Ash's final pokemon.

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RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Ok...ok...lets not get a flame war going here you want to get this thread locked or what?
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Ok all who think that they won't trade say so now. And Bonsly DON'T get this thread locked this is like one of the longest thread in the anime section don't screw it up.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Okay im sorry. But D and P is wrong in many ways. For example she says that Ash fans cant get over Dawn getting Buizel but we have. And she needs to get over the fact that the trade CAN happen. But she wont accept that fact. Why would the writers do that?
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Oops my mistake lol. Anyways I think Ash will get Riolu for his last pokemon.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

i hope its riolu.i mean in the 8th movie he befriended lucario.dont you think he would get a riolu?
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Ash will get a Generation ___ for his last Pokemon (is Pokemon going to end soon??? NO)
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

The 8th movie proved nothing due it being a movie, and hwo do you know the Riolu will know who he is ? (In the Celebi episode in BF, the Celebi didn't know who Ash was, and the Riolu won't be related to the movie one at all)
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Turtwig (I think released it)

Pikachu (Evolve PLEASEEEEEEEE)
Snower (or EV)
Turtwig (I think released it)

Pikachu (Please EVOLVEEEEEEE)
Snower (or Abomasnow)
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Pikachu will never and I repeat will NEVER, EVER evolve !

Snover, no. It could go to James with the Cacnea trade
Kirlia, no way. Probably the best person to get one is Max. That is he if finds the Ralts he saved
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Nope! Never! I mean it would be awesome if it evolved because Riachu is WAY cooler and better than Pikachu!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

If Pikachu evovles, then they should just rip the anime to pieces. Pikachu, Wobbufett and Meowth are too iconic to be evovled/traded
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Ya.Wobuffet can't evolve though...I don't see Mime Jr. Evolving either....
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Mime Jr. isn't as iconic as Pikachu, Wobbufett and Meowth. Maybe Mime Jr. evovles

Yes, I know Wobbufett can't evovle. Even if they do give it an evolution, Wobbufett won't evovle
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Me neither, Jr.'s cute, and James probably wouldn't use Mr.Mime for battling considering what he does now.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

You said that, and I said, it's a possibility. But Mime Jr.'s been there longer than Bonsly. And all Mime Jr. needs to know is Mimic, which it learned in the Battle Frontier (I think, check the episode "King and Queen for a Day !" James tells Mime Jr to Mimic Bonsly's Double Edge)
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