Ash's final pokemon.

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RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

umm....ok then...if you want to know where he got it right click it and go to proporties and it will give you the exact URL of it. But we should get back on topic befor this gets locked.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

What if he got a Gligar or Swinub? then he has a slim chance of getting Gliscor or Mamoswine.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

what if ash gets a.......*thinks*...*a starly!* no wait he has that........oh what if he gets a murcrow and evolves it?bad guess:(
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

No he will have 2 Flying types then ... I think it can be a Gligar/Gliscor as the Last Pokemon ...
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Well he doesn't have a ground type and I don't think he has aver had a rock type.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

I thought he did have a rock type.*goes to to look at Ashs bio*
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

The only rock type listed is Larvitar but that wasn't his. Ash was the only one it would listen to.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

I think he will get a snover for sure its grass and ice I think it would work ya somthing about gliscor wouldnt work its possible but i dont see it.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Well, he already has a grass type, so why would they give him Snover? Oh! And I like your signature MK63!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Thanks for the compliment, ya i guess ur right i just thought since he caught a snowrung maybe a snover would happen, ya he needs a rock type he should get a larvitar!! Sinnoh wise he might get something like a....well maybe a.....what about a shinx or a kriketot!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Did someone say that his 5th poke is Paul's Chimchar because if no one posted this statement than let the discussions begin..:D:D

dmaster out.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Ya someone said that i dont know who but when does he get it! i cant wait for all the episodes to be released in America! AHH I WANT TO SEE THEM NOW!! ok i no this is kinda off topic but when did Paul get a torterra? I didnt even know he had a turtwig or grotle or something.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Why do you people think he needs a water type? He doeasn't need one maybe the writers wanna give it a twist.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

No thats not out of the blue at all!! Well I think he needs one because water pokemon are awsome!! Lets take a look he has had one in every generation so far so something tells me he should get 1 this but ur right maybe they want a twist i dont know but seriously when did paul get torterra?
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Paul doesn't have a torterra T_T but of course we are only at like the 7 episode here T_T
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Bonsly said:
This episode is called, Save the stray child Hippopotas! Now if you want to see the preview of this episode then go to:

If you go to this website bonsly said it has all these pics of an episode, i guess the one where ash gets chimchar and u see paul with a torterra and somewhere in the back of my mind somone or some site said something about pauls pokemon and one of them listed was a torterra and I just dont know so there u go

And i no the episodes move to slow they should show them every week night like they used to in the summer!
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