Best set released so far

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RE: Your favorite deck

Scizor/Umbreon by far. I played that deck for so long and actually did pretty well with it. It might be because Scizor is my favorite Pokemon, but honestly, the deck was so fun to play when I saw the look on my opponent's face when I dropped a Scizor. If Umbreon was able to block Abilities, I probably would've played it at Cities lol.
RE: Your favorite deck

I'm probably the only one who's decks go back all the way to the Base through Neo era.

My top was Rain Dance. It used Base Blastoise to get all the water energy I could into play, drawing it with Bill and Professor Oak. Lapras and Articuno served as Big Basic Pokemon (BBP) in that day and Ferligatr with Downpour served as a big hitter if I got enough water energy into my discard pile, a Blastoise and Articuno fully powered if knocked out would make his attack powerful at least in those days.

My other favorite was Base Set Venusaur and its energy transfer and Neo Meganium with its Wild Growth. Meganium made one grass energy two and Venusaur spread it around. I don't remember who else was in my deck at that time.

A wild idea that I had that worked pretty well was using an Erika deck. It hit hard enough that the benefits that Erika's cards tended to give the opponent hardly made a difference.

Not long after Neo the play scene faded here and I never really got back into it until about HGSS era, and even then not as extensively.

Todays format has given me a chance at a version of Rain Dance (which is posted in the deck garage here on Pokebeach) but instead Feraligatr provides the acceleration and hits for good damage if need be. Kyurem, SEL, and KGL are the big hitters but this deck hits the bench more than anything ever did in the older sets. Of course this deck dies when we leave the HGSS format.

The deck also posted here on Pokebeach, is a combination of corners and Outrage. It relies heavily on the three dragons Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem as the heavy hitters. Virizion is an early hitter and card drawer with Terrakion for revenge kills. Regigigas EX is a heavy hitter with Eviloite protecting it from recoil and if I can ever get a Mewtwo EX for the deck it would solidify the decks power. Although it hasn't received the proper competititve experience my old decks did it runs rather well.
RE: Your favorite deck

My favorite deck is Vilepluff. Low energy lets you have more of other cards you want, and Vileplume shuts down many decks which lets me send in a Yanmega of Jumpluff to beat them senseless.
Way too many people have said that it is out of date, but I don't care. I'm going to play that at states even if I get obliterated.
I think the main reason I like that is because 1. it got me my first CP at a cities last December, and it is almost the only playable deck I have.
RE: Your favorite deck

My favorite deck is Vilepluff. Low energy lets you have more of other cards you want, and Vileplume shuts down many decks which lets me send in a Yanmega of Jumpluff to beat them senseless.
This sounds a lot like my current backup deck. (Yes, I do run Yanmega in it.)
RE: Your favorite deck

Gyarados without a single doubt in my mind. I am going to work hard to get my MD-CL Gyarados back together again!
RE: Your favorite deck

Magnezone_Elf said:
Hi, everyone. Today, i want to find out about everyone's favorite deck of all time, please tell whuy you like it. so much, is it because of the strategy, or the Pokémon, or something else?


I like DialgaChomp because it was a deck that was hard, but if played correctly would do amazingly. Like many SP decks, there are lots of options and techs. The one downfall of DialgaChomp is Dialga being knocked out, but I had techs that could take care of it. It wasn't broken though, because of high energy costs and if Dialga is knocked out, it is basically game over. It was fun to use in my opinion, and still a viable deck.
RE: Your favorite deck

My Machamp Donkdeck. I had the best winning streak ever with that deck... I am not joking when I say the record, the record was 64-7. I won 64 Games with it!!! I tested a lot against SP decks and Sableye decks. I also win my first tournament with it!

Also what Alex said about Dialga Chomp is all the same to me. I played that for a while, I win my 2nd and 3rd tournament with DC. :). Wish would could have the older format back... Those decks were a crap load of fun to play. Oh, the good old days... :p
RE: Your favorite deck

My favourite has to be Luxchomp. It was the most consistent deck in the game at the time. All basic pokemon accompanied by drawing galore with the Uxie's. You could easily turn a game around when you think it's out of your hand simply because of the nature of the deck. Best deck in the game.
RE: Your favorite deck

Oh man, so many to name. I have a lot of sentimental value with these:

LuxChomp - The Luxray GL Lv.X included was the only card to ever bring me to Top Cuts, so how could I not love it? lol I had it fully reverse holo'd out a few months after almost all the cards included were rotated out but I did it out of a labor of love. I loved how the deck operated and I was good at playing it with all kinds of techs. Just a lot of fun.

DialgaChomp - This deck was really awesome as a nice change from LuxChomp. I found the skill needed for this deck was much higher than LuxChomp but it gave me a bigger reward if I could win long, drawn out games. Mirror matchups with this deck were a sight to see, especially playing with my friend.

