Best set released so far

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RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

I'll give you my list.
1) Absol ex
2) Skamory ex
3) Metagross ex
4) Flygon ex
5) Walrein ex
6) Shiftry ex
7) Salmance ex
8) Claydol ex
RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

OMG, the Sally is inanely good. Hit the active for 150, or everything for 30. Thats disgusting. The only reason he would be no.2 is becuase he is a dragon.
No.1 are Gross simply for being a monster, and Shiftry for being so usable with both EspyEX, and himself.
RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

^Damage doesn't win games...well, you know what I mean. Look at mewtric...only did 40 80% of the time, yet it won worlds.
RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

I would rather say that big damage isn't the only way to win games. IMHO Sally ex can be really good, but only if you set your deck up to manage the attacks. As a random tech it's not hot at all. He needs to be the centerpiece of a deck to work well.

And how is 30 to all bench pokemon 2, 3, or even 4 turns in a row not hot? Sure it would require energy acceleration support but that's just a killer to most decks.
RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

Metagross ex & Shiftry ex is the best ex in EX Power Keepers because they have the ability to damage the opponent's bench pokemon even though the effect requires the bench pokemon name to be the same as the active pokemon...
RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

I'd say that Walrein ex and Flygon ex is a bit bad, only that is IPO:

My list:

1) Shiftry ex (Playable rate:98%)
2) Skarmory ex (PR:80%)
3) Metagross ex (PR:76%)
4) Absol ex (PR:72%)
5) Claydol ex (PR:55%)
6) Salamence ex (PR:54%)
7) Flygon ex (PR:50%)
8) Walrein ex (PR:33%)
RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

I would say Shiftry and Sally tie because Shiftry can look at your opponent hand and copies a Pokemon attack. It also can do 60 to the bench Pokemon with the same name as the defending Pokemon. But on the other side, Sally is good to because for 4 energy, you can attack 150 and don't have to dicard any energy(infact discard 5 of your top deck). Also, it can do 30 damage to each bench Pokemon with 4 energy.(not so good)

P.M. I have Shiftry Ex Pk so I use the attack before. Very good.
RE: What is the best ex in Power Keepers and why?

Sally is second because his attacks take too much energy.
RE: what is the bad ex pokemon?

defenitly the ex Ruby and Saphire ones. They all stink, and they're all basic!!!!! But Mewtwo ex is much better! :(:(:(

"Face the power of Blaziken!"
RE: what is the bad ex pokemon?

Defenitly Absol ex from Power Keepers. 40 damage isn't good enough to make the cut, not even for a basic ex. If it did 50, that would be more reasonable.


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RE: what is the bad ex pokemon?

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RE: Which card is best?

hmm, lets see;
Politoed ex
1st attack: This attack is very useful especially if your opponent has an ex in the bench..
2nd attack: Can be used to switch Politoed off if Politoed's HP is low..
3rd attack: 4 for 70 damage is already good enough but if the pokemon has fewer HP than
Politoed, sayonara to that pokemon...

Overall Rating: 9.5/10

Walrein ex
Poke-Body: Quite useful if you are fighting a non Water Pokemon...
1st attack: Good for sniping..
2nd attack: This attack is quite good if you are playing against a Fighting Pokemon but
Walrein ex can die easily because of its weakness...

Overall Rating: 8.5/10
RE: Which card is best?

^u are saying too much about it..arcanine ex is much better than it..but between politoed and walrein EX,i think the 1st win..
RE: Which card is best?

Actually, they're about even. And Arcanine hasn't ever really won anything this season, with Latios-ex δ destroying any hope it ever had.

So, Politoad might actually be better. But after DP comes out, Walrein-ex wins.

Arcanine out.
RE: Which card is best?

yeap poiltoed ex the best it can do a lot of combos with its poli family furthermore it can retreat easily..... As for Walrein ex it has double weakness and high retreat cost Armaldo d can easily knock it out.....Hahaha
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