Ash's final pokemon.

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RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

But its anime talk. So its not. Anyways Ash will have more strong pokemom by the end of Sinnohf. Besides if he kept all of his strong pokemon then would be complaining about him not getting any new strong ones.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Well if he didn't leave behind a whole ton of them it would be better....
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

i guess he could bring some of his old pokes once in a while, like one for each gym battle...that would break the monotony. but why would you say that the pokes are rotting in Oaks lab.....its kindda like a Daycare center.....i think they keep growing else bulbasaur defeated brandons team??
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Tears Of A can check out the episode pics on the link on the first page....
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Nope not really except Chimchar starts to adjust to his new life and goes through the whole hart to heart save people thing.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

hmm....not bad! just two more weeks to go- then we will finally know if the "trade" actually happens or not!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Yes I cant wait!!! As soon as that episode airs I will come on and tell you if the trade happened or not!!!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

If they hadn't deylayed Chimchar's Tears then tommorow would be the episode where we see if the Aipom and Buizel trade does happen.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Silver said:
If they hadn't deylayed Chimchar's Tears then tommorow would be the episode where we see if the Aipom and Buizel trade does happen.

I know that really sucks. But anyways do you think the trade will happen or not? I think it will.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

I Hope that they do trade since Buizel is way cooler than Aipom.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

I agree. Buizel hasnt won any battles at all since Dawn caught him.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

i believe under ash's regime buizel will turn out to be way stronger than he is now! one thing i dont understand though; all the pokemon seems to get weaker after being caught!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

I hope it won't. I don't want Aipom to be stuck with a COMPLETE n00b like Dawn.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Well the Cacnea episode aired. No trade happened just James gave Cacnea to the second gym leader.
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