Ash's final pokemon.

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RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Bonsly said:
Blastoise king said:
How does it fit him and the 8th movie is noncanon so don't breath into it to much and where was the hint and what does a pokemon need to fit him no your opineon something logical

It fits him better than Dustox does it not. Heck since no one cares if it fits him then lets give Ash Maril! I have already said the hint several pages ago.
So because other pokemon don't fit ash as much as him then riolu fit him better that is like the worst logic ever you still didn't say why it fit him just that other pokemon don't what does a pokemon need to do to fit him there see I made the question easy now can you answer it and don't say the same thing you said about someother pokemon not fitting him as much because all your doing is showing me that you want him to get it and it not base on any real fact
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Dawn and Pachirisu said:
Rumor has it he might get Jessie's Seviper, that's what I've heard from one of my friends

y would he want here seviper? and more impportantly y wud she give it to him?
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Blastoise king said:
Bonsly said:
Blastoise king said:
How does it fit him and the 8th movie is noncanon so don't breath into it to much and where was the hint and what does a pokemon need to fit him no your opineon something logical

It fits him better than Dustox does it not. Heck since no one cares if it fits him then lets give Ash Maril! I have already said the hint several pages ago.
So because other pokemon don't fit ash as much as him then riolu fit him better that is like the worst logic ever you still didn't say why it fit him just that other pokemon don't what does a pokemon need to do to fit him there see I made the question easy now can you answer it and don't say the same thing you said about someother pokemon not fitting him as much because all your doing is showing me that you want him to get it and it not base on any real fact

Okay first off, I have already said why it fits him. Second off yeah I want him to get it but so what. I didnt come up and say Ash needs A fighting type!
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

This is my first time reading this thread. I can see it's not the first time it was reported for a possible flame war. And I haven't seen one, yet. I heard the question was already answered, and I can't read through a few hundred posts of random stuff to find out what question there was.

As long as the discussion stays friendly, I'll leave this open. Any name calling or any not-cool behavior like that, and lockify. We cool? Cool.

Carry on
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Yeah were cool. Anyways there is A rumor that Ash wont get his fifth pokemon till after 4th gym.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Bonsly said:
Yeah were cool. Anyways there is A rumor that Ash wont get his fifth pokemon till after 4th gym.
[chilled]I am so hopeing he get one by the 3rd gym then one by the 5th gym it would be so much better[/chilled]
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Blastoise king said:
Bonsly said:
Yeah were cool. Anyways there is A rumor that Ash wont get his fifth pokemon till after 4th gym.
[chilled]I am so hopeing he get one by the 3rd gym then one by the 5th gym it would be so much better[/chilled]

I agree. Im tired of seeing the same old four pokemon over and over again. So I hope that he will get A new pokemon before the third gym or one of his pokemon evolve. (Most likely Aipom or Turtwig)
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Bonsly said:
Blastoise king said:
Bonsly said:
Yeah were cool. Anyways there is A rumor that Ash wont get his fifth pokemon till after 4th gym.
[chilled]I am so hopeing he get one by the 3rd gym then one by the 5th gym it would be so much better[/chilled]

I agree. Im tired of seeing the same old four pokemon over and over again. So I hope that he will get A new pokemon before the third gym or one of his pokemon evolve. (Most likely Aipom or Turtwig)

Hopfully it apiom it got old fast it does the same thing over at least with turtwig you get new thing becasue it still growing
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

wow people sure do like saying my name :p

anyway maybe ash catches a gabile to evolve into gabite and then it evolves into garchomp
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

cool said:
wow people sure do like saying my name :p

anyway maybe ash catches a gabile to evolve into gabite and then it evolves into garchomp

He never evo a pokemon that wasn't a starter that far.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Blastoise king said:
cool said:
wow people sure do like saying my name :p

anyway maybe ash catches a gabile to evolve into gabite and then it evolves into garchomp

He never evo a pokemon that wasn't a starter that far.

ya that means it's about time that he does :D
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Blastoise king said:
cool said:
wow people sure do like saying my name :p

anyway maybe ash catches a gabile to evolve into gabite and then it evolves into garchomp

He never evo a pokemon that wasn't a starter that far.

What about Pidgeot?
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

And butterfree? (Even though it was easy to evolve)
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Bonsly said:
Blastoise king said:
cool said:
wow people sure do like saying my name :p

anyway maybe ash catches a gabile to evolve into gabite and then it evolves into garchomp

He never evo a pokemon that wasn't a starter that far.

What about Pidgeot?
Sorry by starter I aslo meant his begining pokemon but right after he finish he relese both of them
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Blastoise king said:
Bonsly said:
Blastoise king said:
cool said:
wow people sure do like saying my name :p

anyway maybe ash catches a gabile to evolve into gabite and then it evolves into garchomp

He never evo a pokemon that wasn't a starter that far.

What about Pidgeot?
Sorry by starter I aslo meant his begining pokemon but right after he finish he relese both of them

So you dont think Staravia will evolve? And if it does you think Ash will release it? You lost me there lol.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Bonsly said:
Blastoise king said:
Bonsly said:
Blastoise king said:
cool said:
wow people sure do like saying my name :p

anyway maybe ash catches a gabile to evolve into gabite and then it evolves into garchomp

He never evo a pokemon that wasn't a starter that far.

What about Pidgeot?
Sorry by starter I aslo meant his begining pokemon but right after he finish he relese both of them

So you dont think Staravia will evolve? And if it does you think Ash will release it? You lost me there lol.
Don't know why this got deleted anyway I mean pokemon that evo at low level and all the one he had were easy to evo then after there first evolution again it just another few levels.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

coolz said:
Heys guys! Anyways Ash wil get Riolu!
I've said this so many time why there is no reason beside people own personal one that jusify the fact of him getting one at this point.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Blastoise king said:
coolz said:
Heys guys! Anyways Ash wil get Riolu!
I've said this so many time why there is no reason beside people own personal one that jusify the fact of him getting one at this point.

Your quirz.
RE: Ash's final two pokemon.

Ash hardly ever evolves his pokemon to the final evolution. It's a shame because Garchomp can seriously own, but even if he did he would probably make it lose to some 1st stage evo.

If Paul evolved Chimchar fully that would really be strange. I mean he's already got torterra and weavile, 2 final evolution starters, what hax. 0.o
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