Best set released so far

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RE: Your favorite deck

My favorite was VilePluff because of the infamous 2 hour long tournament match. I only ran 5 tournaments with it, but it was also my best.
RE: Your favorite deck

I've always quite liked a deck I ran consisting of mostly 4xCrobat and 4xDelibird. It didn't work at all, but dang I had fun stalling. A second favorite of mine would be: I ran this deck for about 4 years with only very small changes. I was just a small kid, and I loved me some Jumpluff. :p
RE: Your favorite deck

My favorite deck so far was a deck I came up with called Flaming Martial Arts. It was basicaly composed of a 1-1-1 line of any fire and fighting types I could get my hands on. It was something like Blaziken, Typhlosion Prime, Blaziken Lv.X, Donphan Prime, Machamp Prime, and Zoroark. It was very cluttered but the best moment I had with it was giving a DonChamp (Back when it was good) player a run for his money. I also played this rogue gigalith EP deck that ran a 4-4-4 Gigalith line and 3 Terrakion EP, the best moment I had with that deck was demolishing this Master's MegaZone deck. But now I mainly stick to metagame decks and I am currently thinking about changing my EelZone to ZekEels.
RE: Your favorite deck

Currently my favorite Metagame deck is ZekEels, but as for my favorite deck of all time, that honor belongs to Gardevoir/Gallade, or GG as some call it. (though I call it GardeLade because it sounds like Gatorade) It was the best deck of it's era and my version had alot of techs, (I wasn't so good at the game back when I had it built, I didn't really get good until TR) such as Donphan Prime and Jumpluff. I still regret tearing it apart because I needed the staples that were in there for other decks! ='(
RE: Your favorite deck

Hmm, Favourite Decks :D so hard!

Ok favourite SP decks - Dialga Chomp, Blaze Chomp
Favourite normal decks - Kingdra ( Prime and LA ) Vilegar,
And favourite deck that mixes both :p SABLOCK :D

I still have my old Kingdra swarm deck built ^_^ it won me alot of things! I still have MD-on games with mates on skype and at league so it's great to have the deck still, it was a really fast brutal deck...and I guess my username gives away why it's pretty much my #1 deck
RE: Your favorite deck

When dealing with a thread like this, I ask that you guys still follow the forum rules even though the OP doesn't require you to. Please refrain from making posts like the below, because according to the forum rules, they are considered spam. If these types of posts continue, I will have to lock this thread. The only reason I've kept it open thus far is because it does have discussion value if we avoid making spam posts.
HenryP said:
Oh man, too many to name.


Glaceon said:
DialgaChomp <3.

I also liked Jumpluff and Gigas.

Anyways, as Celebi said, add to the OP so I can't just say something like what I posted above.

PokemonJon said:
I like ZeelDome

drifloon kill said:

Infinity said:
DialgaChomp :)

Teapot said:

If you're cool you know what it is. If not...
RE: Your favorite deck

I like the Truth right now because it is funny to see your opponent can't use his needed trainers. I also like it because I don't really like decks that are all basic and is super fast. The Truth is slower, which I like, and is fun to play in my opinion, though it is sometimes challenging to get out the stage 2s. :p
RE: Your favorite deck

My favorite deck was probably Dialgachomp. It was the first real competitive deck I had ever played and I remember winning EVERY game against my friends who were just starting out with me. :p Just loved lockin down them pokebodies.
RE: Your favorite deck

hands down sabledonk. the best time and deck ever to exist in Pokemon tcg. to your happiness and good health sabldonk users!
RE: Your favorite deck

I fell in love with the Darkrai/Blissey deck back in the DP days.

Gotta say Vanilluxe/Victini/Vilplume is my fav right now though.
RE: Your favorite deck

List in order:
1. Flygon decks, especially Stallgon. I started playing when this was big, so I took a lot of it and anything David Cohen rules!!!
2. Truth, its just reallyy fun and good, as well as giving a break from EXs and Magnezone.
3. Queendom, this deck was made out of hard work and effort, and it took 1st and 3rd at Worlds, this deck was amazing for its time and it shows how work pays off.
4. GardeLade, specifically Boltevoir this was another great deck, I like this list because the lines are so well managed, BTW, this placed 2nd in Worlds 2010.
RE: Your favorite deck

As far as archetypes go, it'd be either Raichu-Exeggutor or Lunatone-Solrock, both during the Delta days. I found it really neat to see Raichu-Exeggutor succeed, because it had essentially popped out of nowhere and the deck made no sense until you actually played it. (It's also the only time, to my knowledge, that Raichu had made it all the way to the top. For a card released so often, it has such a low success rate.) As for Lunatone-Solrock, I liked how there were only 4 Rare cards with everything else being Uncommon or Common, and no Holo-Rare or anything after that. It was refreshing to see a deck made with such cheap cards when all around it were shiny flashy expensive cards left and right.
RE: Your favorite deck

Regigigas LV.X, plus various decks and side attackers to go with it. Dubbed "RegiAwesome" by me, its contents can only make people stand back in awe and watch at how amazing the deck is (most of the cards in the deck have only 1 copy of that card in). It was something I started running when Rising Rivals came out, but it reached its pinnacle performance during the MD-on era. To this day, I keep maintaining the decklist as an MD-CoL, finding new ways to perfect it. And, ironically, I've only revised it ONCE since the rotation - it goes to show how comfortable I was with the deck and how well it performed. (That, and there's no such thing as a skeleton Regigigas list - it is always tweaked and refined to suit the user's needs.)

It almost got me into what would have been my first topcut (Long Beach Regionals Spring 2011), and I only barely lost out on it. For anyone who's seen my deck in'll know it when you see it.

All Hail Gigas!!
RE: Your favorite deck

My favorite old deck is LuxChomp, because I like it´s playing style

My this days favorite deck is: Gardevoir/Mewtwo
I just like it, because it´s fast and it´s only Mewtwo what can use it´s second attack
It´s lower than CMT but Gardevoir/Mewtwo is better than CMT for Mewtwos second attack which OHKOs Mewtwos and mewto has always only 2 energies attached to it, CMT hasn´t

Before EX´s my favorite decks are: ZPST and Zekrom/Eels
RE: Your favorite deck

ZPST. Fast, consistent, and a quick high damage output. Everything that I like in a deck. If only it wasn't only playable during Battle Roads...

Rest in peace old friend.
RE: Your favorite deck

alexmf2 said:
ZPST. Fast, consistent, and a quick high damage output. Everything that I like in a deck. If only it wasn't only playable during Battle Roads...

Rest in peace old friend.

Rest in pieces, more like it. I hated that deck.

Dialgachomp was indeed hard to play, I learned to play it well the night before Regs in the hotel room. I got 4th the next day.
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