Best set released so far

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RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Captain Petey said:
d master342 said:
Worst: Power Keepers
2nd Worst: Great Encounters (If I can say GE)

I just didn't like PK as much and they said it was the last 'ex' series, so that was a huge dissapointment. It was not very celebratory for the last set, either. GE for the cut-out cards.

dmaster out.

Dude >.> GE may be one of the best sets we are going to get, the cut out isnt that big of a deal when you see how many playable cards we are getting, im actually happy about it as it gives us the other japan cards.

We dont use any cards from that set, ANY!!! LOLZ
From power keepers we got absol ex, delcatty, blaziken which will be pretty sweet now, and some other random little stuff. At least it had something we use now. As great as DF was we use less cards from that set right now then we do from pk so how is it the worst set right now >.>??

It's one thing to express your opinion, but don't bash other members. You included, Papi/Manny. I agree that Power Keepers is good, as far as the playable cards go, but as I already said, it was not as important as they should've made it out to be. It was the last in the ex series that they're going to do for a while, and it didn't express that to the fullest. It was just a port of some other sets with re-made cards. Great Encounters is not the best we're going to get. If it doesn't have Garchomp Lv.X, which many people expected, along with the Eeveelutions and the Fossils, than I consider it a bad set. To not have the cards that many people expected is a huge damper on many people and it was a huge mistake by PUSA. Again, please don't bash me or other people's opinions. This is just a thread to generate discussion, not interrogate.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

ok sorry for the bash a bit just that your views are a bit misplaced.

GE did lose the eeveelutions and the fossils, but still has the best starter in the format and agruable the best set up poke in the game as well. It also happens to have fantastic playable pokemon more so then maybe any of the other sets so far, maybe MT has as much, thats about it though. Losing the fossils and the lutions is pretty cool just cause we dont have to suffer a 3 month gap and have a dp5 with many of the japanese cards we otherwise may have not gotten.

Garchomp lvl x isnt great, wouldnt have made dp4 any better XD

Umm PK was a filler set though. Dragon Frontiers was meant to be the last set of the ex series, and was a great set. PK was a filler like dp5 is kinda going to be cause of the huge gap. So its not a big deal that they ended the ex series like so. They didnt want to dramatically change the game, as we were going to get into a whole new series.

Just striking to hear 2 playable sets as being called the worst when Holon Phantoms is just total garbage. GE is going to greatly change the format, we have a bunch of new decks from it, though we lost the fossils it may one of the best sets eva into a just really great set, kinda like deoxys set was lolz
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

You fail to see my side. All you say is the playable cards will change the era. Nobody knows what's going to happen. MT was a dissapointment and so was SW for some people. I fail to see GE making a huge impact. >..> I'm thinking outside the box, in ways beyond playable cards. Please, stop arguing with me, because we have different views.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Okay, since I accidently hit back on my amazing post, I'll just simply say you are wrong on soo many levels.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
You fail to see my side. All you say is the playable cards will change the era. Nobody knows what's going to happen. MT was a dissapointment and so was SW for some people. I fail to see GE making a huge impact. >..> I'm thinking outside the box, in ways beyond playable cards. Please, stop arguing with me, because we have different views.

dmaster out.

NOW im going to bash ya lolz
You see outside the box, BEYOND PLAYABLE CARDS ROFL!!! Like wtf ROFL

Dude what makes a set good, umm GOOD CARDS!!! No one knows whats going to happen!? Its just a game, dude pachirisu for example, when was the last time we had a poke that searched for 3 basics!? Dunny and he was great, we dont have any good starters now that is even as close as good and in most eras we really havent. You have different views cause your a noob >.> Garchomp lvl x.....point proven :p
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

I'm not talking about the playablility of the cards, so if you have a similar argument to that other guy, then please leave it to yourself.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

what makes a set in your eyes? im guessing the overall view of the set when they came out. Btw please dont call Mysterious Treasures a disappointment lolz Its right now the best set we got
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
I'm not talking about the playablility of the cards, so if you have a similar argument to that other guy, then please leave it to yourself.

dmaster out.
You mean me? Oh, I had this incredible post analyzing all of the good cards in this set (was 40 minutes into it and missed my gf calling me as a result before my computer was dumb and went back on me) and was well over 30 cards. Find me another set with that many cards. EVER. If we're not talking about the worse/best sets ever by plablity, then what are we talking about? Artwork? Cause the new cards have such amazing artwork that your argument is dead wrong. Umm, your favorite pokes in the set? Thats just being childish. If we are talking about sales (I believe this is where you are going) then expedition era would be what your looking for. Power Keepers didn't have to be a big bang as I really consider Dragon Frontiers to be the last one (and dont' you dare say this was a bad set) and PK to be more of a promo filler set...which is what it was.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

HP is junk?? Whaddya call flygon? kabutops? holon adventurer? and rare candy? you call those cards junk? and dont forget armaldo.. That can make an impact soon.. Petey.. please think over what you say..
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

I'm talking not specifically playablility, I'm taking into account everything. Artwork, the hype, playability(limited) are all important factors.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
I'm talking not specifically playablility, I'm taking into account everything. Artwork, the hype, playability(limited) are all important factors.

dmaster out.
And how does MT not live up to any of that??? And riskbrakers, the only cards that are currently playable from that set are flygon d and candy, which I thought I already explained was in pop4-6 (forgot which one) so its not a key OMG IF ITS NOT IN HP THE FORMAT DIES situation.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

