Best set released so far

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RE: Best Unlimited Cards/Decks

Mewtrick, Jason Klazinski's Deck (or something like that). It Hurts, bad.
RE: best unlimited cards/decks

chazmander said:
Lou Cypher said:
Blastcune wrecks. A lot.

what's in Blastcune?
I've heard of it before, but I don't really have a clue what's in it or what it does.

It's Blastoise (BS) and Suicune Ex (MvA). Have a look at the scans, and the combo becomes quite obvious (attach more energies to Suicune Ex, do more damage basically).

SneaselKing is quite nice in Unlimited, as is Vileplume Ex (HL).
RE: Best Unlimited Cards/Decks

Unlimited here in Italy is made of Blastcune, Vileplume and Delcatty ex / Parasect Neo.
Worst Pokemon Set?

In your opinion out of all the legal sets what is you least favorite? Mine would have to be Holon Phantoms!
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Why? They had Holon Castform, Mew ex, Flygon {d}, Holon Adventurer... it was a great set.

There is no worst Pokemon set, as they each contribute to other decks. If I had to pick one, it'd be Deoxys. Not much came out of it except Jirachi and Manetric ex...
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

I like all the legal sets. Really, there is no WORST set, except MAYBE... uhm... Dragon Fronteirs. We dont' see much of {d} Pokemon anymore... it was good for the 06'-07' season, but isn't seeing a lot of play currently.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Holon Phantoms also has rare candy...
the worst legal pokemon set would be power keepers
it only had the delcaton engine, blaziken pk, absol & metagross ex, as well as machamp and other few as good pokemon
and it was nearly all made out of reprints. delcatty, slaking, magneton, blaziken, gardevoir, etc...
other set that i don't like very much is DP1
3 votes for PK; 1 for HP; 1 for DF by now
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Sylar said:
Why? They had Holon Castform, Mew ex, Flygon {d}, Holon Adventurer... it was a great set.

There is no worst Pokemon set, as they each contribute to other decks. If I had to pick one, it'd be Deoxys. Not much came out of it except Jirachi and Manetric ex...
Jirachi, manetric ex, deoxy ex, latios*, latias*, ray*, metagross, magcargo, ludicolo, lunatone, solrock, hariyama ex, salamence ex, and rayquaza ex. Terrible set. :/ Holon phantoms is the worse set in format. I don't think theres a single card from that set that is played thats not in another set.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

It's harder to choose from the Legal sets, because they all help equally to decks.

DF is the worst out of those, PK has about 14/41% of our decks taken up, so how can you call it a bad set
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

rarecandy in hp papi/manny.of couse, in less then a month candy is reprinted so once dp4 comes out, yeah hp is the worst
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Papi/Manny said:
Sylar said:
Why? They had Holon Castform, Mew ex, Flygon {d}, Holon Adventurer... it was a great set.

There is no worst Pokemon set, as they each contribute to other decks. If I had to pick one, it'd be Deoxys. Not much came out of it except Jirachi and Manetric ex...
Jirachi, manetric ex, deoxy ex, latios*, latias*, ray*, metagross, magcargo, ludicolo, lunatone, solrock, hariyama ex, salamence ex, and rayquaza ex. Terrible set. :/ Holon phantoms is the worse set in format. I don't think theres a single card from that set that is played thats not in another set.

Oh, forgot about Ludicargo and Lunarock. I don't view Deoxy ex as much more than a tech.

Harry ex? I dont' view that as a necessarly good card, IMO.
RE: Worst Pokemon Set?

Isn't candy in power keepers too? And power keepers had steven's. And of the mighty claydol ex. :D
Edit: yama was in a few very good decks. And deoxys was the only way to beat powblock with scizor.
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