Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Bandwidth exceeded until 19th. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

I really like Manaphy! Good job on her! I don't like Ludicolo's pose, though. It's winking, and I wish he was dancing.
RE: Avatars and art. Bandwidth exceeded until 19th. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

LOL! Magikarp was hillarious. Keep up the good work!
RE: Avatars and art. Bandwidth exceeded until 19th. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Jeez, I'm sure that you've already heard this a million times before, but simply AMAZING art! o_O;

Oh, and I'm going to be using the Glaceon avatar. It's too cute~ <3
RE: Avatars and art. Bandwidth exceeded until 19th. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Mence Master said:
Actually, I'm gonna use the MAGIKARP Avatar for just one day, today, and then go back to Tangela's.
I know, Tangela is sexy, but MAGIKARP.
So yeah, a one day change in, change out :p

xD Okay.

And to ::DF111:: - Thanks. No, I don't think the colors are off, but maybe they are. xP

And to red blastoise: Yes, I'll allow you to use the Ludicolo. :3

And to Dark Marc: ._. You're kidding, right? It says "until 19th".

And EspeonROX: Thanks. Yeah, I'm not entirely pleased with its pose, either, so I may go back and do another one some day.

And to Bob Franklin: xD Thanks.

And to Miyuki: Thank you. :3

Haven't had time to work on new artwork, mostly because I've been under the weather a little for the past couple of days, and have been going to bed before 3 a.m. xD I should have more work done soon, though.
RE: Avatars and art. Bandwidth exceeded until 19th. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Xous, I'll be using the dead magikarp for now.
RE: Avatars and art. Bandwidth exceeded until 19th. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added

I am going to use the Jolteon Avatar.

RE: Avatars and art. Bandwidth exceeded until 19th. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Electimortar said:
Xous, I'll be using the dead magikarp for now.

:3 Okay.

And to Pokemunkulys: No problem. :)

Finally, the old Photobucket account is back up and running. However, I'm still going to be wary and post the newer avatars on my new account from now on, so that if the larger account goes down again, the avatars will remain safe. :) So, as for new art, I'm working on something right now for the site, but I'll have new art sooner or later. :3
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.


Do you think you could try your hand at some card art for the Black Marsh set? We'd be really grateful.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

FINALLY you did a Manaphy, amazing!
I also like Ludicolo pretty much, the Banners will come soon =)
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Hey Xous, can I switch to the Shiny Ho-oh avatar? The Skymin was getting old :). Thanks!
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Dictator Dauntless said:

Do you think you could try your hand at some card art for the Black Marsh set? We'd be really grateful.

Sorry, but I'm so swamped with other projects right now, I've been staying up until 4 a.m. each night. :(

And to xtrabaggage: Yup, finally back. xD Hopefully it won't die again.

And to Soul Seeker: Can't wait to see them. :3

And to HeatRotomFTW1997: Yup. xD
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Xous: I'll be using your Espeon Avatar. They are fairly decent. An 8/10 goes to you.

RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Well uit's certainly a long term project, since the goal is to image fake every card in the set, so let us know if your schedule frees up.

On the same subject, could I have permission to use some of your art for some cards?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Your art is very well made. Excellent shadowing and highlighting.

I have a question. When you make these do you first sketch the Pokemon on paper then scan it in to your computer, or do you make the CG directly on the computer?

Keep up the great work! :)
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Negative Zero said:
Xous: I'll be using your Espeon Avatar. They are fairly decent. An 8/10 goes to you.



And to Dictator Dauntless: >_> I have to know what pieces you'd like to use before I can say okay or not. xD (Like it says in the rules of the thread...) Which pieces would you like to use?

And to Sonic Gal: Thanks.

Yeah, I draw it on paper and then scan them in, and color them on the computer.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Dictator Dauntless said:
Lickilicky, Yanmega, and Ninetales.

Yes, that's fine. :3
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

I'll let you know as they are completed for you to see.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Manaphy, Ludicolo, Magikarp added.

Dictator Dauntless said:
I'll let you know as they are completed for you to see.

Cool. Thank you.
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