Best set released so far

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RE: Worst Card in HG/SS (Rare)?

6-Dimension said:
Cleffa is so much better than some of the others as it provides draw. Howzabout... Wobbuffet.


Holo Rare Reprint that super mega sucks.

dmaster out.
RE: Worst Card in HG/SS (Rare)?

Butterfree, Exeggutor and Sandslash.
They look so... ugly. >:

Butterfree's the worst of the three, though. Bleh.
RE: Worst Card in HG/SS (Rare)?

What's so bad about Butterfree?
Sure, it's definitely not stellar, but a Grass and a DCE for 60 and a switch isn't too bad. Its first attack can do wonders if you've retreated enough times and have taken tons of hits.

Exeggutor isn't that bad as well. Having 6 energies attached, you can expect 120 damage. It's first attack is pretty useless considering having such a low HP though.

Now with Sandslash, he needs a Fighting and Colorless energy to attack with 40(including that end turn's poison). His second attack does 3 X 30 with heads(making Exeggutor already far more superior). And he has 80 HP. That's pretty bad.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

There are so many overlooked cards it's crazy. I'm hoping some people will read this thread and tech some of these cards in, making them more played and hopefully change up their meta a little bit.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

festizzio said:
I would have to say Jirachi RR and Blissey PT. Jirachi is an excellent starter, and its poke-power is very nice. Blissey is a potion every turn, and has a one-energy attack that can be pretty beastly if used correctly.

Jirachi RR is a starter that has been known for a while, but if you go first then Jirachi RR doesn't really do anything. And then, the Power doesn't work if you get hit by Gengar or Machamp. Blissey is actually a nice tech. Sad no one thinks of it much anymore.

@Scnappy: I wrote an article on the Rotoms of RR. It has great type coverage, but the damage output is just a little low unless you can get the right type matchup.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

Shaymin Lv.X said:
Sableye SW, For one energy you can get some trainers.
It can be pretty good.

Another alternative that has been used by people in my area is Farfetch'd SF
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

Burmy AR for the Wormadam deck is pretty mean. I've had a lot of success with it, the only problem is you have to know EXACTLY what you're doing with it to work it. I misplay a lot still so it doesn't always work, but when it does, it's fast.

I'm running Charizard right now. It's a lot of fun, but I don't think it should be run in the 4-of format that people keep trying. He's a great early and late game hitter, but the deck needs a mid game. I've been using Ho-Oh Legend for that, and it's been working well.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

I've seen people try burmy when it first came out, its fast, but It looses to most metagame decks.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

I love coming up with new deck ideas, but hate that they aren't viable because of all of the archetypes in the meta. That's why I'm trying to get everyone here to brainstorm lol.

I know this isn't out yet, but:

Sableye - Darkness - HP 60
[D] Pickup: Show 1 card from your discard pile to your opponent, then return it to the top of your deck.
[D][C] Dark Hand: 20 damage. If you have more cards in your hand than your opponent has in his or her hand, this attack does an additional 30 damage.
Weakness: none
Resistance: Colorless (-20)
Retreat: 1

luxury ball anyone? lol
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

festizzio said:
I would have to say Jirachi RR and Blissey PT. Jirachi is an excellent starter, and its poke-power is very nice.

I built a fun deck based around starter pokemon (Sableye SF, Jirachi RR, Pachirisu GE) and discovered the beastliness that is Jirachi, and it isn't even in the power or the first attack. Swift, for 20, and it gets around EVERYTHING. It can hit Mewtwo X, Mime, Flygon after a Sand Wall. Just put e-belt, special metals and snowpoint in play. It fails against anything that hits hard, but it can survive a couple dragon rushes (plus resistance to psychic and free retreat).

I played a friend with it and it took out his Mewtwo X in three hits haha.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

piplup234 said:
I've seen people try burmy when it first came out, its fast, but It looses to most metagame decks.

Exactly. The deal with it is that you can take things out really early on with Trash Cloak because he's easy to set up and put the hurt on IF you know what the deck is trying to do and it comes out early enough for you to take advantage of it. That's the problem I have is a lack of experience against most major deck types, so I don't always know what to target first past Claydol.

BTW, Lose, not looses. I am a grammar and spelling nazi. Thank you.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

come on metagross LA is not an overlooked card. i won nationals with that card (look for the decklist at my sig -no much strat explanation though-) overlooked card is lucario lvl x :( . ( iwill consider playing again metagross though with dce out now)


also w8 to see the article me and lysandros we write and you will be amazed by the cards that can get you a t3-5 sure game win. (its a pity that we cant attend worlds it could even win worlds this year)
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

El Radar said:
I built a fun deck based around starter pokemon (Sableye SF, Jirachi RR, Pachirisu GE) and discovered the beastliness that is Jirachi, and it isn't even in the power or the first attack. Swift, for 20, and it gets around EVERYTHING. It can hit Mewtwo X, Mime, Flygon after a Sand Wall. Just put e-belt, special metals and snowpoint in play. It fails against anything that hits hard, but it can survive a couple dragon rushes (plus resistance to psychic and free retreat).

I played a friend with it and it took out his Mewtwo X in three hits haha.

I'm calling shenanigans. Jirachi tank is very overlooked though.

dmaster out.
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

darvor said:
come on metagross LA is not an overlooked card. i won nationals with that card (look for the decklist at my sig -no much strat explanation though-) overlooked card is lucario lvl x :( . ( iwill consider playing again metagross though with dce out now)

How are you doing with it this season? What age group did you play it in?
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

im still thinking how it will work . DCE is something notable but im still thinkin whats the best tech to combo it.and i won nats and masters age division. if you want to know more or some thoughts we can continue through pms ;)
RE: Most overlooked card in the format?

dmaster said:
I'm calling shenanigans. Jirachi tank is very overlooked though.

dmaster out.

Hard for me to call it a tank deck but it is very good.
Also another overlooked card is Mismagius GL, if someone finds a decent combo w/ it it could be good.
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