Best set released so far

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RE: is rival the worst draw supporter ever?

many people use it i dont like it though its a card used to put confusion into your enemies as the ydont know what you need
Who is your Favorite Lv. X?

Who's your favorite Lv. X? Please tell me...and why you think so.

Please only include Lv. Xs that came out in America, please.

My Idea: Tie between Gardy and Magmortar. Gardy because she's a great partner with Gallade. Magmortar because he can do 100 damage to any pokemon, not to mention a 30 damage per turn burn.

Please post what you think!
RE: Who is your Favorite Lv. X?

I think Honchkrow. It just looks wiked cool, and Honchkrow is one of my favorite Pokemon.
And it's a pretty good card.
RE: Who is your Favorite Lv. X?

Lucario Lv.x because it has great artwork great power/body
and is one of my favorite pokemon.....
RE: Who is your Favorite Lv. X?

"what's your favorite _________" kind of threads are not allowed because they only lead to one-word answers and 0 discussion.
RE: is rival the worst draw supporter ever?

ijust use it in my deck to show off all the cool cards i have, then in the middle of a duel my friends are ALWAYS(I WANT TO REALLY EMPHASIZE THE ALWAYSSSSSSSS) say they resign and beg for me to trade off sum lvl X or delta EX lol. i always turned em down :p.
RE: is rival the worst draw supporter ever?

No way. The newer Pokedex are worse. Choose one card of the 2 shown from the top of your deck. Wowee!

If they kept it to 5 cards still, I'd prolly use it.
RE: is rival the worst draw supporter ever?

Pokedex is good because it lets you dig through your deck instead of you top-decking and it's not a supporter
RE: is rival the worst draw supporter ever?

Overall Rival is terrible...I mean, you can get the same number of cards from cards like Oak's Visit and TV Reporter...and the really BAD part about it is that your opponent picks those cards. If you want to run this card in a deck, you should have no more than 2 copies. Although Rival does have some making your opponent guess about your hand. That's a nice little thing about the card. But overall...2/10.
Don't play more than 1 -2 copies!
RE: is rival the worst draw supporter ever?

Yes, Rival is horrible. It just lets your oppennt choose everything bad for you.
Best Unlimited Cards/Decks

What are, in your opinion, the best unlimited cards or card combos?
Are there any combos that you think could beat some of the best decks today (gallade, empoleon)? What pokemon and/or trainers are your favorites? My favorite card is Super Energy Removal. Its capable of doing so much!!
RE: best unlimited cards/decks

Sneasel, Chaos Gym, all those non-Supporters like Bill, Professor Oak, Rocket's Sneak Attack, Lass, Computer Search . . . Double Colorless Energy . . . Gust of Wind, ER, SER.

Broken PokePowers like Slowking, Blastoise, and Vileplume.

The new Pokemon generally have higher HP, better weakness, and better attacks than the old ones, but it is the ridiculously broken Trainers that would give the win to unlimited decks. They basically play Bill, Oak, Item Finder, and Computer Search repeatedly until they have their perfect set up, and then kill you in two or three turns (if you're lucky).

As for a favourite . . . probably Erika's Jigglypuff. Oak/Bill for Double Colorless and PlusPowers until you have the ultimate donking machine!
RE: best unlimited cards/decks

As I have proven to anyone who has ever asked, Queendom (Jeremy Maron's 2005 World Champion Deck.) is by far, the best, and most consistent deck in Ruby/Sapphire on.

Polistall and Mewtric are two others that, in the right hands, can dominate the playing field in Ruby/Sapphire on.
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