*Rare Candy
*Call Energy (RH)
*Poke Turn (RH)
*Sealed Professor Sleeves


***Sealed Ultra Ball Playmat (Here: http://tinypic.com/r/2wmjtjq/6)
Blissey PRIME
Glaceon Lv. X
Uxie Lv. X
Gengar Lv. X
Dialga G Lv. X
Gardevoir Lv. X
Rayquaza C Lv. X
Charizard G Lv. X
Mewtwo Lv. X
Infernape 4 Lv. X
Snorlax Lv. X
Dusknoir Lv. X
Electivire FB Lv. X
Salamence Lv. X
Staraptor FB Lv. X
Arceus Lv. X 95/99
Fan Rotom
Slowking Holo HG/SS

*All Holos from RR-PA
*All Secret Rares from SF-RR (except Charizard)
*I also have almost the full set of Neo Genesis Holos (if anyone's interested, oldies but goodies)

LMK if you'd like to trade!

RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Please look at the rules if you haven't already.

Please LML for Flygon X.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

I have sealed/mint SV sleeves. Do you need anything from HG/SS? I'm intrested in Ho-Oh Bottom Half. =)
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

cml for blaziken fb x
and do you have any moonlight stadiums or dawn stadiums or blaziken fb
if you have any of those cml for them too .
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Please CML for Flygon X. I have Candy, and many PR sleeves.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

no thanks to everyone, unless I replied to you via private message.

For everyone interested in Flygon X, I don't really want to trade it/don't know what I want for it, so please make an offer because I'd like a deal in my favor for it... (since I don't really want to trade it).
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

4 rare cand and sleeve(s) for fly X?
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Sorry, but I might actually take Flygon X off the list at the moment. Since I'm not a verified seller, I don't know if I want to trade it (probably gonna sell or keep).

Sorry for leading everyone on.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

I have these wants of yours.

Sealed PR sleeves (Garchomp)

I see bottom half of Ho-Oh LEGEND.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

CML for the playmat. I have HG/SS prerelease sleeves.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

Do you have the following:
Spiritomb Ar
2x Gengar SF
Speed Stadium
Unknown G
Call Energy
Rare Candy?

I have a pack of unopened prerelease sleeves and other things.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread


Did you happen to have...
HOLO Neo Genesis Meganium #10
Lugia Neo Genesis #9

If so, could you see my list for them? Also, I do have Supreme Victors sleeves for trade.
RE: AbsentGravity's Trade Thread

I have:

Mewtwo LA
Unown G
Spiritomb PA
x3 Sealed Garchomp Sleeves
Getting more HG/SS sleeves

I like your:

Uxie Lv.X
Gardevoir Lv.X
