Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

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RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Thanks. I am going to be working on a banner with those three. I might need to take to watermark off the individual images but I will put it on the corner of the image if you need me too. By Giratina I meant Origin Forme
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Shining Suicune said:
Yo, Xous, will you ever get to making an Arceus Avy for the public? I want to see your version of Grass Arceus, from the card.:) DO A ZAPDOS ONE!! AND GRASS ARCEUS!!

I may just take one of the many Arceus avatars I have reserved for myself and put it in the Usable Avatars list, but... I'm not sure yet.

xP I only did Dark Arceus because it inspired me, and Grass Arceus (though its artwork is cool) didn't really do anything for me inspiration-wise. So... I'm not sure I'll get around to that, though I do have Arceus artwork for each Type... I just never use it. xP

Zapdos has been sketched out for a while, but I haven't gotten around to outlining and coloring it in yet... In due time, I guess, is all I can say.

And to fortegoddx: Okay, and thanks. As for the Arceus thing... Just read above. xP

And to Riskbreakers: No problem. I guess since it's not an avatar on the Usable Avatars list, that's fine.

And to ElectroManiac: Nah, you can remove the watermark, but be sure to give me credit for the Dragons if you do. Also, thanks for telling me which Giratina, I forgot to ask the first time. xP

And to paddy185: Okay.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Okay. I am working on it now btw...

EDIT: I thought you would want to see how your Dragons were used.... This is my Newest Masterpiece, lol...

RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Reisen looks nice. Loving the way the clothes and the ears were drawn


She looks like a boy :S I think it's with the shape of the face and the position of the eye
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

She does look slightly masculine... I think it's the eyebrow more than anything. If it were shrunk/thinned, and perhaps the eye largened, she would look more feminine.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

The nose and chin make it boyish for me. I know she looks like a boy because I'm not drooling.

dmaster out.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

sceptileblade411, you just need to post saying which avatar you're using, not post asking. Please read the first post before using this thread.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

i would like to use the flygon one

the one i watn to use says it has been deleted
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Here, try using this URL instead:

RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Yeah, it should work perfectly, dragon master112... Either you're doing something wrong, or it doesn't like your computer. xP

And to sceptileblade411: Thank you.

Updated the first post with the higher quality (original versions) of the older avatars. (There are a few .gif versions still on there at the time this was posted, but they will be replaced shortly.) If you don't know why there are lower-quality .gif versions on there, it's because back when I first started, I didn't know using a URL would bypass the 20k size limit. So I had to resave all the .png versions as .gif, which messed with the quality. Now that I know better (and now that some of the older avatars, though still hosted on my original Photobucket account, are coming up as not being available), I've updated so it doesn't look all messy.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Hey Xous, Is my current avatar modified?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Nope. It seems like when I made that avatar, I didn't make the watermark as big as I did on other avatars from around that time. In addition, I didn't put the watermark over the outer frame, either. It's just an odd one, I guess. xD

Why do you ask, though?
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Just wondering if I should change it to a new one if it was .Gif. I think I'll keep it for a while. 6 months at least.
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

xD Oh. No, that one you're using is .png, but I believe the original version was one of the rare under-20k .png files from the first photobucket account. When I was having the 20k limit problem and had to save a lot as .gif, I had a few that somehow, even with .png's large file size, stayed under 20k as .png, so I posted them as-is.

However, that one you're using is from my second account, so I must've replaced the link, or something. :3
RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Deoxys-N, Heat Rotom, Gastrodon East added.

Oh, Ok. Well great job on your newest additions! I guess it would be wrong for me to say this since I'm terrible at art, but I can tell you've improved since you started last year.
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