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Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese Cards | Shining Collection: Meloetta EX's

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RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese-Need Slowking Neo

captain.mongoose said:
It's mint from the set, so it's worth more. I value it at roughly eight dollars, as I'm a semi-collector. How much do you value the Latios?

I was hoping to get at least $10 for it, does that seem fair to you?
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese-Need Slowking Neo

Aphotic said:
I was hoping to get at least $10 for it, does that seem fair to you?

Okay, so you could look for a small valued card from my list, then.
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Here's a list of the Unleashed Reverse Holo Needs:

Reverse Holos Needed

1x Jirachi
1x Mismagius
1x Octillery
1x Torterra
1x Xatu
1x Blastoise
1x Fearow
1x Lanturn
1x Ninetales
1x Primeape
1x Roserade
1x Steelix
1x Tyranitar
1x Cherrim
1x Metang
1x Minun
1x Numel
1x Plusle
1x Pupitar w/ body
1x Wartortle
1x Carnivine
1x Chinchou
1x Horsea
1x Larvitar
1x Larvitar
1x Magmar
1x Misdreavus
1x Natu
1x Onix
1x Onix
1x Remoraid
1x Riolu
1x Roselia
1x Squirtle
1x Teddiursa
1x Turtwig
1x Vulpix
1x Dual Ball
1x Emcee's Chatter
1x Engineer's Adjustments
1x Interviewer's Questions
1x Life Herb
1x Pokemon Circulator
1x Super Scoop Up

If you have any of these that you would add that would be great. Of course the more the better!
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese-Need Slowking Neo

Aphotic said:
I was hoping that you could toss in another Lv. X, not sure what you value the dialga at, lmk thank you!

konter_j8902 said:
i don't suppose uxie is enough? i don't know the exact value on the mew, but know it is high..

Could always use rare candy, please make an offer and I will consider it. Thank you again!

well, I have a few other offers for the uxie, including some that possiably involve a luxray..

I have 8 rare candy and just updated my list
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese-Need Slowking Neo

konter_j8902 said:
konter_j8902 said:
Could always use rare candy, please make an offer and I will consider it. Thank you again!

well, I have a few other offers for the uxie, including some that possiably involve a luxray..

I have 8 rare candy and just updated my list

No problem, if you want to trade let me know. I would like the trade to involve the Uxie. Thanks!
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

plz cml for Kyogre *
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Steelix_Kid said:
please cml for Kyogre *

Nothing, and wow you're banned again. Ok.
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Please CML for Kingdra Prime. I also have some of your UL RH wants:
1x Xatu
1x Fearow
1x Floatzel
1x Dunsparce
1x Minun
1x Plusle
1x Pupitar w/ body
1x Aipom
1x Larvitar
1x Misdreavus
1x Onix (without body)
1x Tropius
1x Weedle
1x Zubat
1x Emcee's Chatter
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Please CML for corro corro mew! Thanks!
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Please CML for Kingdra Prime. I also have some of your UL RH wants:
1x Xatu
1x Fearow
1x Floatzel
1x Dunsparce
1x Minun
1x Plusle
1x Pupitar w/ body
1x Aipom
1x Larvitar
1x Misdreavus
1x Onix (without body)
1x Tropius
1x Weedle
1x Zubat
1x Emcee's Chatter

Only thing I'm interested in is the Mesprit Lv. X. I'd like to use the RH's to help build a trade, but not on them alone. Thanks!

Rikko145 said:
Please CML for corro corro mew! Thanks!

Only see Flygon Lv. X, not enough to make the trade. Sorry.
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Aphotic said:
Only thing I'm interested in is the Mesprit Lv. X. I'd like to use the RH's to help build a trade, but not on them alone. Thanks!

I could do Mesprit X and a few of those RH's for Kingdra. LMK.
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Aphotic said:
Only thing I'm interested in is the Mesprit Lv. X. I'd like to use the RH's to help build a trade, but not on them alone. Thanks!

Rikko145 said:
Please CML for corro corro mew! Thanks!

Only see Flygon Lv. X, not enough to make the trade. Sorry.

I will trade LOTS for it, so just pick out whatever you like! I REALLY want that card!
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

is uxie x and 4 UL rare candies enough for the mew?
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Rikko145 said:
Only see Flygon Lv. X, not enough to make the trade. Sorry.

I will trade LOTS for it, so just pick out whatever you like! I REALLY want that card!

Konter actually inquired about the Mew first so I'll let him offer first, I do, however, have an additional one coming in a week if you'd be interested I could hold it for you. LMK, thanks!

konter_j8902 said:
is uxie x and 4 UL rare candies enough for the mew?

Hey Konter, would you add 2x Crobat g's for the Mew? Also are all the cards mint? Thanks!
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Aphotic said:
I will trade LOTS for it, so just pick out whatever you like! I REALLY want that card!

Konter actually inquired about the Mew first so I'll let him offer first, I do, however, have an additional one coming in a week if you'd be interested I could hold it for you. LMK, thanks!

konter_j8902 said:
is uxie x and 4 UL rare candies enough for the mew?

Hey Konter, would you add 2x Crobat g's for the Mew? Also are all the cards mint? Thanks!

I just got a good deal for the uxie sorry.. I dont suppose you need anything else on my thread?
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Only other thing would be the Pikachu Sleeves if they're sealed.
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

50 of them are sealed... 10 are loose.. I will get back to you in a few days on that.. I will soon have another set, but i dont know if they are all sealed or not.
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Rikko145 said:
Only see Flygon Lv. X, not enough to make the trade. Sorry.

I will trade LOTS for it, so just pick out whatever you like! I REALLY want that card!

I'm interested in the Glaceon X and Flygon X thanks!
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Aphotic said:
I will trade LOTS for it, so just pick out whatever you like! I REALLY want that card!

I'm interested in the Glaceon X and Flygon X thanks!

What do you value the Mew at?

And can you also please post a picture of the mew?
RE: Aphotics Trades-Primes|Legends|Lv.X| Extremely Rare Japanese- Need Lux Lv. X!

Rikko145 said:
I'm interested in the Glaceon X and Flygon X thanks!

What do you value the Mew at?

And can you also please post a picture of the mew?

Here's the stock photo, my camera's battery is dead -_-


I'll put one up w/ phone camera in a moment.

- I would like to get 40-50 for the Mew, it's pretty much flawless. No scratches or whitening at all.
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