Best set released so far

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RE: Worst trainer?

silent swordsman said:
maybe Imakumi?
ths trainer that confuses your own pokemon?

Useless!! Is there really have such a stupid card??
RE: Worst trainer?

It did exist, but only in Japan as a joke card. It was geatured in the old Pokemon TCG game for Game Boy. I believe it said:
"Your active Pokemon is now confused. Imakuni wants you to play him as a basic Pokemon, but you can't." It then continues on with another random pointless sentence or two.
RE: Worst trainer?

Imakuni contains the ultimate element of surprise, making your opponent think he actually still stands a chance against you when you are 5 prizes ahead.
RE: Worst trainer?

Pokemonmasterpa said:
Can someone explain me how Lt. Surge's Secret Plan works?

Lt. Surge's secret plan works like so.

#1 You play Lt. Surge's secret plan from you hand.
#2 You select ANY card from your hand.
#3 You place the selected card facedown on your bench. (You can't play Lt. Surge's secret plan if you have no room on your bench.)
#4 You treat that card as if it were a basic pokemon that cannot attack or retreat. (You can attach energy, use trainers, ect...)
#5 You can flip the card over at any time during your turn. If you do flip it and it's not a basic pokemon ,then you must discard it. If it is a basic pokemon, then it stays in play.
#6 You must filp the card if your opponent does anything that requires your opponent to see information regarding the card. (Such as: Attacking the card, using a trainer card that asks for specific information on that card, anything else that needs to know information about the card.)
#7 Your opponent does not draw a prize card if your opponent attacks the card, and you flip it over and the card is not a basic pokemon.

Back on topic.
Imakuni is the worst card in the game.
RE: Worst trainer?

papi manny, computer search is two discards rockets secret expieriment was one flip. some people might list poke flute because it revives one of your oppenants discarded basics but use it with kyogre ex (as a snipe) and metagross dx (reattach energy) and just revive and snipe over and over to win. that would be wicked awesome. I think energy search.
RE: Worst trainer?

no imakuni i have an energy deck and i need energies so when i run out of mr. stones project i have energy search to keep on giving me energy
RE: Worst trainer?

Papi/Manny said:
Hmmm....rockets experiment was pretty terrible (needed 2 heads to do computer search, if either of them was tails, you can't play any more trainers) or that tickle machine....or that promo that acted like farmer but ended your turn. :/ Other then search on your list.
tickiling machine can stop your opponet from using any cards in there hand, if heads
RE: Worst trainer?

And if tails your turn ended. And if they hit an oak, they get 7 cards+thier original hand. ;/
RE: Worst trainer?

Energy Search is like a M:TG fetchland that doesn't cost you life. I don't see why it isn't played more in lieu of basic energy.

Thinning out energy + not getting color-hosed = good
RE: Worst trainer?

SpiderLocMTGO said:
Energy Search is like a M:TG fetchland that doesn't cost you life.  I don't see why it isn't played more in lieu of basic energy.

Thinning out energy + not getting color-hosed = good

Pokemon doesn't use the exact same logic as MTG.

In MTG, you thin out your deck so that you can find your good cards faster then you could if you didn't remove some of the junk from your deck.

In Pokemon, You just use a searching card to find the good card right when you need it.

In MTG, the only Creature/Sorcery searching cards that look through your library are few and far between. (not to mention Mana hungry).

In Pokemon, library searching cards are a dime a dozen, and they can find almost anything at the same price as any of the other cards.

In MTG, getting Mana flooded is the result of not being able to "mulligan your hand in the middle of play" so to say.

In pokemon, you can shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 4-6 cards almost every turn if you wanted to.

So Energy Search is just not that useful because it only gets you one energy. Other cards like Holon Lass can get you up to 12 energy, Mr. Stone's Project can get you 2 energy from either the deck or the discard.

The only thing Energy Search does well is that it can be found by Budew's attack, and even then it still doesn't do much.
RE: Worst trainer?

You'd be surprised about Energy Search really. I've took the liberty of testing it and it does VERY well.
RE: Worst trainer?

But things like Holon Lass take up your valuable Supporter spot that you could use to play a "real" tutor. Energy Search shouldn't replace a trainer, it should replace a spot that would've otherwise been used for basic energy. Obviously, it doesn't work in a deck too terribly light on basic energies, but if a deck has a dozen or more it would probably be wise to cut a few for energy searches.
RE: Worst trainer?

mabye if energy search let you search your discard pile, or if I it didn't have to be a basic energy you search for, it might have been ok. Yes?
Best basic??!

I´m trying to make my own deck, but I can´t decide what basic should I add there... can you give me advice??? It would be better if the basic will have an evolution too, so good basic and evolution card...:D
RE: Best basic??!

Depends on the following things
-skill of player
-speed of deck
-type of deck
-trainer setup
-delta deck or not
-what you want to accomplish with your basic
First answer all these questions, then make a less pointless thread.
Best trainers of the 2006-2007 year

What do you think are the best trainer cards of the year or the ones that you think will be best next year?

This year - H. Transceiver, H. Adventurer, H. Lass, TV reporter, Celio's Network

Next Year - don't know

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