Cursegar - I only played this deck for a Regionals, but before I did that, I feel in love with the concept and what the deck was designed to do (and how it did it). I don't feel I spent enough time at all with the deck to get a good enough feel for it, but I did like how it played even though it was slow to set up.

Gyarados - How could I not include him? :p I always fell back on playing this deck whenever I couldn't find a deck to stick on. It's the deck I love to hate. Curse this deck and it's prizes! Every time it seemed like I had a Magikarp and something else I absolutely needed to win. Frustrating, but I did love how the deck operated, simple as it may have been.

Durant - Looking back at the previous four decks from the past two years, I can't really name a favorite. That pretty much all changed when I picked my hands on a Durant deck and immediately fell in love with it. It may be one of the most hated decks in the community that I've seen, and I won't say it's completely unwarranted. It is unfortunately very simple, but I don't really see that as a major hindrance to the format at all. Just the fact that it has a different win condition that is never really utilized puts a smile on my face. The deck also has a surprising number of nuances and tricks up its sleeve, while also being extremely flippy (which is probably the only bad thing I see with the deck). I've never felt this kind of joy playing any other deck in recent memory, however.

dmaster out.
RE: Your favorite deck

Zapdonk (zapdos nd donk deck, similar to zpst) is my favorite, but mostly because I like being unique, and I have seen no one else play this deck or even suggest it, despite the fact that it seems to have solid matchups against everything. It is also fun because I really like zapdos as a Pokemon, and my first holo Pokemon card was a first edition base zapdos.
RE: Your favorite deck

Yes, yes it is. Very fun to play, and sometimes surprises people. With zapdos being the main attacker and all.
RE: Your favorite deck

Magnezone_Elf said:
Actually, the OP now does, as I changed it.

/me facepalm

Turn 2 Banette actually...

Idea was use Shuppet Crystal Guardian's Ascension attack to get a Secret Wonders (yes, not the EX.) Banette out on Turn 2, and then start doing 80 every turn. It was mainly a counterdeck to AMU and Pl0x, both of which were heavily ran in my area, but it worked good against everything else too.
RE: Your favorite deck

Teapot said:
* Teapot facepalm

Turn 2 Banette actually...

Idea was use Shuppet Crystal Guardian's Ascension attack to get a Secret Wonders (yes, not the EX.) Banette out on Turn 2, and then start doing 80 every turn. It was mainly a counterdeck to AMU and Pl0x, both of which were heavily ran in my area, but it worked good against everything else too.
I remember this deck! Although I think T2 Banette ex was better than T2 Banette SW, just from seeing them both in action.
RE: Your favorite deck

Ohhhhh yes. Mercury. Now that was a fun deck. I teched in a Gardevoir ex d, and it was so much fun to play. It wasn't fantastic, but it was just fun. The Delta Species were my favorite, so to use them all was just awesome. Add in the Holon Engine, and I couldn't not love Mercury.
RE: Your favorite deck

Serperior said:
Ohhhhh yes. Mercury. Now that was a fun deck. I teched in a Gardevoir ex d, and it was so much fun to play. It wasn't fantastic, but it was just fun. The Delta Species were my favorite, so to use them all was just awesome. Add in the Holon Engine, and I couldn't not love Mercury.
Could you include the basic strategy or a link to a page about that deck, please?
RE: Your favorite deck

Vilegar, that was the first like real competitive deck that i made and i mean who doesnt love gengar(and trainer lock)
RE: Your favorite deck

Mightyena Donk

My first deck that wasn't a "type" deck. Won me two third place BR's at my first two tournaments. The strategy was to play Broken Time Space to evolve to Mightyena on the first turn, then use Skuntank to Poison Mighty and the non-SP defending Pokemon for a T1 80-100 (Sp. Dark :])


Won me my first tournament which was supposed to be the end of the world, which is shortened to EotW. It used Reshiram, Zekrom, Electrode, Typhlosion, Sableye, and Burned Tower (would've been Energy Retrieval, but I thought it was an Energy Returner reprint ROFL). The idea was to beat Sabledonk, but that deck never showed up.


So good, wish I didn't get luck sacked at regs or I would've done better. You discard energy and attach them to Regirock with it's power, then Lost Burn and hit for a lot of damage. It was basically a Basic Eelektrik for Fighting Energy, but in only attached to itself. You also used Skuntank G for Gengar and stuff like that, and Magnezone SF to attach energies to the active.

Edit: Oh, and I forgot about Spiritomb AR for setting up and Trainer lock, and Zekrom BW, which was pretty good in general.


I win with this and it doesn't run Mewtwo. Enough said.
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