Ash Wins a Pokemon Leauge

shakir99 said:
but GOOD BATTLE is all I want!!

But even Ash wields Pidgeot and Charizard, they won't stand a chance against Electivire and Sceptile..... maybe.

But I really think that Ash's final Pokemon will be a Gible, can't state reasons but I really feel that Gible is.
mrshaun7 said:
I think that a good battle is something we all want just like when Ash was in the Johto Silver Conference and had to battle the guy with Blazekin and lost. That was a good battle and the battle that Ash and Gary faced off in with Blastoise and Charizard. Those I think were some of the best battles I have seen and they did not use their old pokemon. My point is that Ash could have as big of a chance battle with his old tough pokemon as much as his tough new pokemon. Did you see the way Pachirisu was basically tiring out Ash and Co.'s pokemon and the Spark attack? That is an example of a tough wild pokemon that they got and could win a lot of Battles. Buizel was really tough and now Ash has it so that can win some.

NOW those were good battles! Ash vs Gary silver confrence was a great battle!! Maybe on of the best! And ash did use his old pokemon in the sinnoh confrence thats what made him so good!
In my opinion, Ash always gets the lame pokemon... except turtwig. I want him to get something good like Lucario or Roserade or Gastrodon
He won't get Roserade because he has Turtwig, he won't get Gastrodon because he has Buizel and Lucario is questionable because he's going to have Monferno for sure and Infernape is really possible.
Ok. I think he will at least make the top 8 of the Sinnoh League. His Pikachu, Future Infernape, and Buizel (soon to be Floatzel), will pack a punch on his opponents. Turtwig will pown everything (just saying because turtwigs rock out loud)
Ya I don't see him winning this time...or anytime in the near future...he won't win until he is smart enough to use his best Pokémon...
i dont think buizel will evolve into floatzel---its different in the anime, see! If a pokemon is strong and proud, it hardly evolves-since it does not feel the need to evolve!
Notice how none of his Water Pokémon from his normal team have never evolved? It's time to change that.
yeah, i thought totodile would evolve for sure, but then I thought corpish was going to evolve too! funnily, only crabby evolved though it had never been in training with ash. May be if ash let his pokemon to stay at Prof. Oaks more then they get more experience!!
yeah, with the only experience of defeating a executor(Sorry! for the spelling)! but no matter how experienced corpish was it wouldnt evolve!
Thats because the writers are to stupid to ive him a complete team that he could win with.
Again, i beg to differ. Buizel is all strong and does nt feel any need to evolve. bt in the water gym if it gets challenged by the power of the floatzel then theres a possibility!
i think turtwig is the one that will evolve first in Ash's team.
Well if Ash was smart then it would be Pikachu to evolve first but I think Chimchar will evolve first knowing how powerful it is.