Pokemon Being bullied for liking Pokemon


Hi... i'm doing a project for my school about being bullied for liking anime and Pokemon... Has anyone else been bullied or made fun of for liking Pokemon or anime? Please share your story.
I have never been bullied for liking pokemon because I am a closet fan outside of the beach. I'm probably not helping you with your project by saying this, though.
Maybe i could mention how some fans have to keep it a secret so they wont be made fun of... is anyone bullied for their liking of Pokemon?
No way, I'm not bullied. People are too afraid I might sit on them. Teehee.
Actually, I've never been bullied about liking Pokemon or any other anime type stuff. Though the teachers do find it weird when I speak about things like their names. But, hey, I'm completely fine with that!
Aj1234119 summed it up very nicely. People may think you're a little different for liking Pokemon at an older age, but if you act normal, people won't care. I've never been bullied about liking pokemon. The kids who get legitimately bullied are the ones who cry or take friendly teasing personally.(These are high-school students I'm reffering to) I consider them the ones who allow themselves to be bullied. Having a decent amount of cockyness is a good thing, in my opinion. Self-Esteem, and the way you are treated at home often causes people to react in such ways, but "staying cool" in uncomfortable situations will help anyone. Kids aren't often too horribly mean, unless you give them a reason to.
I never really got bullied for liking Pokemon, it's your own personality. They probably know I can throw them across the room. lol
Myabe not so much of being bullied... but have other people said things like "Pokemon is for bavies" ? or other things of that sort
I get bullied some times. I just get made fun of, however, it doesn't affect me. The people in my class don't make fun of me. They think I am very nice and truthfully they don't care that I play. Some people in my class started playing again because of me. Oh well, there some mature people and some immature people.
I haven't really been bullied because
Shadow Arceus said:
I am a closet fan outside of the beach.
But, I think I may have a reason why some are bullied, if this helps your project any. Once, (I believe it was) Meaty and I were talking about why people might bully people who play Pokemon. It could be because that the bullies played it a long time ago, but not very in depth. They owned a few cards, and maybe Ruby or Sapphire, or something of the sort. And, when they played, they were only little, so they played n00b-ish. They eventually grew out of it, and only remembered Pokemon as a kids game. So, in middle or high school, they still think of it as such. So, therefore, anyone still playing it is a kid, and should be bullied for such.

As a side note, your reassurance, all of you, helped my self-esteem any may lead to me not being so much of a
Shadow Arceus said:
closet fan outside of the beach.
So,... thanks?
I was often bullied for like pokemon and collecting cards and pokemon in the games, i dealt with it very bluntly, i simply said, if i wanna like pokemon, i'll like pokemon. its not your buissness, it doesnt make me a bad person, and if you think i am immature, then your immature for thinking so. My advice for any physical bullying is to lash out and fight dirty and do everything you can to physically damage the bully, if he beats you up, get a weapon and try again, you will get in trouble, but if you were my child, i would punish you, but show you the respect you deserve for standing up for yourself and not being ashamed of who you are and what you like. if that doesnt work, ignore them, nothing pisses off a hater more, then when no one pays attention to them, dont validate anything they say. and if you actually do manage to use a rage attack strong enough to defeat a bully, then no bully will every mess with you again untill you change schools. in wich case, repeat
I havened been bullied but made fun of. I usually keep it to myself and my friends but otherwise i dont speak about it a lot.
ok ok, maybe no weapon, but if the bullyin is physical then it is a serious issue, i highly advise sticking up for yourself and fighting back, but only if you have too. any other form of bullying can be avoided be simply not caring, and besides, if he doesnt like pokemon, hes a fool, pokemon is/are fantastic
Use a weapon? That's a little extreme. Not only will they get in trouble with the officials at school, but that also might actually get some retaliation from the bully.

I'm not sure that physical confrontation is actually the best answer either. Some of the best advice I can give is just shrug it off and act normal. If someone's ripping on you for playing Pokemon, just ignore them (or accuse them of lying ;P)

Some of the worst bullying is in Middle School, because kids are just trying to get acquainted to future life in High School, and they think the only way to do this is to be mean to every one and act like a snob, trust me, I hated Middle School. Nobody really knew, or if they did, cared, about me playing Pokemon, but still everyone was super stuck up.

So, you have to keep in mind that bullies are just small hiccups. You don't need a whole bunch of complicated cures for it, all you need is a glass of water.

(I really like that comparison of bullies to hiccups)
im like shadow arceus, people dont reallyknow i play the games.
Then again, people dont really bug me, or get on my nerves on purpose.
People are just immature, and they need to get over it. They are not your friends (atleast not yet) so just forget them. They arent your problem and find some friends who accept you.
Gizzor: Are you crazy? That makes sense. Lets go and kill/ hurt everyone i dont agree with. Oh wait, thats hitler... What does that solve? *looks back on life* When i was little, i beat up kids because they dont like the same things as me. You cant run away from a problem, itll just get bigger. You can be violent about a problem, or you will be the bigger dumbgrass.
Yes, they make fun of me for liking it, the most common reasons meaning "IT'S CHILDISH!". I personally just ignore other people's negitive opinions about Pokemon.
I act pretty normal, but only my close friends know I enjoy pokemon and they encourage me to go to tournaments and stuff like that. But no not really bullied, just get some weird looks if I even mention the word Pokemon (I am in 7th grade) or if I am watching the little kids "play" pokemon during recess.