Best set released so far

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RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

lol yeah i aggree with everyone who thought it was exs who broke the game!!!
RE: Which card is best?

POLITOAD however, when walrien is combo with glacias stadium, it is very good
What card do you think is the best in modified sets?

What card do you think is the best in the modified sets?
I like Flygon ex d (DF).
RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

For the best, answering the title. You may say Infernape Lv.X is broken, doing 150 with 2 Fire Energies. But, a Infernape EX will be very more broken, with ~150HP and discarding many Energies. Infernape Lv.X has 120HP and you're not sure there are 2 Fire Energies in the top of your deck.

But the very bigger advantage is the ultimate combo:
* Infernape Lv.X with 8 [R] attacks and discard 8 [R]
* Attach 1 [R] to Infernape Lv.X and pass
* Attach 1 [R] to Infernape Lv.X and attack
So, you Knocked out about two Pokémon in three turns.
RE: What card do you think is the best in modified sets?

Pokemon: Flygon ex δ, Metagross ex, Blaziken(PK), Holon Castform, Holon Magnetrode....
Trainers: Rare Candy, Holon Trainers....
Energy: DRE, Darkness, Metal....
RE: What card do you think is the best in modified sets?

I think that is hard to say, Arcanine Ex or psychic Flygon Ex?
RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

The Empoleon line is somewhat ineresting ... bench hitting attacks at most stages & the level x can do 80 to anyone active or bench. So spread damage and then selectively KO.

Overall I don't see *most* of the DP cards being all that. I do see an overall slight trend of increasing power where more DP basics have more HP & better attacks than you see on average in other sets. More of the stage 1s & 2s have some slight increases in HP, for instance Machamp (dp) has 130 HP vs 120 for the (pk) & (lm) versions ... yet I still think that Machamp (lm) is better overall (I *love* that first attack) & Machamp (pk) can do more damage vs EX pokemon. So it's not a given that DP is "overpowered".
RE: What card do you think is the best in modified sets?

I'd have to go with either Flygon ex [LM] or Transciever...
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