Best set released so far

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RE: Worst card in the game.

Ryu Hayabusa said:
I can't see doing 40 damage with 4 different types of energy as good, and only being able to attack with 3 prize cards left any good either.

I wasnt sure which regigas LA you were reffering to. The regular rare one is verry good. This one is pretty darn bad, but there are still better cards. plus, this can do 120 if they dont have any damage counters.
RE: Worst card in the game.

shadoworganoid said:
*Slams computer on ground*

Dude are you serious!?
Steelix prime is great. It has the potential to be tier 1. No joke.
It tanks well and hits hard. It can be fully powered up 3 Turns. Not too bad. Add in lots of heal and your golden.

No, it's horrible. Kingdra can 2HKO it, before it ever gets set up. Steelix Prime is just a bad card.
RE: Worst card in the game.

dooman58 said:
Steelix prime. By the time it gets set up, a Pikachu couldve killed it.

This statement is false. With DCE and special metal energy Steelix can be fast and a tank. I battled a Steelix prime deck with my Kingdra and in the end I only knocked out one Steelix and I was fully set up. With the right decklist Steelix is a beast.
RE: Worst card in the game.

Rikko145 said:
No, it's horrible. Kingdra can 2HKO it, before it ever gets set up. Steelix Prime is just a bad card.

No its not. Someone had a steelix prime deck with them at Nationals and I borrowed it for a few practice games against LuxChomp. Luxchomp gets slaughtered by it. It just cant do enough damage, and when it finally gets you low on HP, you Moo Moo milk or Life herb.
RE: Worst card in the game.

shadoworganoid said:

Nuf Said.

Wow... so useless.
RE: Worst card in the game.

Mostly any evolved card with only attacks that have no effects excluding direct damage.
RE: Worst card in the game.

ANd i got the rev holo driflim in a pack imagine my face :(
RE: Worst card in the game.

About the Steelix prime, anyone who thinks the card is bad and slow... Well let's just say I'd like them to face someone I know with a certain deck of theirs...
RE: Worst card in the game.


For what's in Dp-on, this card is definetly the worst. Only thing it helps against is opponent stacking deck.
RE: Worst card in the game.

Whoever said Steelix Prime is bad obviously hasn't played it. DCE+an average of two SME attached+Blissey+an optional Queen+healing cards. Attach Belt, then that's pretty much a Pokemon doing 120 damage a turn, with tanking and constant healing. The deck can easily setup by T3, and odds are a Pokemon can't KO Steelix during the setup time. It had a good turnout at Nats (so I heard) and has very good matchups.

And the worst card ever? It isn't even a discussion. Magikarp HGSS. The worst playable card? Drifblim or Arcanine SV.
RE: Worst card in the game.

Arcanine SV takes the cake. 40 for 4 is LITERALLY the worst damage-to-energy ratio we've seen in...forever? I mean seriously, if you can show me a card that does less damage for 4 energy and doesnt have a good effect to make up for the low damage, then okay. But until then, Arcanine SV it is.
RE: Worst card in the game.

the Worst card in the game has to be Rayquaza C. doing only 50 damage for 4 energy and with a chance of total failure. plus it's killed by garchomp C's EQ attack.
RE: Worst card in the game.

dooman58 said:
Steelix prime. By the time it gets set up, a Pikachu couldve killed it.

I lost to a Steelix prime deck at Nats, it was by far the most beastly deck I have ever played, if i had the cards i would switch to it right now. As for worst Imma have to say Regigigas LA the one with slow start.
RE: Worst card in the game.

yeah, arcanine sv is the worst. 4 for 40? some basic (aka luxray and ambipom) do 60 for 2. it's REALLY BAD.
RE: Worst card in the game.

Let's say I have 120 damage on my gyrados facing luxchomp. My opponent has active Luxray x. I pllay potion so gyrados is at 100. I look all confident until he kills it for da win.
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