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Atmo's list! Looking for Garchomp X and Unleashed!

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RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

I happen to have...
x1 MT Exeggutor
x1 Honchkrow Supreme Victors RH

Interested in...

x1 Secret Rare Electabuzz(is this in mint condition?)

Let me know what you think, okay?
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
Emoto4444, please read my rules again

Alex, which Arceus do you need from me?

oh, im very sorry i should have read more carefully
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

emoto, it's fine. we're all guilty of rule jumping :p

Snorlaxdude, youre just not offering enough for that card. It's a secret rare. It's worth more than 2 cards. Plus I don't need to Exeggutor anymore either. If you can offer more, we can make a deal
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's li

Lord Atmo said:
Emoto4444, please read my rules again

Alex, which Arceus do you need from me?

Any you are willing to trade but I am most interested in the Dark type one.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

Lord Atmo said:
emoto, it's fine. we're all guilty of rule jumping :p

Snorlaxdude, youre just not offering enough for that card. It's a secret rare. It's worth more than 2 cards. Plus I don't need to Exeggutor anymore either. If you can offer more, we can make a deal

Well, that's fine. I've changed my mind anyway but thanks.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

Alex, the dark arceus youre seeing is on my WANTS list. :p

Snorlaxdude, suit yourself. if you want anything else, let me know :)
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's li

Lord Atmo said:
Alex, the dark arceus youre seeing is on my WANTS list. :p

Sorry. How about the Grass, Psychic, or both?
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

both those 2 are still available

edit: sorry for posting the same thing before. my pc decided to not show my or your most recent posts until now. #!@$%@#$%&^$%@&^
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

I have:

x1 Arceus (Dark) AR Holo
x1 Salamence AR Holo
x1 Tyranitar MY Holo

I don't see much but I'd do it for the Raichu X just to get ref and help you out! :p
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

Would you trade your Grass and Psychic Arceus for my RH T-Tar MD and my RH Primeape SV and my Sandslash SV if you are still interested. If you are not, feel free to CML for anything else if the two RH's are not enough.
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

Alex, I'll look.

Thegame. I may as well. Raichu isn't that great of an X anyway. I'll PM you to finalize!
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

honchkrow x
floatzel gl x

raichu x
do you have any of my wants

do you have any unlisted x's you can trade for these i also need 2 blaziken pt and rare candies lmk what you have
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

i have garchomp c x (promo) if you want to cml
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

Hello do you have any older cards (specifically * or shiny but interested in others too), I have a few of your wants, thanks :)
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

1-2 bronzong md

lux gl
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

i no longer have the garchomp x but i do have Absol G Lv.X if you want to CML
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

Not much to update, but I added 2 new haves:

-Toxicroak (AR)
-Charizard G Lv X (Tin promo. As such, I won't quite ask for as much as I normally do for Xs)

EDIT: All posted offers, I'm sorry I haven't been checking the topic lately due to personal issues. I will review each post and get back to you.

Geo, I don't know why the board ignored my age-old edit, but somehow Luxray GL and Floatzel GL came back on my list. I still don't have them and have no idea why they came back

Ian, All I can offer you is what's on my haves list. UNLESS you're after various RHs or TSS.

Ursa, If I had any of those cards you're after, I would've posted them on my haves list. Please take note of this.

Konter, Sorry, I no longer have the Raichu X

Alex, my absence meant delaying checking your list. I'll review your offer and PM you tonight
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

:S sorry about that, I'm just lookin around...
RE: Have lots of secret rares and a few Xs! Looking for Garchomp X and AR! (Atmo's list)

It's fine. I also apologize for being so short. I've been putting up with a lot of ignorance lately, combined with a glitchy editing system and people continuously asking if I buy when my rules clearly state that I don't. Sorry for flying off the handle.
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