Best set released so far

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RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

IMO, EX Power Keepers is the worst set because most of the cards in there are reprinted & even if they are not reprinted, they are useless. For example; Charizard but there are some useful ones, like Absol ex. As for EX Holon Phantom & EX Dragon Frontiers, they are not bad at all. HP has some of best trainers around whereas pokemon ex in DF. So, both of the sets are ok at all if you ask me... :)
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

worst set modyfyed: probably power keepers and secret wonders
secret wonders: lame name only 4 lines of pokemon were good only 3 in decks really trainers r kinda bad the set wzas overall lame
power keepers: not aton to talk about here either just was a boring set
next set is going to be alot more interesting
worst set of all time: EX EMERALD
omg there was nothing in this set even the exs were bad
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

worst set off all time
EX emerald, EX deoxys, and EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

^Its amazing how the worse sets of all time all won US nats/worlds. X_x
Okay, lets settle this. Power Keepers had blaziken, delcatty, gardy, raichu, machamp, slaking, lanturn, magneton, omistar, BF, steven's, absol ex, sally ex, skarmory ex, flareon*, vapereon*, and jolteon*. Holon Phantoms had flygon d, lati@s d, rayquaza d (idk trying to give HP a chance here), holon's casty, raichu, exegguator, holon adventuer, d rainbow, crawduant ex, mew ex, and gyrados*. I think I hit pretty much every poke and trainer from both sets that were played in decent numbers at one point or another. Now hwo do you determine a good set from bad? Number of playable cards and those cards populartiy. If thats the case, its a pretty good match. Obviously powers keepers has alot more palayble cards. Blaziken, delcatty, and gardy were huge back during RS. Catty is still popular. The only cards from HP that can compare to those cards popularity are raichu, casty, flygon, and eggs. Absol ex is also a popular card in several decks at one point an another, but not like others. Lanturn was such a common tech in ludicargo, which was a huge deck back when DX came out. Magneton was popular with stoise ex and gatr today. Latilock, mew ex, and crawduant ex compare to those (being very generous here). Raichu was a tech in a few delta decks for nats last year to beat emp, but since delta was dead at that time it wasn't played much. I would put gyrados* with that popularity. The PK *s are all very hot. Jolteon was a tech in bannette ex and is a tech in gyrados decks today. Flareon* was a possible tech for flaridos but wasn't played often. Vapereon* works well with walls (wailord anyone) and is an uncommon tech for magmortar decks. Onto trainers. Battle frontier and steven's definately outweigh the metagame difference adventuer had. Adventuer was just another draw card in the holon engine while steven's was just insane and battle frontier was the only way to shut down pidgeot, rock lock and dragtrode. Theres a few others I listed but they aren't popular enough to really give recognition to. IMO the worse set ever printed was neo 4. So few good pokes and all of them holos. X_x And horrible trainers.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

DP1!!!!!!!! or POP6 those sets sux (yes I am spelling suck as sux because those sets suck so much agrhhhh)
Isse: I don't like your opinion because all of the sets that you mentioned have Worlds-winning cards based around them. Please think before you type (as a TCG player, those sets that you just listed made me loose all of my repect for you, if I had any, and yeah don't post if you don't know what you are posting about).
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

smacktack15 said:
DP1!!!!!!!! or POP6 those sets sux (yes I am spelling suck as sux because those sets suck so much agrhhhh)
Isse: I don't like your opinion because all of the sets that you mentioned have Worlds-winning cards based around them. Please think before you type (as a TCG player, those sets that you just listed made me loose all of my repect for you, if I had any, and yeah don't post if you don't know what you are posting about).Did you think before you typed?

His opinion has nothing to do with the way he plays the game. Anyways... In my opinion PK is the worst. However, it might just be because I run duskqueen which utilises both DP1 and HP.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

pappi/ma how are you going to settle anything if you dont know what cards came in which set....
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

i would say crystal guardians sucks becuase there nothing good in the set and it was a waste of a set.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

The worst modified set is pop4, there were 0 playable or good cards in that set. The worst set that isn't a pop set is probably power keepers. The only reason I say this is because holon phantoms has Rare candy but next month Holon phantoms is definately the worst.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

^Sceptile. And pop sets aren't sets. They are just a collection of promos. Which are just for collection purposes.
increpar said:
pappi/ma how are you going to settle anything if you dont know what cards came in which set....
umm, wtf? I used pokebeachs set lists to do that, so if anythings wrong its there fault. LOL. What cards are you referring to? I want to see what you can come up with.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Worst: Power Keepers
2nd Worst: Great Encounters (If I can say GE)

I just didn't like PK as much and they said it was the last 'ex' series, so that was a huge dissapointment. It was not very celebratory for the last set, either. GE for the cut-out cards.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
Worst: Power Keepers
2nd Worst: Great Encounters (If I can say GE)

I just didn't like PK as much and they said it was the last 'ex' series, so that was a huge dissapointment. It was not very celebratory for the last set, either. GE for the cut-out cards.

dmaster out.

Dude >.> GE may be one of the best sets we are going to get, the cut out isnt that big of a deal when you see how many playable cards we are getting, im actually happy about it as it gives us the other japan cards.

We dont use any cards from that set, ANY!!! LOLZ
From power keepers we got absol ex, delcatty, blaziken which will be pretty sweet now, and some other random little stuff. At least it had something we use now. As great as DF was we use less cards from that set right now then we do from pk so how is it the worst set right now >.>??
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

yuyuman345 said:
worst set modyfyed: probably power keepers and secret wonders
secret wonders: lame name only 4 lines of pokemon were good only 3 in decks really trainers r kinda bad the set wzas overall lame
power keepers: not aton to talk about here either just was a boring set
next set is going to be alot more interesting
worst set of all time: EX EMERALD
omg there was nothing in this set even the exs were bad
You fail. Miserably.
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