Best set released so far

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RE: What card do you think is the best in modified sets?

Hmmm...Dragon frontier exs are really good!I especialy like flygon EX and dragonite EX.Prof elms a good card aswell.
Most Usable DP Card

What does everyone think is the most usable card in DP for decks, only pokemon. No trainers and Energies allowed.

Probably one of the most usable cards in the set is Infenape. I also think Empoleon will be used when someone can find a good combo to go with it. I haven't seen the entire set yet but out of the one's I've seen Infernape and Empoleon look the most promising.
RE: Most Usable DP Card

Budew's ability to pull out a trainer for no energy is one of the more versitile cards of the set. I think I might have an Empoleon combo, but I have a  lot of playtesting to do.
RE: Most Usable DP Card

Azurill's ability to pull any one card from the discard pile for a zero energy attack is not to be overlooked. the drifblim/drifbloom line is going to be teched into all sorts of decks.
RE: Most Usable DP Card


Thats all the good ones, the fire monkey is sooo overrated.
RE: Most Usable DP Card

the monkye is over rate big time

elective /even know he to is over rated/
machampe  /hughly under rated/big time
lucario /same a above/
luxray /all around good/
hippowodon /under rated to/
empleon /just good/
dustnoir /just good/

that about it
RE: Most Usable DP Card

dusknoir's really only extremely useful if your opponent has 1 prize left
hippowdown's sand eject is an amazing attack
machamp is definitely underrated.
i also like cleffa's 0 energy eek attack-draw a card
RE: best theme deck

Fire in the ground, please do not post in topics where the most recent post is 2 weeks old or older. This thread is more than a year old.
RE: Worst trainer?

Why is Cessation Crystal even on this list?

Anyway, I'd probably say Maintainance or Devolution Spray.
RE: Worst trainer?

Pokéball is the only flippy trainer. The threadstarter has probably very little sense of strategy =P cuz CC is an awesome card in a lot of decks.
RE: Worst trainer?

CC just changes its type to colourless... not exelent. Can anyone can tell me why it is for a deck?
RE: Worst trainer?

You're thinking of Crystal Shard. Crystal Shard helps every pokemon out that is resisted a lot. For example, lots of pokes resist Grass nowadays, so a Grass based deck may want to pack one or two of them.
RE: Worst trainer?

Hmmm....rockets experiment was pretty terrible (needed 2 heads to do computer search, if either of them was tails, you can't play any more trainers) or that tickle machine....or that promo that acted like farmer but ended your turn. :/ Other then search on your list.
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