Best set released so far

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RE: Which card is best?

Politoed ex until the new ruling of fossils comes out in D/P....

dmaster out.
RE: Which card is best?

i know when fossils are knocked out take one prize card n fossils cannot be played in ur first turn that is the new rule.....
RE: Which card is best?

that5s deffinately true..i had a friend which had politoed ex...and i liked that card.
RE: Which card is best?

i think we should not talk in another people thread i think u should go to my thread to talk.......
RE: Which card is the best? 2

I won't. I go for Milotic d. Its attack and basic are worse than Arbok's, but his power makes up for it(my own supporters usually are quite sucky, and playing 2 supporters in 1 turn is just awesome)
RE: Which card is the best? 2

Pok3M@ni@c said:
Hmm I'll go for Arbok d
Wowzers...this is VERY tough....But I will go with Arbok δ. It has more playable things to go with it...Cessastion Crystal attached to Arbok δ is an awesome play when combo with eggs or somehting in that nature. Milotic is good as well...being able to play 2 Supporters a turn is just thats sooo Intense but it can be shut down to easy. But Arbok has 2 VERY good attacks...ok maybe not VERY good but they are efficent...Arbok's first attack is very helpful and its second attack is awesome because there is tons of δ pokes out there.
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