Best set released so far

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RE: Best Pokemon card ever

Uhh... that card is pretty mediocre. Stage 2, only 120 HP, 2 Weaknesses, RC of 2, no Resistance, attacks that are meh at best... sure you can use it with Feraligatr, but that's just not anywhere near the best.
RE: Best Pokemon card ever

Scizorliscious said:
Uhh... that card is pretty mediocre. Stage 2, only 120 HP, 2 Weaknesses, RC of 2, no Resistance, attacks that are meh at best... sure you can use it with Feraligatr, but that's just not anywhere near the best.

That is the best card in his opinion, chill out. No need to blast him for his opinion
RE: Best Pokemon card ever

@Spidy Freak Show:

The only problem with that is that though all the energy are in your hand, your attack only has to have 1 damage counter on it for Pokemon Center to discard all it energy, and for some Pokemon, that means you can't attack.
RE: Best Pokemon card ever

Scizorliscious said:
Uhh... that card is pretty mediocre. Stage 2, only 120 HP, 2 Weaknesses, RC of 2, no Resistance, attacks that are meh at best... sure you can use it with Feraligatr, but that's just not anywhere near the best.

I'm unsure of the metagame back then, but back in the early ex days, 120 HP on a Stage 2 is pretty good.
RE: Best Pokemon card ever

I think this would pretty much hands down be Computer Search, the old Bill or Uxie. All these cards were completely broken and the completely changed the game for the entire time they were in rotation. Claydol wasn't even broken compared to Uxie; it took more time to get out and the 2 retreat was a huge liability. I really miss Claydol :/
RE: Best Pokemon card ever

glaceon said:
@Spidy Freak Show:

The only problem with that is that though all the energy are in your hand, your attack only has to have 1 damage counter on it for Pokemon Center to discard all it energy, and for some Pokemon, that means you can't attack.

the deck doesnt attack, it just use emboar and espeon to keep throwing energy on forretress, and then pokemon center heals off all the damage on your pokemon, but no energy is discarded because espeon puts it all in the hand
RE: Best Pokemon card ever

Giscor said:
I'm unsure of the metagame back then, but back in the early ex days, 120 HP on a Stage 2 is pretty good.

Right, but are we saying the best Pokemon card for the meta it's in, or the best card when compared to all the other cards in Unlimited? I thought it was in Unlimited, but correct me if I'm wrong.
RE: Best Pokemon card ever

Spidy Freakshow said:
the deck doesnt attack, it just use emboar and espeon to keep throwing energy on forretress, and then pokemon center heals off all the damage on your pokemon, but no energy is discarded because espeon puts it all in the hand

Oh. I didn't know you were talking about Emboar Forretress.

Never mind.
Your favorite deck (Please give reasons as to why you like the deck)

Hi, everyone. Today, i want to find out about everyone's favorite deck of all time, please tell whuy you like it. so much, is it because of the strategy, or the Pokémon, or something else?
This is decks fromAny format.
You can even post a list, if you really like that certain list.
Please, if this is an older deck then post a link to info about it or do a summary yourself, as a courtesy to newer players.
I personally like Flygon decks. This one in particular.

To ALL posters, please give specific reasons ~Glaceon

I am now giving out warning for those who do not explain why they like a deck. ~Glaceon
RE: Your favorite deck

If you don't want this to be locked, add more detail to the OP. Currently, it's just a favorites thread. Ask questions that require people to respond with more than one-word answers.

If you don't change it in two days, I'll lock it.
RE: Your favorite deck

Gyarados and Kingdra were my two favorite decks of all time. I also played Luxchomp and Dialgachomp for a long time but they weren't as enjoyable to me. I love the swarming and overwhealming aspect to the decks, and both of my lists for them were really consistent.
RE: Your favorite deck

HenryP said:
Oh man, too many to name.


Yes, those decks are so epic. :p But, my favorite deck will always be, Roguechomp, hence my name. It was a VERY good rogue SP deck that only lost me 5 games in tournaments, and got me two prize places in 2 states. I only played 3 tournaments with it, and it was always a rogue, super fun, and strategic deck that people would have never seen coming. It could somehow beat nearly every deck in the format, except machamp off course. Ah, the good old days. (I still play the deck at league sometimes, against the decks in the metagame now, and it hasn't let me down yet. :D )
RE: Your favorite deck

DialgaChomp <3.

I also liked Jumpluff and Gigas.

Anyways, as Celebi said, add to the OP so I can't just say something like what I posted above.
RE: Your favorite deck

Rougechomp said:
Yes, those decks are so epic. :p But, my favorite deck will always be, Roguechomp, hence my name. It was a VERY good rogue SP deck that only lost me 5 games in tournaments, and got me two prize places in 2 states. I only played 3 tournaments with it, and it was always a rogue, super fun, and strategic deck that people would have never seen coming. It could somehow beat nearly every deck in the format, except machamp off course. Ah, the good old days. (I still play the deck at league sometimes, against the decks in the metagame now, and it hasn't let me down yet. :D )

I'd be interested to know what else was in the deck besides Garchomp C?

I played an incredibly fun deck called Jirachi Romp that used Jirachi to Detour Team Rocket's Tricker or Cyrus Initiative, then using Final Wish to fish out DCE's to snipe with Garchomp. It was pretty epic and I liked it better than Sablelock.
RE: Your favorite deck

My favorite deck that I brought to a tournament was Luxray LA with Manectric and ERL. It was such a beautiful meta counter. As for other favorite decks, FlyLock, Kingdra, and CurseGar/Magnezone SF are probably up there. I guess we are allowing this favorite thread.
RE: Your favorite deck

Despite the word "favorite" in the title I think this thread offers a whole lot more discussion than "What's your favorite Pokemon?hurrr" I think the OP should ask why you liked it, though. Flygon was cool too, but I couldn't get Flygon Lv. X until just before it wasn't very good anymore. I liked Gengar SF Toolbox, I ran it at States and it was fun. It ran Nidoqueen, Dusknoir, and Noctowl Promo. It was pretty cluttered but whatever, I didn't really understand the metagame at the time.
RE: Your favorite deck

Oh, definitely Donphan/Dragons. I spiced it up with Mew, Zoroark, Cobalion and Dodrio but it was incredibly consistent and for whatever reason it won. But the EXs stonewall it now. Nothing in there can hit 180...
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