SW was definatley the worst. It would've been nice if we had had our 3+ Lv.X's and if they hadn't made G&G. It got top cut more then 118 times. U_U Sad to see that no one could handle the person deck. But taking everything in to acount, Dp1, 2 and 3 are the worst sets. Everyone says Pk and HP were so terrible because you can't play them anymore without getting rapped sideways by cards in Dp1 +. And it's true. Before the DP sets, there were archetypes, but there were sooo many and they were all useable and fun and had a chance at winning. Infernape, E-vier, Magmortar, Blissey, Lucario, Empoleon, G&G, DWD, T2B really killed off everything; G&G and T2B being the most popular. Before the combo list went on and on, and now its, play T2B, Magmortar or G&G. Blastphemous

EDIT: THANK-YOU d master. I am glad to see that i'm not alone on my continet of DP hating.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

You fail to see that I didn't mention MT on my list for Worst sets. I mentioned PK/GE as the Top Two. I was just giving MT as an example.

EDIT: THANK-YOU ST. Finally, someone sees my similar side of the argument.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

riskbreakers said:
HP is junk?? Whaddya call flygon? kabutops? holon adventurer? and rare candy? you call those cards junk? and dont forget armaldo.. That can make an impact soon.. Petey.. please think over what you say..

i am, tops WONT be played over the pk or GE well now dp5 versions XD holon adventurer is AWFUL NOW and gets completely outclassed by the new supporter coming out in GE which is just good, so what does that say about adventurer...armaldo if its fossil is good still is just another eh card at best.

RARE CANDY I WILL GIVE YOU!! LOLZ Though its been remade a billion times and flygon though it gets destroyed by blissey and isnt great anymore but r gon can make a semi comebak who knows. My point is hp has just about no good cards, pidgeot d tech is cute, flygon hp thats about it. Omastar d can be used as a tech it can do good dmg and covers psychic but lets be honest, we dont use ANY of the hp cards, rc but like i said its just a remade card we got from the pop packs anyways and its coming in the GE set as well....
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

d master342 said:
You fail to see my side. All you say is the playable cards will change the era. Nobody knows what's going to happen. MT was a dissapointment and so was SW for some people. I fail to see GE making a huge impact. >..> I'm thinking outside the box, in ways beyond playable cards. Please, stop arguing with me, because we have different views.

dmaster out.
Crap, dont' know how to bold. But 1st sentence buddy. For you to say that SW was a disappointment is just too funny. I wish my computer didn't crap out on me cause I guarentee anyone who knows how to read could've seen how easily GE is one of the best sets ever released, even short the fossils (eeveelutions aren't specatular). SJ, no, wrong. EXs will, in fact, see more play by state time then BRs/Cities. Not saying in tier 1 decks but decks will be poping up, including our friend flygon ex d.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Serjent_Tankian said:
Ge was definatley the worst. It would've been nice if we had had our 3+ Lv.X's and if they hadn't made G&G. It got top cut more then 118 times. U_U Sad to see that no one could handle the person deck. But taking everything in to acount, Dp1, 2 and 3 are the worst sets. Everyone says Pk and HP were so terrible because you can't play them anymore without getting rapped sideways by cards in Dp1 +. And it's true. Before the DP sets, there were archetypes, but there were sooo many and they were all useable and fun and had a chance at winning. Infernape, E-vier, Magmortar, Blissey, Lucario, Empoleon, G&G, DWD, T2B really killed off everything; G&G and T2B being the most popular. Before the combo list went on and on, and now its, play T2B, Magmortar or G&G. Blastphemous

Its not the dp sets are bad its just that they just way too much stronger then the ex sets. Your just talking about the overall metagame which i agree with you, im tried of the absol varients all over the place. Nothing has been able to set up against gallade gardy as gallade has gardy to set up while other decks have nada, with absol and you have a dangerous combo. But thats why i said GE is so cool, we do have ways to set up against the g and g now.

Format still wont greatly develop till at least 2-3 more sets. Till then we must deal :-/

No papi, they just dont like the format itself and how each set changed the format. They dont like G&G dominating but i dont think they see why it does
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Bold = ["b"]do word/phrase here["/b"] Without quotations of course. I don't care what people will think. I care what I think. I hate people who try to think it will be great, and then be disappointed. This is what happened with MT/SW and more recently Diamond Dust.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

When a set is junk it means the cards were almost NEVER used.. Just before DP came.. HP cards were widely used.. For example.. Before Roseanne's came out.. Garchomp users used aerodactyl HP as a tech.. So you have no right to call HP a junky set just because most of it's cards arent used now.. These cards were used before so you really cannot say it was junky..
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

PM:Flygon ex is probably the most playable ex there is. Why? It has 150 HP with no weakness, and has typing over.. G&G. Looks like we are back to the point of G&G killing the format. I will admit, I should've added that Flygon ex is still playable, so thanks for pointing that out. It's S_T by the way. But I bieleve you to be wrong, only because of Cress Lv.X. No one wants to have their opponent take half their prize cards for 1 KO -_-

risk: Yeah, and garchomp did so good at.....Pre releases. Just because you tech something in a deck doesn't make the entire set, or even that card, all that great. If areodactyl hadn't been made, then Chomp would've simply waited in line for smeargle and roseanne's, or accepted Mr. Stones.
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