Best set released so far

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RE: Which card is the best? 2

Arbok. Can go into more decks, can have Cessation Crystal attached, inflicts special conditions, is anti-delta, is just plain powerful. Milotic is good as well, with a brilliant Poké-Power and higher HP, but I still prefer Arbok.
RE: Which card is the best? 2

I would probobly say Milotic because it is a power hitter and does awesome damage and Arbok is good but it does not have the power like Milotic does. That is my opinion. Reason for Milotic is because with flare you are gauranteed 60 damage and for Aboks attack to do 80 you must have a male card in play for it to work but Milotic's flare works on any pokemon that it's opponent is weak to.:)
D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

Some "uber" cards have come up, like Lucario, Infernape and Infernape Lv.X. My feeling is these cards threaten the balance of power, and are too beefed-up to compare to the EX Sets. I think the Infernape they're gonna even sell in a Theme Deck!

Do you support the power of these new cards?
RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

Balance of power... do you mean Pokémon-ex? They were the ones that should never have been printed in the first place. D/P is a fair start in heading towards the right direction.
RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

MCD said:
Well at least EX's had a penalty...

...that's easily overlooked or worked around it. Something go wrong? Just Giant Stump it! Take the pokémon-ex out of tourney-worthy decks, and what do you have left? Either a few select energies and trainers, or a complete delta archetype. Face it, they literally broke the game to start with, it's time to get over an addiction.
RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

EX's made the game too fast paced, actually since there is still only six prizes and KO'ing one EX gives you 2 prizes that makes the game end pretty quickly. Now level X is more like Stage 3 pokemon where Stage 2 could still evolve. It's strength is somewhat less than EX's because we all can see that energy costs have changed dramatically. However, it has the advantage of being able to use the attacks from its previous stage. In EX sets there were many colorless in the attack costs. For example an attack does 50 damage and cost one particular type plus 2 colorless. Now it has changed to probably 2 particular type then one colorless. In many cases we even see all the energy cost of an attack is a certain type of energy. This will make Pokemon TCG go back into the times where people have way more energies in their deck than in EX series. And also this will limit the types of pokemon players can have in their deck. Having four diffeent types of pokemon in one deck in EX series is pretty easy, with the availability of multi energies, rainbow etc and most attacks only cost one particular type and two colorless it is easily achievable. In a nut shell, I think we should wait a little bit more before we judge the new cards because it would change quite a lot just like EX series have changed from Ruby/Sapphire to Power Keepers.
RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

I think lv up is more balance than ex. Ex pokemon are just too broken for having high HP and powerful attack, and the drawback only give opponent draws one more prize. With the new game play, I see some potential cards in this set.
RE: D/P TCG Set: For the best or for the worst?

Charizard said:
I think lv up is more balance than ex. Ex pokemon are just too broken for having high HP and powerful attack, and the drawback only give opponent draws one more prize. With the new game play, I see some potential cards in this set.

I agree & some of the D/P cards can be use together with the previous cards...
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